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Posts Tagged ‘HIV infection’

Syphilis cases in New Zealand double in two years

Posted by edmundironside on April 14, 2018

Foreword: Escaped murder in the hands of police, but are seriously ill? Suffering from cholesterol increase, uric acid increase, thyroid disease, testicular and kidney cancer, pregnancy induced hypertension, diabetes [and associated eye diseases,] birth weight decrease, or even worse? You may have been poisoned by NZ Defence Force!

∇  ∇  ∇  ∇  ∇

Syphilis can increase the risk of HIV infection

Syphilis cases in New Zealand have doubled in two years with 470 cases reported last year, according to reports.

Auckland and Wellington regions reported the most cases of potentially deadly infection, with males aged 20 to 39-years accounting for the bulk of the cases.

“Gay or bisexual men made up 70 per cent of cases, in which 21 per cent were also HIV positive.”

[Caution: In our experience, negative statistics released by NZ government are heavily doctored to protect the tourist industry. See blog content for road fatality stats. Ed.]

One in three people in New Zealand get STIs, according to Family Planning national medical advisor Dr Christine Roke in 2012, and many would not even realize it.

Links to MSM reports:

Highly Doctored Official Stats:

  • More than 28,000 people, including 465 children aged between 10 and 14-years-old, were diagnosed with chlamydia in New Zealand in a single year
  • There were also 3,038 positive tests for gonorrhoea in 2014 including 74 children aged 10-14 (NO updates have been made available since!)

New Zealand’s worst regions for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Source:  http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/76088358/New-Zealands-worst-regions-for-STIs [Additional charts posted at the link.]

Spot the TRUTH [Sent by  a reader]

  • Women who sleep with 10 or more partners risk 90 percent chance of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI) —Independent experts
  • New Zealand women are the most promiscuous in the world, with 20.3 sexual partners on average, with the world average being 7.3 —condom-maker Durex survey

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