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Archive for the ‘Caroline Coffey’ Category

Another Top New Zealander on Murder Trial

Posted by te2ataria on June 22, 2009

sent by a reader [Edited by TEAA]

Top pakeha on Trial for Murdering Partner

Recurring murder déjà vu: University tutor on trial for  murdering his student-girlfriend by stabbing her 216 times

Sophie Elliott’s murder was just as cruel and senseless, though consistent in brutality and psychological signature of kiwi personality traits, as the murder of  Caroline Coffey, Marie Davis and hundreds of other female victims in New Zealand, or by a New Zealander. All these kiwi murders share the same kiwi code of “sexual dominance through extreme violence.”

The Victim

Sophie Elliott
Sophie Elliott was stabbed 216 times.

Former Otago University tutor Clayton Weatherston is standing trial in the High Court at Christchurch, charged with the murder of his student-lover Sophie Elliott.

The scumbag is believed to have stabbed Elliott to death in Dunedin on January 9, 2008. She received 216 stab wounds at her family home in Ravensbourne.

“The trial was scheduled to begin in the High Court at Christchurch today but the pre-trial arguments began at 10am and after a short delay the jury panel was sent away.” A report said.

“The case was moved from Dunedin to Christchurch in February, after an application by defence counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, but the reasons for the move were suppressed (!) ” It was reported.

“Weatherston was ordered to stand trial after a depositions hearing midway through last year at which 17 witnesses gave evidence.”

The Murderer  (another kiwi scumbag)

Clayton Robert Weatherston
Top pakeha scumbag. Former Otago University tutor Clayton Robert Weatherston. Weatherston was ordered to stand trial after a depositions hearing midway through last year at which 17 witnesses gave evidence. Photo: CHRIS SULLIVAN/Fairfax. Image may be subject to copyright.

The Murder Weapon

murder weapon
The scumbag New Zealander, Clayton Weatherston (inset), used the knife (pictured) to  kill Sophie Elliott last year – Exhibit No.2 in the High Court at Christchurch. Photo: DEAN KOZANIC/The Press. Photo may be subject to copyright.


Weatherston denies the murder charge but admitted he was guilty of manslaughter. You could just about imagine his court whore (lawyer) saying:

“Your honor, it was a routine manslaughter that went a little TOO FAR by way of an additional 215 stab wounds!”

Related Links:

Posted in another kiwi murderer, Blazej Kot, Caroline Coffey, Marie Davis murder, pakeha psycho | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

New Zealander charged with what they do best: MURDER

Posted by te2ataria on June 6, 2009

sent by a reader in New York [edited by Moderator]

Background reading: What a typical ‘top’ pakeha [New Zealander] with university training is like and what should be expected of him/her. 

Another kiwi psycho commits tragic crime

A woman, described as “very kind and very smart,” who would probably wished she hadn’t married a New Zealander

Caroline Coffey, courtesy of her personal website (Cornell Daily Sun)
Caroline Coffey, courtesy of her personal website (Cornell Daily Sun). Caroline Marianne Coffey was born in Dublin, Ireland on June 20, 1980. Her parents Michael and Patricia moved with Caroline and her brother Paul to Pennsylvania in 1982.

Cornell graduate student Blazej Kot was charged with the second-degree murder of his wife, Caroline Coffey, 28, a Cornell researcher, New York State Police said.

The body of Ms. Coffey was found by hikers on a wooded trail in Taughannock Falls State Park. An autopsy revealed that she suffered a fatal cut to the neck, the Associated Press reported.

A park policeman on routine patrol noticed Kot’s car in a closed parking lot and found him covered in blood. Kot drove off and led police on a five-mile chase before crashing into a stand of trees. He was found with an apparent self-inflicted injury and police had to forcibly take an “edged” weapon from him.

When police tried to interview Kot, he led them on a five-minute chase before crashing his vehicle. They found him with an apparent self-inflicted injury, AP said. The police later found the couple’s house on fire, the report said.

According to a police report, Mr. Kot caught the attention of an officer just before 10 p.m. Tuesday when he drove into a closed parking lot at Taughannock Falls State Park. He led police on a five-mile, high-speed chase before stopping. Officers said he inflicted a “life-threatening” injury on himself.

“Kot’s injury was life-threatening and he was transported to Robert Packer Hospital in Northern Pennsylvania. On Thursday evening, Pennsylvania State Police arrested Kot and he was arraigned on the murder charge from his hospital bed by Pennsylvania Magistrate Jonathon Wilcox,” the Cornell Daily Sun reported  New York State Police as saying.

Blazej Kot and Caroline Coffey

Blazej Kot and Caroline Coffey, from Kot’s facebook profile.

The scumbag who cut short Caroline Coffey’s life is photographed with her after their beach wedding ceremony in Costa Rica just a month ago.

Kot was remanded in custody at Bradford (Pa.) County Sheriff’s Department “without bail pending extradition proceedings,” police said.

NO decent university should enroll New Zealanders

Coffey was a researcher in biomedical engineering, and her husband Kot of Auckland, New Zealand, is an information science graduate student, Cornell University said.

“We are shocked and profoundly saddened by the news of this tragedy. We offer our support and condolences to friends, colleagues and family members of Caroline Coffey and Blazej Kot,” Vice President for University Communications said Thursday.

Our thoughts go out to the Coffey family and their friends for their tragic loss!

NO decent parent should allow their daughters or sons marry a psycho New Zealander!

Related Links:

Posted in Blazej Kot, Caroline Coffey, Cornell University murder, kiwi murderer, pakeha kot | Tagged: , , , , | 12 Comments »