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Posts Tagged ‘Alice in New Zealand’

Covid-19: Govt.’s “moral prostitution” hits a high gear

Posted by te2ataria on March 17, 2021

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NZ Immigration Covid-19 Policy:

Fuck the healthcare workers, teachers and Kiwis wanting to return home

Covid-19: More than 11,000 foreigners granted New Zealand entry as Kiwis struggle to secure MIQ spots Mar 17 2021
“It is easier for overseas film-stars and oil worker to get through New Zealand’s closed borders than it is for health care workers or teachers, new figures from Immigration New Zealand suggest.
“The number of foreigners allowed in since the borders closed to most non-residents in March last year to contain the spread of Covid-19 has risen to more than 11,000 people.
“There is currently no spots available to book in managed isolation right through to July – as far as the bookings calendar goes – for New Zealanders wanting to return home.”

The sad, sick joke of who we’ve allowed into New Zealand during the pandemic Mar 15 2021
“What a sad, sick joke it has become where foreigners watching the America’s Cup can be approved entry as ‘critical workers’ during the Covid-19 pandemic while actual critical workers are being refused.
“Stuff has revealed that more than 1000 people from overseas have been invited as ‘critical workers’ associated with the event, including representatives of more than 200 team sponsors and suppliers.”
The Wiggles, chaperones for The Lion King, a Hollywood nanny and a mushroom expert have also made the cut.

NZ Immigration officials targeting rich overseas immigrants through pandemic  Feb 20 202
“Immigration NZ has been processing applications for rich foreigners hoping to get investor residency status in New Zealand, even though the pandemic-related border closure means most of them can not enter the country.”

We need more people like you!!

Man allowed to stay in New Zealand after conning people out of thousands of dollars

“The appellant and his two associates set up a company in July 2015 and placed online advertisements for the position of service technician in September 2015. Over the following weeks, they interviewed a number of individuals for the advertised position. Applicants were then advised that they had succeeded in gaining the position but would get the job only if they paid some several thousand dollars.

“The requested sums were paid but when the successful applicants sought to take up their employment, they found that the company’s premises had been vacated. Further, in early November 2015, the appellant arranged to hire camera equipment, valued at $95,000. He collected the equipment but did not return it.”

[SIS asset] Czech drug smuggler Karel Sroubek lodges new residency application, INZ confirms
Czech drug smuggler Karel Sroubek [another SIS asset,] who was also arrested as part of Operation Ark, less than a week after his trial for entering New Zealand on a false passport, has reportedly lodged yet another application for residency, this time in his true identity, Immigration NZ (INZ) has confirmed.

Alice’s Twilight Slant
Alice of New Zealand [formerly of the Wonderland] has ordered a massive dildo from a Thai supplier to “seriously abuse herself out of frustration, should the Czech smuggler be allowed to stay in this country!”

Czech drug smuggler Karel Sroubek won parole despite prison fight allegations  Aug 18 2020
“Czech kickboxer and convicted drug smuggler Karel Sroubek has been granted parole after his fifth attempt, despite allegations he was involved in a fight in prison.
“Sroubek, also known as Jan Antolik, came to New Zealand on his friend’s passport and was later imprisoned for importing $375,000 worth of MDMA.
“He hit the headlines after he was controversially granted residency by Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway in 2018 despite his offending and gang affiliations.”

Alice dear, our thoughts are with you!!

See also:

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