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Archive for the ‘Manawatu’ Category

Police Farce Name German Girl Crushed to Death

Posted by te2ataria on January 8, 2010

New Zealand police farce name the German tourist who was crushed to death by a truck

Mia Susanne Pusch, 19, from Fulda, in Germany, reportedly arrived in New Zealand in October 2009, police said.

The German embassy in Wellington is said to have helped police notify the victim’s parents, who’ll probably arrange for her body to be flown back to Germany.

[To the best of blog Moderator’s and contributor’s knowledge the German embassy in New Zealand, unlike the Dutch authorities, have never informed their citizens about the hazards of visiting New Zealand.]

Police said the cause of the crash is not yet known. [Try road rage, drunk driving, violence against woman, sadistic enjoyment, perverted pleasure … !]

Ms Pusch, who was cycling in New Zealand, was struck by a large truck with trailer along State Highway 3 between Bulls and Lake Alice on Tuesday at about 11.50am.


To The Pusch Family:

The blog Moderator and contributors are saddened by the news of your loved one’s untimely and violent death and offer their condolences.

New Zealand PM who doubles also as the tourism minister, members of his govt and all other individuals, companies and corporations that were involved in luring Mia Susanne Pusch to New Zealand, e.g., the advertising agent, travel agent, and the airline, as well as the driver of the truck who killed your daughter, are responsible for her  unnecessary and painful death.

If She hadn’t traveled to New Zealand, in all likelihood she would have still been alive.

You may be able to sue for compensation (do NOT trust NZ lawyers) not only the above-named bodies, but the media and internet search engines such as Google for actively preventing the relevant information about the hazards of visiting New Zealand from reaching you, or your daughter.

You may also have a claim against the German Embassy in New Zealand for failing to advise your government about the dangers that await foreigners visiting New Zealand.

Remember, you owe it to her. In fact you owe it to everyone who knew her, and to everyone who might otherwise be killed like her, to seek NOT only compensation, but to force the authorities to stop luring impressionable teenagers to this country…

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Posted in german cyclist killed, German Embassy, German girl killed in NZ, killed near Bulls, Manawatu | Tagged: , , , , , | 6 Comments »