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Archive for April 22nd, 2015

John Key’s attempts to groom waitress for ménage à trois backfire

Posted by te2ataria on April 22, 2015

Pervert Prime Minister shows his true colours

The waitress said the Prime Minister pulled on her ponytail on several occasions, and then joked that his wife did it.


The waitress said Key had repeatedly tugged on her ponytail on several occasions. She is said to be a waitress at a Rosie, a cafe frequented by Key and his wife Bronagh near their Parnell mansion, according to a report.

“She claimed the Prime Minister approached her again at the cafe on March 13, but the waitress made her views clear”.

The waitress said she told him to stop, “or I will actually hit you soon”.

“During that visit, she said Key asked her manager: “she really doesn’t like me pulling her ponytail?” to which the manager said ‘well…no'”.

Annette King, the MP for Rongotai, said the PM should have known better.

“Is the Prime minister going to judge himself in the same way he judged Aaron Gilmore? A higher standard is expected of any Prime Minister,” King said.

“Touching anybody in an unwelcome manner is always very inappropriate and I think it’s especially true if you’re in a position of power, which the Prime Minister is,” King said.

“I think it was a stupid action and the Prime Minister in particular, doesn’t have the luxury of tomfoolery, particularly with people who are employees and people that he doesn’t know.”

King said it would be “very difficult” for the waitress to complain because of the imbalance in power.


Green MP Metiria Turei said the incidents amounted to bullying.

“New Zealanders know you can’t walk into a cafe and start tugging on someone’s hair, especially if they’ve told you they don’t like it.

“John Key should be held to the same standards as the rest of us.

“A lot of New Zealanders know what it’s like to feel as if you’re not taken seriously in a job. As politicians, our job is to make people feel safe at work, not bullied.

“It’s a sign of how out of touch John Key has become when he can’t even monitor how inappropriate his personal behaviour is, and when people are not comfortable with how he is behaving.”

One of our colleagues has emailed the PM asking him to reveal which of the following clowns he is more closely related to:

Woody Allen
Roman Polansky
Bernard Lawrence Madoff (Bankster Bernie), former boss of the NASDAQ stock exchange
Silvio Berlusconi
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Rabbi Mordechai Elon
Barry Freundel, longtime rabbi at Washington, DC’s Kesher Israel Congregation.

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