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NZ or N. Korea?

New Zealand or North Korea?

With apologies to North Korea because she shouldn’t be insulted by being compared with New Zealand!

NZ Dollar, ANZ Bank, Spies, Assassins, Phone Tapping, Attempted Murder and the Military Regime with a Civilian Face

In reply to a message by a NZ Journalist, TERRES, my colleague and co-moderator, posted the following comment this afternoon:

Original Comment: http://rtsf.wordpress.com/2008/01/16/in-new-zealand/#comment-230

A colleague who lived in NZ and who has done some research on the “cloak and dagger” operations worldwide, believes a considerable number of “spies” [other than the obvious operatives from the US, UK, Canada and Australia] freely [with the full knowledge and consent of NZ govt.] operate in New Zealand. [He also informs me that he has inadvertently met a few of them in Nelson and in the Golden Bay area.] The operatives, he asserts, include Israeli, German, Italian, Danish … agents and former MI personnel from SA and Zimbabwe. [He has not disclosed the specific details.]

The worst culprits are by far New Zealand’s own “Canadian-trained” SS-like SIS agents [see links below,] my colleague contends, who occupy all the managerial and top positions within the government branches [e.g., NZ “Trade and Enterprise”] effectively transforming a civilian form of government into a “crypto-military fascist police state,” or an outright military regime with a civilian face like China or North Korea.

NZ $2 Coin (!) – A currency about to collapse?
For rules concerning reproduction of this image see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Nz_2d_front.jpg &

Restriction of Movement and “Forbidden” Currency Business

A day or so after my colleague had placed a currency order with ANZ Bank [he placed the order on behalf of his spouse, who was complying with the immigration requirements,] to buy a large amount of NZ dollars at low rates, anticipating a nosedive in the value of NZ dollar commensurate with New Zealand’s Enron-like economy, a spook, possibly a NZ SIS agent, followed him and his friends to the cafe in Riverside Community, a pacifist community situated in the Moutere valley near Nelson. The agent sat a few tables away from them reciting in the exact order names of all the places that my colleague had visited since he was eighteen, presumably to freak him out.


1. Although the currency deal was perfectly legitimate and my colleague was entitled to place the order with the ANZ, the bank officer, whose emotions were aroused because he thought any news of the order may result in negative sentiment against his home currency, refused to accept the order and a heated argument ensued over the phone. [A senior ANZ Bank employee intervened later.]

2. The agent could only have known where my colleague was heading that morning by tapping my colleague’s phone and listening to his last conversation immediately before he left home.

A Failed Assassination and Murder Attempt

In another most probably related incident, an intense beam of light, which my colleague now believes was a beam of laser light [probably emitted by a non-commercial device, judging by its unusual color,] was shined into his eyes as he drove his family home along their usual route on Nelson’s Atawhai Drive. The laser light temporarily blinded him and could have resulted in a fatal road accident on the busy thoroughfare had he not immediately pulled off the road and stopped on an embankment, while his eyes recovered. The incident was a failed assassination attempt on his life, which could have also resulted in the murder of his family—his spouse and their two young children.

Ironically, the assassination attempt, had it not failed, would have looked just like a “routine” road fatality on New Zealand’s death roads.

If additional information comes into our possession, it’ll posted on this forum, or at one of the following blogs:

Useful links:

3 Responses to “NZ or N. Korea?”

  1. te2ataria said

    New Zealand: A Cesspool of Spies, Assassins, Genocidal Murderers

    One of the blog contributors and his family, mislead by New Zealand’s official publicity apparatus, which falsely portrayed the country as ‘clean’ and ‘green,’ and the deceptive propaganda by the government, which misrepresented New Zealand as a free and democratic country, moved to New Zealand in October 2004, with a view to starting up the Solar Clusters project —a blueprint for sustainable cities, which would have attracted billions of dollars in foreign investment and created thousands of jobs… Here’s how the events unfolded:
    Human Rights Violations

    New Zealand Trade and Enterprise agency (NZTE) and their offshoot Economic Development Agency (EDA) discriminated against me on grounds of my political and ethical beliefs thereby violating my human rights (Human Rights Act Section 21; subsection 1D and 1J).

    EDA withdrew their support for Solar Clusters when I refused to work closely with their nominee. I declined EDA request to admit the woman to my proposed company’s board of directors, because her military family was glorifying an object of war by way of renovating a WWII bomber plane.

    When NZTE also withdrew their support for the project, a NZ government “secret service” (NZSIS) agent, who received his cue from the local agency boss, who doubled as the NZTE Nelson branch officer, told me that NZTE had withdrawn their support for the project because of my organization’s human rights campaign against Canada’s continued genocide of its indigenous peoples. [See The Canadian Holocaust.]

    [Note: I know the NZTE branch officer in Nelson doubled as a government secret service agent (NZSIS) because he had detailed information about my family’s immigration application to NZ, as well as other private information about my education and political activity as a student in London, with which he was trying to intimidate me. The agent also had private and highly confidential information about a large number of individuals and their families in New Zealand, most of whom I had met.]

    The second “007,” who said he was born in Germany [though he might have been a Dane trying to disguise his true identity] and alleged to be a psychologist by training, approached me at the Peak Oil meeting in Nelson and invited me and my family to his house, to meet his Japanese spouse. He admonished me in the classic Stasi style for launching the Canadian Holocaust campaign. “Are you out of your mind,” he asked rhetorically. “Why are you making trouble?” He added: “Didn’t you know that Canada trains New Zealand’s secret service agents … [the agents] control everything around here …”

    “New Zealand Trade and Enterprise withdrew their support [for Solar Clusters Project] as [retribution] for your Canadian [Holocaust human rights] campaign on instructions from Ottawa.” The NZSIS agent confirmed.

    By withdrawing their support for the project, NZTE and EDA also violated the rights of many others including both New Zealanders and US citizens who wished to participate in the project.

    Once again, New Zealand government through NZTE, EDA and their Stasi-like spy agency had acted unethically, immorally and illegally against their own citizens, as well as me and my family.

    Ironically, the EDA boss declared himself a ‘devout’ Christian [sic.] He said he drew his strength from his faith [sic.] He also asserted that [unlike him] the NZ prime minister and her cabinet were ‘antichrist’ [Syn: Zionists. How else could they have climbed high up the political food chain?]

    He said on the phone: “There is no prospect for you or your project anywhere in New Zealand because of your political and ethical beliefs.” Following his threats, my family and I abandoned our plans and left New Zealand, having stayed there for 9 months.

    The EDA man said most of his friends had “served in combat capacity in Vietnam” and both they and he were “proud [of their] military legacy [of murdering the ‘gooks.’]”

    He forgot to mention, however, that his assassins-in-uniform brothers were significantly exposed to Agent Orange during the killing orgy in Vietnam. And that in one of life’s little ironies the Agent Orange was manufactured in New Zealand and supplied by NZ government to “go to Vietnam to kill old Charlie Cong,” in a flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention.

    A spokesperson for New Zealand ‘s assassins in uniform recently declared: “Through their deceit, cover-up and negligence [in the unmistakably Kiwi tradition], the New Zealand government has the blood of thousands of Kiwis, Vietnamese, Australians and Americans on their hands.” [No sh*t Sherlock!]

    What part of ‘THOU SHALT NOT KILL’ can’t the New Zealand churchgoers and their neocon padres understand? Surely, the military slant on the Church is diametrically opposed to the central tenets of Christianity. How do these “devout Christians” circumvent Christ and omit him from their belief equation?

    How could New Zealand possibly claim to be a democracy while these warmongering, murderous disciples of the militarized Zionist ‘Church,’ instructed by the Canadian secret service, run the show?
    A Fascist Nation of Human Rights Violations

    New Zealand is a ‘one-party’ timocratic monarchical oligarchy. It could be described also as a synarchy, or a crypto-military fascist police state. NZ began its shameful existence in rivers of Maori blood. About 85 percent of Maori were slaughtered by the genocidal land thieves, who then stole more than 95 percent of their land. New Zealand’s assassins in uniform continue to satisfy their blood lust by murdering Asians in serial massacres and blood orgies: Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, Vietnam…

    How could New Zealand possibly claim to be a legitimate nation while they breach international conventions breaching international laws with utter contempt? [NZ breached the Geneva Convention when it supplied Agent Orange and dispatched its assassins in uniform to assist the genocide in Vietnam.]

    How could the Asian nations ever forgive New Zealanders for murdering their kin, or trust them to evolve? New Zealand is a hostile Zionist military force stationed at a “convenient” outpost poised to strike again.

    The Canadian-trained (?) New Zealand “007” in Nelson proudly declared: “Vee [the genocidal murderers in New Zealand] are Vikings! [Using the mythical image of Vikings anachronistically and out of context to justify New Zealanders’ ‘genetic’ predisposition to loot, pillage, rape and murder, all of which comprises their ‘cultural’ heritage.]” Note how readily the simple change of residence from Germany to New Zealand transformed the mentally-retarded NZSIS agent and his cohorts, who protect the land-thieving, murderous New Zealand establishment like doped up sheepdogs, from aspiring ‘Aryans’ [read Nazis] to phony ‘Vikings’ [read habitual murderers.]

    No, Mr typical NZSIS you and your retarded cohorts are neither Aryans nor Vikings. You are misprints in embryo formation that belong in formalin specimen bottles on the laboratory shelves.

    It should come as no surprise that New Zealand aspires to become a major arms-producing nation: It’s “killing two birds with one stone,” quenching their lust for murder, and delaying their economic rigor mortis – in the unmistakably “kiwi” tradition.

    As for New Zealand’s Human Rights [sic] Commission, the role of this pseudo-humanitarian organization and its crooked commissioners is to rubber stamp the criminal government’s crimes against humanity.

    Violations of human rights should be abhorrent to a civilized society. If the United Nations is to retain even a shred of credibility among the majority of the world’s population, then it ought to flush its corrupt Human Rights Commission down the cesspool of history, starting with New Zealand’s Human Rights [sic] Commission and its corrupt commissioners.

    Click here for a link to a partial list of NZ companies that profit from bloodshed and war, and the NZ government support for the ‘defense’ industry.

    It is high time responsible peoples of Asia, S. America, Africa, E. Europe and Middle East purged their countries of New Zealand and Canadian spies who work at the embassies, trade and cultural missions…

    Perhaps nothing personifies the evil of New Zealand psyche better than the following incident. On the way to Nelson airport, the cabdriver asked why my family was leaving New Zealand. I explained briefly, mentioning the threats issued by the two government employees. The driver, with a mixture of anger and frustration, hit the steering wheel with the palm of his hand, inquiring bitterly, “why didn’t you put out a contract on them?”

    For that is how their murderous culture solves its outstanding issues!
    See Also:
    NZ Dollar, ANZ Bank, Spies, Assassins, Phone Tapping, Attempted Murder and the Military Regime with a Civilian Face

    New Zealand: A Cesspool of Spies, Assassins, Genocidal Murderers

  2. Gust Avrakotos said

    I first read your page several years ago, not fully registering its implications. Then, I heard about the “Havana Syndrome”, and recently read the account of Marc Polymeropoulos, the CIA agent in Moscow.

    Here’s what I think:

    When members of NZ SIS, British MI5/6, CIA… attempt to assasinate or harm ordinary people, in this case by flashing laser light into their eyes while they’re driving, does it follow that they should expect the same kind of things happening to them?

    Would it be a case of what’s good for the goose is good for the gander? Or is that too mild an expression to describe the “karmic exchange”?

    Assuming the following story is true…

    The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion
    By Julia Ioffe – October 19, 2020
    “He was a senior CIA official tasked with getting tough on Russia. Then, one night in Moscow, Marc Polymeropoulos’s life changed forever. He says he was hit with a mysterious weapon, joining dozens of American diplomats and spies who believe they’ve been targeted with this secret device all over the world—and even at home, on U.S. soil. Now, as a CIA investigation points the blame at Russia, the victims are left wondering why so little is being done to help them.

    “Marc Polymeropoulos awoke with a start. The feeling of nausea was overwhelming. Food poisoning, he thought, and decided to head for the bathroom. But when he tried to get out of bed, he fell over. He tried to stand up and fell again. It was the early morning hours of December 5, 2017, and his Moscow hotel room was spinning around him. His ears were ringing. He felt, he recalled, ‘like I was going to both throw up and pass out at the same time.'”

    “But as his symptoms grew worse, Polymeropoulos and his Agency colleagues noticed that his symptoms lined up with those of American diplomats who had apparently been attacked in Havana.”

    Gust Avrakotos

  3. Julie said

    Sir John Key: We need to break free of the hermit kingdom and stop ruling by fear on Covid-19 — Sep 26 2021

    “In a crisis, humans can be creative and inventive. Faced with the growing acceptance that Covid-19 and its variants may be with us indefinitely, the New Zealand Government and public health officials…”

    “The aim should no longer be to exist in a smug hermit kingdom, but to get back to a life where New Zealanders can travel overseas – for any reason – knowing they can return home when they want to, and where we again welcome visitors to this country.”

    “Some people might like to continue the North Korean option. I am not one of them.

    “Public health experts and politicians have done a good job of making the public fearful, and therefore willing to accept multiple restrictions on their civil liberties, which are disproportionate to the risk of them contracting Covid.

    “Another problem with the hermit kingdom model is that you have to believe the Government can go on borrowing a billion dollars every week to disguise that we are no longer making our way in the world.”

    Sir John Key was prime minister of New Zealand for 8 long years, from 2008 until 2016 [causing unimaginable harm to the country.]


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