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Posts Tagged ‘NZ Degree’

One More Reason Not to Study in Poxy New Zealand!

Posted by te2ataria on November 25, 2008

submitted by a reader

Your New Zealand Degree Isn’t worth the Paper It’s Printed On!

As if being shot by the police, murdered in 57 ways, gang raped, kidnapped and beaten senseless wasn’t enough to deter foreigners studying in poxy New Zealand, now they have one more compelling reason…

Scotland-based Susan Barnard, 55, is about to become the first teacher in the United Kingdom to be struck off because of her incompetence. [Given the overall poor standard of education in Great Britain, you can just imagine the depth of her incompetence.]

Barnard has admitted that she is unable to plan lessons, communicate with pupils and manage her classes.

Barnard, who was born in England, told reporters she had trained at the Auckland College of Education. Source.

So, there you have it! Do you still want to study in New Zealand?

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