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Archive for May 19th, 2017

Lead has lowered your IQ, and E. coli could kill you!

Posted by te2ataria on May 19, 2017

The Most Heavily Censored Blog in New Zealand [Watch Out for Ceaseless Tsunamis of Bad Karma, Mr Ingrish!!]


Once again, who needs clean water in New Zealand??

Raised levels of lead found in five Dunedin primary schools

The Southern District Health Board say they are investigating raised levels of lead in five Dunedin primary schools: Bathgate Park, George Street Normal, Mornington, North East Valley and Opoho, a report said.

“Medical officer of health Marian Poore said the highest sample level was 595mg of lead per kg of soil, which is above the recommended government standard for home gardens (210mg) but below [the totally arbitrary level set] for public parks (880mg).”

Principals’ Federation criticise delay on reporting lead levels

The Principals’ Federation say they are alarmed the health authorities have taken about 16 months before telling schools that soil on school grounds are contaminated with raised levels of lead.

“Bathgate Park was one of the schools affected, and principal Whetu Cormack told Morning Report he was only told by the Ministry of Education about the results yesterday,” a report said.

Lead exposure destroys your life
“Children with elevated blood-lead levels at age 11 ended up as adults with lower cognitive function and lower-status occupations than their parents…”

“The findings, published [in March] in JAMA, were based on a study that followed about 1,000 children born in the early 1970s in the coastal city of Dunedin, New Zealand. More than half were tested for lead in 1983, and nearly three decades later, those who’d had higher blood-lead levels as children were more likely to have lower IQs and to wind up lower on the socioeconomic ladder. Both associations remained even after researchers accounted for the children’s IQs, their mothers’ IQs and their social-class backgrounds.”

The dairy industry gives a new meaning to Golden Bay
“While monitoring water quality at Te Waikoropupū Springs Friends of Golden Bay noticed that where Fish Creek flows into the Springs reserve it repeatedly had an unpleasant appearance and smell after rain events.”

“Bearing in mind the recent outbreak of illness in Hawke’s Bay, we initially tested for both Campylobacter and E.coli. We took samples during rain events when the problem was evident. We are glad to report no Campylobacter was found. However, the picture with E.coli is a different matter. We present the results in the table below,” say Friends of Golden Bay.

E-coli levels from farm runoff under rain events will always be high and exceed drinking and swimming water standards.” and “It is common to get between 1,000-10,000 E.coli/100ml, depending on the density of cows and timing of when the cows were last in the paddock. It is like where we were at with dairy shed effluent 20 years ago.”

Golden water and foam at Upper Fish Creek sampling site. Source: http://friendsofgoldenbay.org.nz/


NZ’s largest freshwater springs under threat from E coli

“[At least] 40 times more E coli present in water flowing overland near the springs than what the government would consider swimmable.”

Another Child Molester on the Loose

Report of suspicious approach to children in Parklands, Christchurch
Police are investigating after receiving a report of three girls being approached by a suspicious male near Queenspark School, Christchurch, who demanded they got into his white van with no windows on its side.


Police Road Fatality Reports: Extreme Censorship in Effect

  • Only two fatality reports allowed by police today, as of posting, despite multiple serious crashes reported locally.
  • At least five foreigners have been killed in vehicle-related crashes in New Zealand recently. The fatalities include two Singapore nationals, two Samoans and one Aussie.
  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, We believe about 900 people were killed and 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year.

One killed in Waikato crash
One person was killed in a serious crash, which occurred at around 3.50pm, and another person is reported to have sustained critical injuries.

MSM report said five others are injured in the two-vehicle crash in Te Kauwhata, in the Waikato, citing St John ambulance that two of the injured were in critical condition, one in a serious condition and two in a moderate condition. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/update-fatal-crash-near-gore

[It can safely be assumed that police will not apologise for their deliberately misleading/ inaccurate report. Blog]

Fatal crash near Gore
At least one person was killed in a collision between a campervan and a car at the intersection of Andrews and Old Coach Roads in Otaraia near Gore at 4.30pm.


Sex victim file left on police car dashboard

Exclusive: Indecent assault report, victim’s personal details left on dash of police car in Auckland CBD




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