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Aussie MP: NO Automatic Entry for kiwis

Posted by te2ataria on November 12, 2009

kiwis are Bad News!

Aussie MP, Kelvin Thomson, wants to limit the number of kiwis in OZ

He says there should be no automatic right of entry to Australia for [“bloody”] kiwis.

“To reach a net overseas annual migration target of 70,000, the number of automatic places available for New Zealanders needs to be restricted to the number of departures from Australia over and above 25,000,” Thomson said.

He wants to “re-negotiate” Trans-Tasman Travel arrangement so as to prevent so many New Zealanders settling in Australia. he wants New Zealanders to  compete for skilled migrant openings together with other nationalities.

According to Thompson, 47,780 Kiwis migrated to Australia in 2008-09—a near threefold increase from 16,364 just 6 years ago.

“This open-ended, uncapped program makes it impossible for Australia or New Zealand to implement a population policy and it needs to be reformed,”  Thomson said.

“He said Australia needs to get New Zealand to look at their population capacity ‘rather than simply acting as an overflow for surplus population.'” According to a report.

“Mr Thomson also proposed limiting the overall numbers of people arriving as skilled migrants, and as part of the family reunion scheme. He also proposed increasing the refugee quota.”

He believes Australia should stabilize its population at 26 million and to achieve that target migrations should be capped at 70,000 people a year.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on the other hand,  supports a “big Australia,” opposing  limits on immigration numbers.

“I make no apology for that. I actually think it’s good news that our population is growing. I think it’s good … for our national security long term, it’s good in terms of what we can sustain as a nation,” said   Australia’s Daily Telegraph.

This blog had previously suggested in Evil Karma

A Warning to Australians:

Apartheid kiwis may be about to receive a one-finger salute from God!

To avoid a nightmare scenario, Australians are well advised to demand pakeha bring their own food and drink, and hold the lot of them in quarantine in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania!

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