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Posts Tagged ‘Sub-orbital Space Monkey’

Lord of the Rings: Amazon flips PM, EDM the bird 

Posted by te2ataria on August 13, 2021

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Amazon’s Israeli-American Commandant overturns decision to film in NZ: Your film industry sucks!

NZ PM and the ED Minister Stuart Nash made to look like common whores begging for action (and paying for it, too)!

“The economic development minister has distanced himself from Amazon’s decision to move production of its Lord of the Rings series to the UK,” a report said.

“There was never a cast iron promise that season two would be filmed, let alone filmed here,” Minister Stuart Nash said.

“A studio would never commit to a second series without understanding how well the first series actually did.”

The Sub-orbital Space Monkey’s Decision Overturned

However, the sub-orbital space monkey had previously ordered a second season of the fantasy series before season one had even gone into production!

The sub-orbital space monkey had previously ordered a second season of the fantasy series before season one had even gone into production.

[The taxpayers would most likely never learn how much money they lost footing the bill for the government’s latest episode of wild orgies with gangster billionaires. Ed]

Another Evil Multinational Leaves NZ, Despite Govt. Ministers Promise of Money and Sex

Nash, choking on tears, coughing up blood, and drowning in sorrows said he was “gutted, very disappointed”.

“This is basically a lot of very large multinational consolidating all their filming onto one on site in the UK. Nothing whatsoever to do with their experience here, or the skills or competency or capacity of the New Zealand film industry in any way, shape, or form. That’s what they told us.”

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