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Posts Tagged ‘Measles outbreak’

100% Pure New Zealand Green

Posted by te2ataria on April 27, 2016

Sent by a reader in the Liquefaction City (Christchurch)

More reasons why you should bring your family to Godzone!!

Lake Forsyth on the Banks Peninsula is green with deadly slime. PHOTO CREDIT: STACY SQUIRES/FAIRFAX NZ

Poisonous water in Canterbury’s Lake Forsyth lake has killed dozens of sheep and household pets, due to recurring algal blooms which have made the water toxic.

Signs warn that the water is dangerous for humans and animals. However, most animals ignore the signs.

A farmer recently lost around three dozen sheep after they died drinking water from the lake. http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/79201011/Canterburys-poisonous-Lake-Forsyth-kills-sheep-full-of-green-slime

Measles outbreak claims 8 more victims in Waikato

At least 18 possible cases of measles, including eight confirmed incidences, have been reported to Waikato District Health Board (DHB).

“The DHB has warned the outbreak could spread further due to several known incidents of infected people attending large events [around 5,000 gathered] and schools while ill.”

The highly infectious measles virus can be very serious. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11629106

$278 million upgrade to improve dangerous road [by 2032?]

Transport Minister Bimon Sridges has confirmed $278 million upgrade to the ill-fated stretch between Pokeno and the State Highway 25 intersection.

Over the past five years, at least 18 crashes leading to 34 fatalities and scores of serious injuries have occurred on the road, the majority of which have been a result of either head-on collisions or vehicles veering off the road, according to a report.

Construction is expected to get underway in 2017/18 [or at the latest by 2019/2020 and it should not take more than a dozen years or so to complete].

As for fixing other deadly roads throughout the country, it has been said: “Screw the tourists! We simply haven’t got the $30 – $40 billion needed for the upgrades [or words to that effect.]”

Hamilton crash victim was ‘a happy-go-lucky guy’ except today!

Kyle Sutherland, 26, never made it to work on Wednesday morning. “Instead he was found dead in the driver’s seat of a submerged car wreck”.

This fatality brings the [official] Waikato road toll to at least 22 from 17 deadly crashes so far this year. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/79341610/police-retrieve-car-that-plunged-into-a-stream-near-hamilton.html

This victim, unavoidably, made it to the official road toll! … but you have a two in three chance of not making the list.

The State’s Deadly Secrets

Today is DAY 132 of the latest TOURISTS or truth? campaign in NZ

27apr2016 NZ road toll - police-doctored

Five days ago… [Yeah! Pigs can and do fly Air New Zealand.]

22apr16 nz police-doctored road toll


Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 300 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016


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Measles Outbreak in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on July 5, 2009

New Zealand: KEEP OUT!

New Zealand Travel Health Warning: Measles Outbreak in Christchurch!

Global Health Alert  Bulletin # 28  –  Outbreak of potentially lethal measles infection in Christchurch!

Four Christchurch Boys’ High School students were found to have measels infection last week, with another case suspected.

Canterbury health officials have now identified an additional six likely cases of the measles in the region, said Medical Officer of Health Dr Cheryl Brunton.

No further information has been released.

See also:


Traveling to New Zealand? You are committing a double act of eco-terrorism.

Posted in deadly infections, Measles infection, Measles Outbreak in Christchurch, medical emergency, Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »