Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Archive for September 21st, 2017

Police and IPCA collude to justify murder, again !

Posted by te2ataria on September 21, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Protester set himself on fire at Parliament – police

Wellington – Self immolation – Police are assisting fire and ambulance at Parliament grounds where a man has reportedly set himself on fire. Ambulance are with the man currently, who’s reportedly in a critical condition.


WARNING: SEVERE Negative Karmic Events Occurring Throughout NZ!

Evil Karma Boomerangs in Mysterious Ways!

People living in Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Tasman Bay and Hawke’s Bay regions are either very brave, or extremely stupid. Then again, karma returns in mysterious ways!


Welcome to the MOST HEAVILY CENSORED blog in New Zealand [and across all other ZOMBIE democracies!] We’re GUILTY, above all, of TELLING the TRUTH, EXPOSING govt CORRUPTION and police BRUTALITY!


Sent by an angry reader, edited by Moderator K (replacing the word “pig” with “police”.)

Who’s watching the police “watchers?”

The so-called Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) says police were justified in shooting a man dead after he ALLEGEDLY threatened officers with a machete.

The only witnesses, of course, were the police themselves.

“Police were called to a rural property in Paeroa in June last year after a woman reported her partner, Michael Taylor, had thrown a mug of coffee at her neck during an argument,” a report said.

“When the police arrived they found Mr Taylor standing in a paddock ALLEGEDLY holding a machete in one hand and a sickle in the other.” [So they decided to sit in the car and see what happens next!!]

The victim ALLEGEDLY moved towards the car, throwing [the machete he was ALLEGEDLY holding in his right hand] at it and then ALLEGEDLY moved to strike the front passenger window with the sickle in his left hand. [He was right-handed.]

Police then fired four shots, fatally wounding him. [wham, bam, thank you Mr policeman!]

Frigging Judge Colin Doherty said nothing about Mr Taylor being “a marked man” and that the was extrajudicially punishing him by way of execution. Instead, he said gleefully that pigs were  “justified in firing” because they feared for their lives.


Proudly Killed in New Zealand

Fatal Foxton Crash
Thursday, 21 September 2017 – 11:19am – Central
One driver was killed, the other is critically injured in a two-car-collision just south of Foxton at about 10:10am, this morning.  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/update-foxton-crash


MoT Resurrects SIX People Killed in Driving Incidents Since Monday

Ministry of Transport (MoT) has outconned itself, police, for the second time in two days spreading more fake data and disinformation. Can you believe anything the government tells you?

Shameless daylight data robbery: MoT resurrects two more road dead, SIX since Monday

Ministry of Transport (Minitru) Caught Doctoring the Road Toll AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN… and AGAIN, and AGAIN, and “AFTER AGAIN”… AND Yet AGAIN…

Officially doctored road toll as of early morning 18th of September: Only 268 fatalities reported. Source of the officially-doctored data: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/roadtoll/

Number of road fatalities reported by police on Tuesday, 18th of September: 3 fatalities

Officially doctored road toll as of September 19th: Still 268 despite the three fatalities that were reported by police yesterday. Source of the officially-doctored data: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/roadtoll/

[The three dead have since been statistically resurrected by MoT!]

Officially double-doctored road toll as of September 20th: Now, reduced by one to 267. Source of the officially-doctored data: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/roadtoll/

On Wednesday, September 20, two more road fatalities were reported by police:

1. Police appeal for witnesses of fatal crash in Whangarei

The 22-year-old rider of a pizza-delivery motor scooter was killed at the intersection of Dent and Norfolk Streets in Whangarei Wednesday at approximately 6.50pm,police said.

“Police would like to hear from anyone who may have seen a Blue Toyota Rav 4 in the area shortly before the crash.” [Was this another hit and run? Moderator K.] http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/police-appeal-witnesses-fatal-crash-whangarei

2. Update – Dead body in car in Auckland Harbour
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 – 6:17am – Auckland City
Police say they have identified the driver of the vehicle that went into Auckland Harbour last night around 7:20pm. The man’s body was removed from the water, along with the vehicle, around 10:30pm last night.

Officially doctored road toll as of September 21th: Still 268 despite the SIX fatalities that have been  reported by police yesterday. Source of the officially-doctored data: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/roadtoll/

[SIX dead people have now been statistically resurrected by MoT since Monday!]


Sinking NZ: Earthquakes, Landslides, ‘Slow Slips’, Sinkholes, Volcanic Explosions

Large landslip causes damage in Waitomo district
About 20 hectares of Koromiko Grazing Ltd farm slipped over the Mangaokewa river on Tuesday afternoon about 7km east of the Mangaokewa Rd intersection with State Highway 30, and about 20 km upstream of Te Kuiti.

Earthquakes hit in and around New Zealand
A  strong earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 256km W of Auckland Island, New Zealand, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The quake was centered at 50.371°S,  162.550°E and struck at a depth of 10.0 km, earlier this afternoon. Minutes later, at 2:42 PM, a quake measuring 5.1 magnitude struck 30 km north-east of Seddon at a depth of 17km, Geonet said.

Kaikōura quake triggered massive ‘slow slips’ up to 600km away
“The slow slips occurred within days of the 7.8-magnitude Kaikōura quake, 15km deep below seabed, and spanned more than 15,000 sq km off the Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne coasts,” according to a report.
“One of the most intriguing factors is that the quake-triggered slow slip off the Gisborne coast [was] up to 600km away from its epicentre in North Canterbury,” said GNS Science’s Dr Laura Wallace.

Massive sinkhole discovered in Waihi
A massive sinkhole measuring 20 metres in diameter has been discovered on a council reserve between the Waihi Rugby Club and the Martha open pit, the council said.

“The sinkhole has collapsed into an unfilled stope in the historic Royal workings within the High Hazard Zone. Original records indicate that the historic stope was partially backfilled, but the upper 20 metres remained unfilled.”


Homeless Crisis

Family of 8 found sleeping outside S. Auckland Citizens Advice Bureau
A homeless family-of-eight are among those sleeping rough on the streets of south Auckland.  https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/manukau-courier/96765858/community-seeks-new-solutions-to-homelessness-as-family-of-eight-found-sleeping-outside-cab


Fuel Crisis

Pipeline won’t be at full capacity until next year

Qantas flies in ‘fuel mule’ jets to help relieve Auckland Airport fuel crisis


Missing in New Zealand

Wendy J search – family statements
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 – 3:29pm – Tasman
“Police are now able to release the names of the two men who went missing from the Wendy J on the West Coast late last week. They are Kieran Lynch, 22, and Jay Cairney, 43 [whose body was found on Tuesday,] both from Greymouth.”

Police say still searching for missing man, Stephen Lowe

Canterbury Police seeking sightings of two missing men


Road Fatalities: Police Censorship

At least FIVE, possibly as many as SEVEN, people were killed in serious crashes on Wednesday, August 23, according to a informed source, but only three fatalities were reported by police.

On Monday, August 28, police reported at least THREE road fatalities. All three victims seem to have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Truth (Minitru).

At least nine road fatalities occurred over the weekend (September 1 – 2), according to reliable insider information. However, only four of the deaths were reported by police, and of those, just three recorded by the Ministry of Transport.

Of an estimated 2,000 people who have received near-fatal/critical/serious injuries on New Zealand roads so far this year, none has perished, according to NZ police reports, or lack thereof.

Tourist Road Fatalities in NZ a State Secret


Welcome to the World’s Deadliest Tourist Destination – Truth about NZ Deadly Roads, as We Know it:

  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, we believe about 900 people were killed and more than 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year. [For every 12 or so victims, who die later in a hospital, only one death is reported. See blog content.]
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government.

Tourist Road Fatalities in NZ a State Secret


Corrupt Government

Did you know Peter Thiel screwed the NZ taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars, while sodomizing corrupt NZ government ministers, and got a preferential citizenship, too?

“The Instant Kiwi” even forced the corrupt NZ government to have details of his immigration application redacted.

The Department of Internal Affairs allowed billionaire Peter Thiel to redact key information from his citizenship file, a decision later criticised by the Ombudsman who said the saga attracted ‘public disquiet.’”


“We have a white supremacist establishment that shames even Donald Trump, spend billions on an incompetent and unnecessary military, and let a brutal police force run the country [and commit murder] with absolute impunity, but have no clean water [and go blind while waiting for eye care] in New Zealand…” — A Reader

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