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Posts Tagged ‘Keith Hunter’

Chch Quake: A Critique of NZ ‘Scientific’ Community

Posted by te2ataria on March 19, 2011

The following post has been reprinted here with the permission of Fire-Earth Blog:

What sort of science is that which mandates an allegedly democratic regime to condemn hundreds of thousands of people by locking them in an area where two significant earthquakes have struck within five months, killing or injuring thousands, destroying many homes, livelihoods and much of the infrastructure?

NZ scientists: Intellectual rigor mortis set?

Posted by feww on March 18, 2011

Written and updated by a Member of FIRE-EARTH Science Team



The Government and its Royal Society of New Zealand have  released a “scientific paper” at a briefing in Wellington, concerning future earthquake risks for Christchurch and New Zealand, a report said.

“Nobody can predict when an earthquake will strike, the Prime Minister’s chief science adviser says,” according to the report.

THE BIG WHITE FACT IN THE ROOM remains that FIRE-EARTH Blog has successfully forecast earthquakes including those in New Zealand Region, Japan Region and elsewhere. AND the forecasts have been posted on this blog for everyone to see.

“The Government and the Royal Society of New Zealand today released a scientific paper at a briefing in Wellington, looking at earthquake predictions and future earthquake risks for Christchurch and New Zealand.” Report said.

“During the briefing, Sir Peter Gluckman hit out at Ken Ring’s controversial prediction that another big quake will hit Christchurch on or near March 20.”

FIRE-EARTH Moderators do not know who or what “Ken Ring” is. However, here’s a short list of possibilities as to his identity and brief:

  1. Ken Ring is another one of those ‘Internet prophets’ feeding on FIRE-EARTH quake forecasts
  2. He is a straw man created by NZ government to discredit by association earthquake forecasts released by FIRE-EARTH Blog
  3. All of the above!

[NOTE: Prior to successful earthquake forecasts being posted on FIRE-EARTH blog, the Ken Ring character had not surfaced. What’s the plan? IF Ken Ring’s latest prediction for another major earthquake on March 20, 2011 to strike Christchurch, New Zealand fails to materialize, and it probably would, then he would be “eaten alive” by the NZ Prime Minister and his cabal, the Royal Society of New Zealand and the country’s corporate media. Once Ken Ring has been discredited and severely dealt with, they hope New Zealanders would no longer take any earthquake hazard warning forecasts by any source seriously. Note also the confidence by which Gluckman et al make their ‘NO-quake’ statements, as if fully briefed on the plot!]

“Scientists could identify regions vulnerable to quakes and predict the likely magnitude of a quake but not the precise locality, depth or timing, he said.” The report added.

“Certainty as to a particular event or outcome just cannot be achieved. What therefore may happen, can only be described in terms of risks and probability.” Gluckman said.

And here’s the crunch:

“Scientifically there’s no reason not to rebuild in Christchurch,” he said.

Scientifically there’s “no reason not” to build a house of cards, or a castle in the sand …  but you don’t authoritatively influence people to occupy them, or invite thousands of visitors and their uncles to come along, too, FIRE-EARTH contends.

[More than a third of the Christchurch earthquake victims, those whose name have so far been revealed, seem to be clueless foreigners who probably thought New Zealand was a safe place.]

What sort of science is that which mandates an allegedly democratic regime to condemn hundreds of thousands of people by locking them in an area where two significant earthquakes have struck within five months, killing or injuring thousands of people, destroying many homes and much of the infrastructure?

“GNS Science chief executive Alex Malahoff and Royal Society of New Zealand vice-president Keith Hunter were also on the panel.” The report said.

May they live long enough to eat their scientific paper! And that’s a prayer, not a “curse!”

Scientists who turn politicians, or those who fail to help people staying alive shouldn’t receive any money from the public purse!

Related Links:

on February 25, 2011 at 12:39 am in reply to a comment FIRE-EARTH said:

Why did YOUR govt bury earthquake warnings which were meant to alert people, especially foreign tourists/students visiting New Zealand?
See links below:

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2009/07/16/global-travel-warning/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2008/10/06/earthquake-cluster-closes-in-on-new-zealand/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2011/01/15/new-zealand-region-earthquake-warning/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2010/09/04/powerful-quake-strikes-christchurch-nz/#comment-10624

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/a-magnitude-7-earthquake-hits-kermadec-islands/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2009/08/19/new-round-of-geo-assualt/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/powerful-7-8-m-quake-strikes-new-zealand-region/

* http://feww.wordpress.com/2010/05/16/an-open-letter-to-google-management-employees/

See also the following message posted by te2ataria on July 17, 2009

Truth is the bottom line, income from tourism, is more important to your government than human lives.

“and our govt are just people, citizens, like ourselves…”

REALLY? Are you a multimillionaire like your PM John Key?

Your PM is a greedy individual who has amassed a massive fortune, albeit from “immoral activities,” and who has shown no interest in the livelihood of quarter of a million NZ kids living in abject poverty.

That’s what you call democracy?

A Partial List of Chch Quake Victims: [Police have so far released the names of 142 victims killed in February’s tragic earthquake. About 41 percent of them are foreign nationals.]


* Dr Maysoon Mahdi ABBAS, age 61 (from Iraq, Afghanistan or other Arab nations — M/N)
* Lalaine Collado AGATEP, age 38 (female) from the Philippines
* Dr Husam Sabar AL-ANI, age 55 of Christchurch (a NZ citizen from Iraq)
* Jane-Marie ALBERTS, age 44 of Christchurch
* Emmabelle Cabahug ANOBA, age 26 (female) of the Philippines
* Jayden Brytane ANDREWS-HOWLAND, age 15 of Aranui, Christchurch
* Marina ARAI, age 19 (female) of Japan

* Linda Isobel ARNOLD, age 57 of Christchurch

* Dr Dominic Joseph Gerard BELL, age 45 of Christchurch
* Valquin Descalsota BENSURTO, age 23 (male) of the Philippines
* Heidi Julie BERG, age 36 (female) of Christchurch
* Carey Stuart BIRD, age 48, a NZ citizen resident in Australia
* Andrew James Llewellyn BISHOP, age 33 of Christchurch
* Nina Jane BISHOP, age 32 of Christchurch
* Rhys Frank BROOKBANKS, age 25 of Christchurch
* Melanie Jane BROWN, age 54 of Christchurch

* Henry Ross BUSH, age 75 of Christchurch


* Ivy Jane CABUNILAS, age 33 of the Philippines
* Yu CAI, age 31 (female) of China
* Ian Neville CALDWELL, age 47 of Christchurch
* Helen Margaret CHAMBERS, age 44 of Christchurch
* John Kristoffer Villegas CHUA, age 24 (male) of the Philippines
* Susan Patricia CHUTER, age 52 of Christchurch
* Stephen COCHRANE, aged 43 of Bromley, Christchurch
* Rachel Elizabeth CONLEY, age 27 of the United States of America
* Philip Graeme Reeve COPPEARD, age 41 of Christchurch
* Patrick John COUPE, age 46 of Christchurch
* Donald Ashby COWEY, age 82 of Christchurch
* Andrew Christian Ross CRAIG, age 46 of Christchurch
* John Barry CRAIG (known as Barry), age 67 of Christchurch

* Estelle Marie CULLEN, age 32 of Christchurch


* Betty Irene DICKSON, age 82 of Christchurch
* Joanna Clare DIDHAM, age 35 of Christchurch
* Jennifer Ann Donaldson, age 55 of Christchurch

* Paul Clarence DUNLOP, age 67 of Rolleston Selwyn District


* Marielle FALARDEAU, age 60 of Canada
* Dian Mary FALCONER, age 54 of Christchurch
* Adam Stephen FISHER, age 27 of Belfast, Christchurch
* Maureen Valerie FLETCHER, age 75 of Christchurch

* Jewel Jose FRANCISCO, age 26 of the Philippines


* Samuel Reese GIBB, age 27 of Christchurch
* Jaime Robert McDowell GILBERT, age 22 of Christchurch
* Joanne May GILES, age 60 of Christchurch

* Baxtor GOWLAND, age 5 months of Christchurch


* Natasha Sarah HADFIELD, age 38 of Kaiapoi
* Jayden HARRIS, age 8 months of Christchurch
* Yuki HASUMOTO, age 22 (female) of Japan
* Yumiko HATA (female), age 29 of Japan
* Miki HAYASAKA, age 37 female) from Japan
* Yuko HIRABAYASHI, age 28 (female) from Japan
* Yoshiko HIRAUCHI, age 61 of Japan
* Marion Isabella McKirdy HILBERS, age 49 of Christchurch
* Christopher Grant HOMAN, age 34 of Christchurch
* Amanda Jane HOOPER, age 30 of Rolleston, Christchurch
* Megumi HORITA (female), age 19 of Japan
* Hifumi HOSHIBA, age 41 (female) from Japan
* Siwen HUO (female), age 28 of China

* Haruki HYAKUMAN (male), age 27 of Japan


* Toshiko IMAOKA, age 34 (female), of Japan
* Gabi INGEL, age 22 of Israel
* Thanydha INTARANGKUN, age 36 (female), of Thailand

* Tomoki ISHIKURO, age 19 (male) of Japan


* Kyle Brandon JACK-MIDGLEY, age 27 from Christchurch


* Kayo KANAMARU, age 19 (female) of Japan
* Kyoko KAWAHATA, age 20 of Japan
* Beverley Faye KENNEDY, age 60 of Christchurch
* Saori KIKUDA, age 19 (female) of Japan

* Yasuhiro KITAGAWA (male), age 39 of Japan


* Chang LAI, age 27 (female) of China
* Wai Fong LAU, age 87 of Christchurch
* Normand LEE, age 25 of Christchurch
* Ofer LEVY, age 22 of Israel
* De LI, age 18 (male) of China
* Wanju LI, age 44 (female) of China
* Xia LI (female), age 42 of China
* Phimphorn LIANGCHUEA (female), age 41 of Thailand
* Adrienne Isobel LINDSAY, age 54 of Christchurch
* Haruthaya LUANGSURAPEESAKUL, age 32 of Thailand
* Scott William Emerson LUCY, age 38

* Catherine McNicol LUNNEY, age 62 of Christchurch


* Donna Merrie MANNING, age 43 of Christchurch
* Kelly Lynn MAYNARD, age 43 of Christchurch
* Philip John McDONALD, age 57 of Ashburton
* Matthew Stuart McEACHEN, age 25
* Owen Thomas McKENNA, age 40 of Christchurch
* Janet Dawn MELLER, age 58, of Christchurch
* Adrienne MEREDITH, age 36 of Christchurch
* Ofer Binyamin MIZRAHI, age 22 of Israel
* Kelsey Sinitta MOORE, age 18 of Christchurch
* Emi MURAKAMI, age 19 (female) of Japan

* Jillian Lesley MURPHY, age 48 of Christchurch


* Melissa Ann NEALE, age 41 of Wellington

* Erica Avir Reyes NORA, age 20 (female) of Phillipines


* Blair James O’CONNOR, age 34 of Christchurch

* John Joseph O’CONNOR, age 40 of Ireland


* Linda Rosemary PARKER, age 50 of Christchurch
* Joseph Tehau POHIO, age 40 of Christchurch
* Taneysha Gail PRATTLEY, age 5 weeks of Christchurch

* Wanpen PREEKLANG, age 45 (female), of Thailand


* Deborah Ann ROBERTS, age 39 of Christchurch
* Joseph Stuart ROUTLEDGE (known as Stuart), age 74 of Christchurch

* Lucy ROUTLEDGE, age 74 of Christchurch


* Saya SAKUDA, age 19 (female) of Japan
* Jeff Pelesa SANFT, age 32 of Christchurch
* Gillian SAYERS, age 43 of Christchurch (UK citizen)
* Emma SHAHARUDIN, age 35 of Lincoln, Christchurch
* Dr Allan Alexander SINCLAIR, age 45 of Christchurch
* Christopher Patrick SMITH, age 48 of Selwyn
* Christine Patricia (Trish) STEPHENSON, age 61 of Christchurch
* Beverley May STICK, age 71 of Christchurch
* Earl Nicholas STICK, age 78 of Christchurch
* Neil Glyn STOCKER, age 58
* Michael Stuart Coulter STYANT, age 41 of Christchurch

* Yoko SUZUKI, 31 (female), of Japan


* Te Taki (Wally) TAIRAKENA, age 60 of Christchurch
* Isaac James THOMPSON, age 21, of Rangiora
* Desley Ann THOMSON, age 32 of Christchurch
* Lesley Jane THOMSON, age 55 of Christchurch
* Gregory James TOBIN, age 25 of Christchurch
* Shane Robert TOMLIN, age 42 of Christchurch
* Asuka TSUCHIHASHI (female), age 28 of Japan

* Hui Yun TU (female), age 22 of China


* Yurika UCHIHIRA, age 19 (female) of Japan

* Amanda Jayne (Mandy) URIAO, age 38 of Christchurch


* Jittra WAITHAYATADAPONG (female), age 40 of Thailand
* Tao WANG, age 29 (female) of China
* Graham WEILD, age 77
* Joan Dorothy WEILD, age 76
* Lisa Patricia WILLEMS, age 43 of Christchurch
* Julie Kathryn WONG, age 37 of Christchurch (dual UK and NZ citizenship)
* Siriphan WONGBUNNGAM, age 27 of Thailand
* Murray John WOOD, age 56 of Christchurch
* Owen Morris WRIGHT, age 40 of Lyttelton
* Stephen Robert WRIGHT, age 46 of Christchurch

* Paul Khye Soon WU, age 60 of Christchurch (NZ citizen from Malaysia)


* Sisi XIN, age 28 (female) of China


* Mina YAMATANI, age 19 (female) of Japan
* Didem YAMAN, age 31 (female) of Turkey
* Caiying YE, age 27 (female) of China
* Saki YOKOTA, age 19 (female) of Japan

* Gilhwan YU, age 23 of Korea


* Hui ZHANG (female), age 34 of China

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