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Archive for May 17th, 2017

How the super rich swindle, harm, humiliate, dispossess, exclude… and starve you

Posted by te2ataria on May 17, 2017

The Most Heavily Censored Blog in New Zealand  [Watch Out for Tsunamis of Bad Karma, Mr Ingrish!!]


Sent by a reader:

Super rich depend on ideologies and behaviors that enhance and sustain their hegemony

The following excerpts are from a newly published study ‘Preferences for group dominance track and mediate the effects of macro-level social inequality and violence across societies’ conducted by academics in Denmark, Norway, Harvard University in the United States and Victoria University in Wellington. ).

Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) – Inequality and Political Unaccountability

The greater the inequality of resources and power, the greater level of political unaccountability, corruption, and lack of democracy and rule of law we expect, because these phenomena precisely signal and enforce that the lion’s share of resources goes to the dominant group by virtue of its power and greater formidability.

Willingness to enforce group hegemony violently to sustain hierarchy

[…] macrolevel inequality and violence were associated with greater individual-level support of group hegemony. Crucially, this individual-level support, rather than cultural-societal norms, was in turn uniquely associated with greater racism, sexism, welfare opposition, and even willingness to enforce group hegemony violently by participating in ethnic persecution of subordinate out-groups. These findings suggest that societal inequality is reflected in people’s minds as dominance motives that underpin ideologies and actions that ultimately sustain group-based hierarchy.

[…] higher-ranked individuals enjoy privileged access to resources, territory, mates, and ultimately greater reproductive success.

The study is posted at Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNASS)

Let’s put that in context:

Top 1% of NZers own 20% of wealth
Top 1% of NZers own at least 20% of wealth, while 90 percent of the population owns less than half of the nation’s .

NZ’s wealth divide continues to grow – report
Most New Zealanders have [much] less than $10,000 in savings, and little in the way of liquid assets, according to new economic analysis from Victoria University researchers.

Homeless families: ‘We’ve got nowhere to send them’
More homeless families will be sleeping in cars, parks and garages in Auckland this winter…

Three jobs but still struggling financially
How many hours must I work to feed my kids?

Four out of five NZers are the only “minority” to “face serious financial hardship” in this country

“Most NZers face serious financial hardship in buying a house – analysis

Four out of five New Zealanders face serious financial hardship if they were to buy a house, government data shows. [See blog analysis for home ownership and affordability.]

The role of government
And what’s our [allegedly] democratically elected government doing to address the malignant inequality that is leading to abject poverty, homelessness… ? They are protecting the super rich, to ensure continuity!


Police Road Fatality Reports: Extreme Censorship in Effect

  • NO fatality report allowed by police today, as of posting, despite multiple serious crashes.
  • At least five foreigners have been killed in vehicle-related crashes in New Zealand last week. The fatalities include two Singapore nationals, two Samoans and one Aussie.
  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, We believe about 900 people were killed and 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year.


Deadly or Near Fatal Police Chases…

 Police score another near fatality
A male driver (age unknown) is in a critical condition following yet another predatory [chase-to-kill] police pursuit.  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/fatal-crash-galatea-road

Police Scumbaggery

Christchurch Inspector Paul [“Foul Mouth”] Fremaux stood down over harassment allegations
“Stuff understands police have received complaints from at least five women about Christchurch Inspector Paul Fremaux [known to his equally repulsive colleagues as “Paul the Foul Mouth”.] One of the complainants is understood to be the daughter of a high ranking officer.”

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