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Who killed Israel Jack?

Posted by te2ataria on September 26, 2013

UNCHARACTERISTICALLY, police treating Jack’s death as suspicious!!

Israel Jack, 20, was found dead on Te Ngae Rd around 4.25am on Sunday, August 18. He was struck by at least two vehicles as he lay prone on the road, police said

He had been seen alive at the Caltex Te Ngae service station five minutes earlier, leaving a question unanswered as to how he covered 1.4km in that time, police said.

The police Defective in charge of the investigation has so far refused to say whether the victim was killed after being hit by vehicles or whether he had died beforehand.

His baseball cap was found on a fence post about 300m from his body and the police have no clue  who put it there.

In another version of this story, a baseball “cap thought to belong to Israel Jack has been handed into police nearly three weeks after his death.”

israel jack
Mystery Death Victim Israel Jack. Who killed Mr Jack?

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