Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Zombies in Darkland

NEW ZEALAND Turned into the Darkest Land

They find ‘em here, they find ‘em there… corpses, bodies, cadavers, stiffs everywhere

Not a day, not an hour goes by without a body being found somewhere in New Zealand

Take any city, “township,” road, blind alley, house, abandoned structure, cupboard, garage, burnt out wreckage of a car… look carefully, and you’ll find a body!

It’s no wonder New Zealand is among Top Ten destinations for “murder tourism.” [The others on the list are Afghanistan, Iraq, PNG, Somali…]

Interestingly (!) in most cases the police-instructed coroners want the curious public to believe that

  • A victim can commit suicide by first hanging himself, then walking to the  nearest bridge/ harbor and jumping into water
  • Bludgeon himself to death (!),  pretending it was an‘accidental death
  • Shoot himself in the head, and then set the house on fire the next day.

Here are some recent examples, which cover approximately 8 percent of such finds that have been reported or recorded by this blog, but somewhat demonstrate the point.

Most kiwis would say they’re  ’shocked’ when confronted with the evidence!

  • Body found on bus way
    Police say there appears to be nothing suspicious about the death of a 39-year-old man whose body was found lying in the middle of a bus way on Auckland’s North Shore. The man was found 100 metres north of the Constellation Drive terminal. He seems to have suffered significant injuries including bleeding from his head. Police have established the man’s identity and are contacting next of kin. [Means he’s a foreigner.] http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10615361
  • The body of an unidentified man has been discovered lying on the grass in a Manukau cemetery. Police say death not suspicious. When asked for more details, senior policeman is believed to have shouted, ‘it’s a cemetery, for Christ’s sake, what else did you expect to find there?” Or words to that effect.

The Riddle of Bodies in Burnt Out Cars and 450+ Missing Foreigners

An inordinate number of bodies are found in burnt out cars throughout New Zealand each year …

Man’s body found in burning car in Wellington (Friday Apr 10, 2009)

A man’s body was found in a burning car at a Lower Hutt property this morning. The Fire Service and police were called to the property in Normandale Rd, Belmont, about 7.40am.

Police said there were no suspicious circumstances and the matter would be referred to the coroner.

Identity of body found in burnt-out car yet to be confirmed (March 31, 2009)

Police are awaiting forensic tests to confirm the identity of a body found in a burnt-out vehicle in Tasman District this morning.

The body was discovered on the beach front of Kina Peninsula near Baigents Reserve, 13km southeast of Motueka, about 9.30am, Motueka Senior Sergeant Grant Andrews said.

The body of a man was found near his burning car (Fri March 20, 2009)

The man whose body was found near his burning car was identified as Lindsay Mark Antony Bell, 45, of Cambridge, New Zealand.

The nincompoop-come-secretive NZ police said the death was not being treated as suspicious. When asked  what happened to the guy, they said they couldn’t reveal the cause of death.  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10562654

Person found in burnt out car died in fire (February 18, 2009)

A body was found in a burnt out car near Auckland. The body, believed to be that of a man, was found in the driver’s seat of a white hatchback at Kawakawa Bay, about 55km southeast of downtown Auckland.

Detective Sergeant Veronica McPherson, from Counties Manukau police, said the death was not thought to be suspicious.

Burnt body found near Motueka (January 4, 2009)

The charred remains of a body was found in a burnt-out car near Motueka. A local resident walking his dog made the grisly discovery – at Baigent’s Reserve on the tip of Kina Peninsula – about 7.30am, said Senior Sergeant Grant Andrews of Motueka police.

Police were unsure how the fire had occurred or what colour the car had been.

Body found in car fire at beach (May 27, 2008)

Police forensic experts are at the scene where a body was found in a burnt-out car at Maori Bay, Muriwai.

Police spokesman Kevin Loughlin said the cause of the fire had not been determined and police were likely to release more information this afternoon.

Onehunga car fire death not suspicious

The body of a man was found in a burnt out car in Auckland after it had been seen doing a large “burn out.”

Police say the fire which killed the man in Onehunga, south Auckland, last night was not suspicious.

Identity of body should be known on Tuesday

The body of the man found dead in a burnt out car near Owaka in south Oatgo on Sunday was taken to Dunedin today for a post-mortem examination.

Senior Sergeant Lane Todd, of Balclutha, declined to name the man. A passing motorist raised the alarm about 8am on Sunday after finding the burning car on the Southern Scenic Route.

Related Links, and More Body Discoveries:

5 Responses to “Zombies in Darkland”

  1. rbt said

    I was told very blatantly by an insurance salesman that if I wanted to secure a life insurance policy for the purpose of ensuring my family would thrive after my suicide (he may have been assuming, given my medical history as reported, that I was going to do that), then I would have to pay in for 18 months first!

    Knowing what I do about New Zealand now after living here as long as I have, I doubt whether my family would ever have received any money, anyway. They run so many scams here that the place is like Swiss Cheese. That may be why New Zealand is a top-rated place to “do business”. You can get away with, well…murder! And these happen all the time. If it isn’t ruled a suicide it’s people settling scores. They have no faith in the justice system, proceedings take years without results, they can’t afford lawyers, and like many other features of life here such as work and residence, people operate under the official radar and without leaving written evidence of their doings or contracts. It is often said of New Zealand that they prefer to conclude business with a handshake. What they don’t tell you is that this leaves a ton of space for abuse. And it happens. It happens.

  2. […] Darkland […]

  3. te2ataria said

    Experts called in over headless skeleton

    The headless skeleton was found in the Barack Rd home by contractors and police have scoured the missing persons database (!!) but haven’t yet identified the man.

    Remains found after teen’s murder
    Christchurch police investigating the murder of Hayden Miles have recovered human remains from a crime scene at the Ruru Lawn Cemetery in Linwood.

  4. guy said

    I’m so a lahoooooooooooooooo sssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heeeeeeeeeeeer

  5. te2ataria said

    Body found in creek on outskirts of Blenheim

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