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Chemical Contamination

PFOS and PFOA foams have both been banned in New Zealand since 2006, but some MFkers still use them!

Firefighting foam: Multinational won’t release results
“The multinational company at one of the sites of firefighting chemical contamination in south Taranaki is refusing to release test results.
“Wood Group Training, an Aberdeen-based company in Scotland with 55,000 employees, operates the firefighting training site near Opunake.
“Wood has told the Taranaki Regional Council the results are confidential.”

Risk to human health from long-term exposure to both PFOA and PFOS

Shell, the multinational oil and gas giant, says it is in the process of removing PFOS foam at its Paritūtū and Omata tank farms, 12 years after it was banned.

3M Knew About the Dangers of PFOA and PFOS Decades Ago, Internal Documents Show

“Internal studies and other documents show that 3M knew by the 1970s that PFOA and PFOS were toxic and accumulating in people’s blood.”

“The history of PFAS compounds has mostly revolved around DuPont. That giant company also knew for decades that PFOA was escaping its plant, leaching into nearby drinking water, accumulating in the blood of its workers, and harming animals tested in its own labs. Since 2004, DuPont has paid more than $1 billion in class-action litigation and several related suits filed by people living near its plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia — and faced massive public outrage over its actions.”

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