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Archive for November 11th, 2008

Caligula is Dead, Keyus Galerius Maximianus Reigns!

Posted by te2ataria on November 11, 2008

submitted by a reader

Helen Caligula Clark Finally bites the Dust!

Helen Caligula Clark, the Secret Zionist Emperor of New Zealand, a creature of indeterminable sex with the ethics of a female praying mantis, is finally out!

John Key is in!

Helen Caligula Clark – Her female companions loved her “masculine-looking” crooked Dracula teeth so much she never had them fixed!

Who the hell is John Key?

He is 47-year-old former money market man whose only qualification to be a prime minister, albeit of an illegitimate country, is his Jewish ancestry.

Key was born in Auckland, to George Key and Ruth Key (née Lazar), an Austrian-Jewish immigrant.

Key represents the northwest Auckland constituency of Helensville. A constituency which was re-created for him when he entered politics in 2002.

Education and Qualification

Key earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree in accounting from the University of Canterbury in 1981 and attended management studies courses at Harvard University, however, he failed to receive a degree.

Job History

  • 1982 – As auditor at McCulloch Menzies
  • 1982 – A project manager at Christchurch-based clothing manufacturer Lane Walker Rudkin
  • 1983 – A foreign exchange dealer at Elders Finance in Wellington rising to the position of head foreign exchange trader.
  • 1988 – Various jobs at Bankers Trust in Auckland.
  • 1988 to 1995 – Details are sketchy and some of the data is missing
  • 1995 – Head of Asian foreign exchange as Merrill Lynch in Singapore. Within days he was promoted as Lynch’s global head of foreign exchange in London, earning an estimated US$5 million a year [he will return the favors!]
  • He told Metro magazine: “They always called me the smiling assassin.” He has always been proud of his ability to fire staff without feelings. Maintaining his usual fake smile he sacked hundreds of staff after Merrill Lynch’s losses from the 1998 Russian financial crisis.
  • 1999 to 2001 – He was a member of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the New York Federal Reserve Bank from 1999 to 2001.
  • In 2001, on learning of his interest in pursuing a political career, the National Party president John Slater worked actively to recruit him. Former party leader Jenny Shipley describes him as one of the people she “deliberately sought out and put my head on the line – either privately or publicly – to get them in there” according to Wikipedia.

And the rest, as they say, is history!

Key was added to the New Zealand National Business Review (NBR) Rich List for the first time, as his wealth topped NZ$50 million.

“In 2003, as an opposition MP, Key emphasized National’s position of supporting New Zealand’s traditional allies, the United States and Australia. In August 2007 the Government claimed that had Key been Prime Minister at the time, he would have sent troops to Iraq.”

“In August 2007, Labour’s Trevor Mallard hinted in Parliament that Labour were going to try to link Key to the 1987 “H-Fee” scandal, which involved Key’s former employer Elders Merchant Finance and a payment to Equiticorp Chief Executive Allan Hawkins. Hawkins and Elders executive Ken Jarrett were later jailed for fraud.” Key cleverly wriggled out of the catch!

Clearly the international banking mafia view New Zealand as a cash cow still capable of milking, but one that has become too expensive to maintain. Appointment of “the smiling assassin” to the position of PM is meant to reduce the maintenance bill.

Soon to be known as the “Butcher of Beehive!”

John Key [Keyus Galerius Maximianus]
the unqualified [even by sheep-shearing standards of NZ] PM designate of New Zealand seen in this undated photo in his compulsory Israel-First blue tie!Photo: JOHN SELKIRK/Dominion Post. Image may be subject to copyright.

“[Key] worked closely with a famed currency trader who mounted a brutal speculative attack on the Kiwi dollar. The attack, which has entered forex (foreign exchange) trading legend for its scale, audacity and profitability, prompted Reserve Bank alarm that the currency would collapse.”

Not all New Zealanders deserve the same terrible fate!

Interesting links:

Posted in H-Fee, iraq war, Merrill Lynch, National Party, New Zealand, PM NZ | Tagged: , , , , | 5 Comments »