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Posts Tagged ‘Intellectually Stunted NZ Students’

2nd Night of Rioting by Canterbury Uni Retards

Posted by te2ataria on September 13, 2009

A second night of rioting by drunken university retards rattles Dunedin

Following the Friday night’s rioting after the arrival of the annual Undie 500 car rally in Dunedin, a mob of about 1,000 retards [NZ university students] caused mayhem in North Dunedin’s Castle St area.

students_and_police_clash_for_second_night craig baxter ODT
Rioting  retards and nincompoop police clash for a 2nd night. Photo: Craig Baxter/ODT. Image may be subject to copyright.

Police in riot gear used pepper spray to subdue and disperse the rioting students who again lit fires and pelted police with rocks, bicycle parts, bottles, metal bolts and just about every other means of projectiles imaginable, a report said.

The crowd advanced on officers, “challenging the police line”, after police officers tried to grab a man, Inspector Dave Campbell said.

“Many students were pepper sprayed and officers had to call for more supplies as some had emptied their canisters on those students,” Infector Campbell said.

Police have now arrested more than 100 students  after two night of rioting,  the highest number of arrests in recent years.

Those arrested would be charged with breaching the temporary liquor ban, disorderly behaviour, obstruction and wilfully setting fire to property, and would appear in Dunedin District Court at the end of the week, Mr Campbell said.

Despite promises of good behavior from the students, “nothing has changed,” he said.

“The event has once again shown that when large numbers of young adults gather and drink to excess mass disorder is inevitable.”

It’s believed that the students set fire to Dunedin scout hall overnight.

The Fire Service went called to the site in Victoria Street, St Kilda, about 3.30 this morning.

By the time three appliances attended, the fire was reported as being “well underway,” and there had been substantial damage to the building.

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Posted in genetic mistake, NZ Police Farce, nz riots, rioting in NZ, student riots in NZ, Thuggery, Undie 500, Undie 500 rioting | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »