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Archive for the ‘violent assault’ Category

Asian Father and Son Beaten to Near Death

Posted by te2ataria on June 3, 2009

I was Sure he was dead!

A Neighbor who saw the Asian father and son after they were beaten to near death at their home in Auckland, New Zealand, said he was sure the elder man was dead!

A 63-year-old Asian man and his 29-year-old son were beaten to near death by three attackers using blunt weapons early yesterday.  The father was run down in the driveway of his home in the suburban Epsom, Auckland, at 5am, police said. He was hospitalized with severe head injuries, a broken back and cuts to his body.

The younger man had so many cuts and bruises to the face, he was almost unrecognizable.  

A neighbor who saw the men after the attack said: “We’ve heard he has a broken back, and he just lay there bleeding for half an hour.”

“Another neighbor said the beating, which lasted 20 minutes, had rendered the father and son unrecognizable.”  [You would have thought 20 minutes was long enough to do something to scare the atackers off! TEAA]

“There was blood everywhere. I could barely see who it was. The father was literally caked in it. I was sure he was dead.”

The neighbor said he had woken to the sounds of screaming. “At first I thought it was just drunken kids on the street, but then I heard shouts of ‘Help’. There was a huge amount of noise.”

Police said the three offenders were believed to be Pacific Islanders, aged in their late teens or early twenties. However, we know the police are lying [as usual]  because “Bash-a-blackman” trend is now well established in New Zealand [and Australia.]  

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Posted in home invasion, killing 'colored' people, race violence, racism in new zealand, violent assault | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Another ‘Colored’ Teen Stabbed in Sewage Capital

Posted by te2ataria on April 19, 2009


Too many colored people are murdered, or violently assaulted in New Zealand. And that must stop NOW!

Polynesian Teen stabbed in Wellington

A 19-year-old man received severe facial wounds when he was attacked by a group of men after leaving a nightclub in central Wellington early this morning, police said.

The man, who was by himself, was chased a short distance before being attacked and stabbed in the face with a sharp object, probably a bottle. The attack appeared to have been unprovoked.

The victim walked some distance from the attack, and police found him shortly after 2am on Jervois Quay near Wellington’s waterfront.

The victim was described as a Polynesian man wearing a blue and white checked shirt, or white T-shirt, brown pants and brown boots. —NZPA


Posted in Jervois Quay, Polynesian victim, racial assault, Teen stabbed, violent assault | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »