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Archive for November 7th, 2008

Sham Jury Finds Shooter Not Guilty

Posted by te2ataria on November 7, 2008

submitted by a UK reader

New Zealand’s phony justice system really sucks!

Govt agents selected for jury find man accused of carelessly shooting English student in the head NOT guilty, to avoid  compensation

“It took little more than 30 minutes for jurors to find Bjarne Jensen, the man accused of careless use of a firearm after an English agricultural exchange student was shot during a hunting trip, not guilty at the High Court in Rotorua [New Zealand] yesterday.” A report said.

“Jensen, 48, was accused of carelessly using a firearm last December leading to the horrific injuries suffered by Matthew Purchase, who was shot in the head during a rabbit hunting trip.”

Ian Purchase, the victim’s father, said he could not understand why the jury had returned a not guilty verdict.

“He shot him and now he has been found not guilty?

“This was a very avoidable accident and it seems quite extraordinary that when a person discharges a firearm he is not always accountable for where the bullet goes.”

Mr Purchase said his family’s life was in ruins.

“There will now be little chance of securing any compensation that could have made the rest of Matthew’s life a little more comfortable.”

was still learning the basics like showering by himself. There was a possibility of a civil law suit.

Matthew Purchase is relearning basic skills.

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