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Archive for August 4th, 2021

Stop Brainwashing Our Kids!

Posted by te2ataria on August 4, 2021

Sent by a reader – updated

Do NOT trick kids to wear police or military uniforms!

Just because we, our parents, grandparents and their parents before them had to learn how to bite the bullet while spending our lives under duress in a police state, it doesn’t mean our children should face the same nightmare!

“Constable Mark visited Te Pohue School to deliver their ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’ programme and had a great time meeting all the kids, with plenty of smiles all round. ” Photo and caption: NZ police.

Encouraging children to don police uniforms [and pose in front of the camera] is just as bad for their soul and psyche as being conscripted into the “child soldier platoon”,  wearing military garbs and carrying imitation guns.


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