Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Posts Tagged ‘apartheid New Zealand’

Record-breaking, three work-related fatalities in six days

Posted by te2ataria on June 15, 2017

The Most Heavily Censored Blog in New Zealand [Watch Out for Ceaseless Swarms and Immense Tsunamis of Bad Karma, Mister Ingrish!!]


Sent by a reader

Will work-related fatalities in New Zealand ever catch up with the road toll?

Fatal workplace incident in Penrose, Auckland
A person was killed in a workplace incident at an industrial site on Neilson St, Penrose. “Police were notified shortly before 12.30pm to an incident involving a fork-hoist. The deceased is a male.

[Korean?] woman killed fatal workplace accident in Rolleston [June 12]
The [Korean?] woman killed in a workplace accident in Rolleston on Monday 12 June was Kamila Mun, aged in her early 50s, police said. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/name-release-following-fatal-workplace-accident-rolleston

Man critically injured in workplace accident in Golflands
Thursday, 15 June 2017 – 1:04pm – Counties Manukau –
A male has received critical injuries in Golfland Drive, Golflands and has been taken to Middlemore Hospital after being trapped between a rubbish truck and a tree. “Work-un-safe” New Zealand have been advised, police said.

Police Road Fatality Reports [Extreme Censorship is in Effect]

  • No road fatality report allowed by police today, Thursday, as of posting, despite at least FOUR serious crashes reported locally.
  • Wednesday’s Update: A fatal  vehicle crash occurred shortly after 8pm on SH26 Paeroa Kopu Road, police said.
  • Tuesday Update: Person killed overnight in car fire. (See above.)
  • Sunday’s Update: 
    • Nigel Sammons, the 33-year-old man who was found dead on Black Street, Wairoa (Hawke’s Bay), around 5am on Sunday may have been hit by a vehicle, police said.
  • Saturday’s Update:
    • A man was killed after his car crashed into a roadside embankment near Taupō Saturday night, just before 11.30pm.
  • Friday’s Update:
    • Pedestrian hit on Tuesday, died Friday June 9.
    •  Fatal crash into a paddock in Himatangi Beach, Manawatu (see below for details.)
  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, We believe about 900 people were killed and 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year.
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government.
  • 32 Foreigners killed in New Zealand in 32 days [Posted on January 25, 2017]
  • Police told to keep their mouths shut about overseas licence holders
  • Don’t reveal crash driver’s ethnicity, police told.


Body Found in Lake

Vehicle and body recovered in Lake Arapuni, Waikato
As part of the search for missing Arohena woman Kim Richmond, Waikato Police have today recovered a vehicle from Lake Arapuni, Waikato.  The vehicle recovered is the 2014 silver Ford Ranger that Ms Richmond was believed to be driving prior to her disappearance on 31 July 2016. Police have confirmed there is a body in the vehicle, however formal identification is still to be completed.  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/vehicle-recovered-search-missing-aorhena-woman-kim-richmond


Pack rape, Rape, “Sexnapping”, Abduction…

Woman forced into car
“At approximately 7:10am on Tuesday 12 June, 2017 a silver Ford Falcon, registration HNQ156 pulled into a bus stop on Broadway in Newmarket (near the intersection of Broadway and Manukau Road). Several members of the public witnessed a man forcing a woman into the car. It then drove away towards Manukau Road and it is unknown where it went from there.”

Worsening Racism in Apartheid New Zealand 

New Zealanders ‘suffering in silence’ from racism
Racism is getting [much] worse in New Zealand but most of the victims suffer in silence, says Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/333077/new-zealanders-suffering-in-silence-from-racism

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New Zealanders “bred for the trenches,” says Dolan

Posted by te2ataria on September 14, 2016

“New Zealand is no paradise, it is brutal”

“It may look beautiful, but in reality New Zealand is a harsh and morally questionable place,” says author Katherine Dolan.  http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/84158436/New-Zealand-is-no-paradise-it-is-brutal

Zombie Democracy

Police Minister Judith “crusher” Collins knows better than to fuck with rich-listers

Nikolas James Posa Delegat, 19, the son of winemaker Jim Delegat – estimated to be worth $450 million by the National Business Review – was sentenced to 300 hours’ community service and ordered to pay $5000 following a “serious violent attack” on a female police officer.

Apartheid New Zealand

Maori imprisoned at twice rate of Europeans for same crime

Thanks to the apartheid system, Maori are twice as likely to go to jail than Pakeha when convicted of assault.

“Ministry of Justice figures reveal in 2015, 26.3 per cent of Maori convicted of assault were imprisoned, compared to less than 13 per cent of Europeans – when both were found guilty of the same crime.” http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11709631

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Apartheid Judge Duncan Harvey Fucks UP Big Time

Posted by te2ataria on May 16, 2016

Sent by a reader in Self-Abuse City, NZ

Only home detention for thieving white teenagers caught with $80,000 in stolen property

Frigging Judge Duncan Harvey’s message to the NZ nations:

  • If they’re white and well-connected, they have “license to kill”.
  • If you’re white, you’ve nothing to fear!

“In Whangarei District Court Judge Duncan Harvey sentenced Dylan Christie, Matthew McKenzie and Ethan Poole, all 19, and Robert Hales, 18, to various stints of home detention, the longest being 10 months. They must do 300 hours’ community work and pay reparation from nearly $12,800 to $20,950. Before their court appearance they had paid back some of the money owed and some of the stolen items were returned.”

The four thieving scumbags: Matthew McKenzie, 19, Dylan Christie, 19, Ethan Daniel Poole, 19, and Robert Samuel Hales, 18. Photo supplied/ via NZherald.

The four scumbags stole boats, fishing gear, outboard motors and tools worth about $80,000 from coastal properties last year.

Former Maori Affairs Minister Dover Samuels called the penalty “inadequate”, and “thousands of social media posts claimed the teens escaped a custody sentence because they were white,” according to the report.

“It sounds like they’ve been up to this sort of thing for a while and you only have to look at the sentencing of other young people, some of whom wouldn’t have done things half as serious as what these guys did.”

[Strong language removed by Mondays’ Moderator.]

Retired Apologist District Court judge Roy Wade people who criticised penalties meted out in courts were “unaware of the Sentencing Act’s contents”.

What he forgot to say was the Sentencing Act applies only to white criminals.

News in Drips…

Murder Mystery

Murder in Blenheim

A 48-year-old woman has been charged with murder, after the body of a 20-year-old woman was found a residential Blenheim address.

Woman found dead on the side of Main Rakaia Road

Police say have launched a homicide inquiry and believe the murder could be connected to a series of suspicious fires in the Selwyn area yesterday. They are looking for two people in a 4WD.



Former public servant charged with sodomy


Deadly/ Dangerous Police Pursuits

Another dangerous police pursuit in Wellington ends in crash


Quad-bike Kills

Woman killed in quad bike incident

A woman was killed after a quad bike rolled on top of her at a kiwifruit orchard in Waihi Beach Friday afternoon.  http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/80029771/woman-dead-after-quad-bike-rolls-on-her

Reports of Weekend’s road fatalities were blocked by police.

Today is DAY 151 of the latest NZ TOURISTS or truth? (police censorship of road fatalities) campaign

The State’s Stinking Secrets

Truth hurts New Zealand tourism. The average tourist would not visit this country, if they knew true extent of the daily carnage on our deadly roads. Therefore:

To protect the tourism industry, about two-thirds of the road fatalities in New Zealand go unreported by our political police, or unrecorded by Ministry of Transport [“Minitru”.]

About 2.7 million licensed drivers, half million or so unlicensed/unqualified drivers and more than one million tourists (per year) drive on New Zealand death roads.

A large number of the above drive a vehicle under the influence (illicit drugs, banned substances, prescription medication…), while intoxicated, fatigued or mentally unfit, resulting in inordinate numbers of fatalities and injuries. [Other factors for the carnage include deadly roads, road unworthy vehicles…]

Between 2001 and 2014, New Zealand’s vehicle fleet reportedly increased by 32 per cent, while the population grew by 16 per cent and foreign travel was up by 15 per cent.  And over the last 10 years the number of international visitors has increased by about 30 per cent.

Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 340 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016

How do they do it?

Police manipulate the road toll by censoring the news of fatal crashes, while the Ministry of Transport simply delete the unwanted road fatalities, even from their published records.

16may2016 road toll - doctored by NZ police


Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 340 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016


13may2016 nz road toll - doctored by police

Posted in Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

Ethiopian woman killed in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on December 9, 2011

This blog is filtered by Google, censored by New Zealand government and hacked by WordPress.

The victim moved to New Zealand in search of new life!!

Meme Tsige Woldeyesus, 33, emigrated to New Zealand a year ago with her three children and high hopes of starting a new life.

Little she knew that life could be very short-lived for “colored” people moving to Apartheid New Zealand.

She died in a blaze in Auckland on Wednesday. Firefighters discovered her body in a bedroom of her Saxon St home about 10.30am, according to a report.

The cause of the blaze is not known.

“The family are speaking with a funeral director and it’s expected that they will send the body back next week and they’ll hold a service on the same day,” said Danyet Shiferaw, president of the Auckland Ethiopian Community.

In 2011, on average, 3 foreigners are killed in New Zealand every 4 days.

Meme Tsige Woldeyesus was the 2,299th foreigner to be murdered/ killed in New Zealand since January 2000.

Related Links:

Posted in 10 reasons to emigrate to NZ, 10 reasons to visit NZ, Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Another Psyop by NZSIS?

Posted by te2ataria on January 31, 2011

Fairfax New Zealand: More Porky Pies

More of NZ Leading Media’s Disgraceful Lies Exposed

In an article titled: NZ ‘a tourist death trap’ says hate website, a Fairfax Media journalist has written  blatant lies about this blog.

The image caption published with the dishonest report reads:  “NEW ZEALAND: The country’s reputation as a natural safe haven has taken a hit. ”

Lie No 1: “a natural safe haven”

A baby fur seal was attacked by two males in Henderson Creek last week had to be put down. Two men were seen repeatedly bashing the young pup on the head. The seal received extensive bruising to one side of his head, and had bleed from the eyes, nose and muzzle. In another seal attack 25 seals were bashed to death at Ohau Point near Kaikoura in early December.

Even the Irish Visitors Are “Fair Game”

Robbie O’Brien
Robbie O’Brien, 31, one of thousands of tourists who are attacked/mugged/harmed in New Zealand each year. He suffered cuts to his face and needed hospital treatment.

Lie No 2

The intellectually dishonest report calls this blog: “A hate-filled website”.

This blog, dedicated to the victims of New Zealand tourism, aims to warn tourists about the dangers of visiting New Zealand.

New Zealand is probably one of the most toxic tourist destinations in the world. The unsuspecting foreign visitors risk a litany of health hazards including exposure to excessive UV radiation, unknown volumes of lethal chemical agents that have extensively contaminated the environment and toxic algae poisoning.

Being human, the Moderators also express their opinions about other issues FREELY!

Lie No. 3

Old-fashioned McCarthyism

“A hate-filled website has appeared”

This is typical McCarthyism at its worst. This blog was registered 35 moths ago, on February 28, 2008 and has since posted regular information about tourism and other dangerous issues in New Zealand.

Lie No. 4

Misrepresentation by Omission

The website also claims two foreigners are killed in New Zealand every three days, and goes on to describe the country as a “tourist death trap”. In comparison with those claims, Statistics New Zealand data showed that almost 30,000 people died in New Zealand in 2008, or 246 every three days.

This blog’s claim about the number of foreigners killed in New Zealand are backed with references. The great majority of Internet links posted on the blog  point to reports published by New Zealand media, including Stuff New Zealand owned by Fairfax Media (and operated by you know whom!)

Lie No 5

The report says: “The results of a recent visitor survey on perceived levels of security came back with a response of 8.8 out of 10.”

But it fails to provide any details about the survey (who carried it out; when was it taken; what were the questions asked; how many people surveyed; why was it necessary to have such trumped-up survey, and so on).

Lie No 6

“Internal Affairs said it had no power to act on the contents of the website because it was not covered under the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Amendment Act 2005, which centred on sexually explicit content, including child porn.”

“All inquiries were referred to police HQ, with a spokeswoman there saying: ‘This site and its contents are not worthy of any response.'”

Both the NZSIS and Internal Affairs/Police Farce have previously hacked this blog on at least 3 separate occasions. The Moderators regularly receive death threats both express and implied.

Furthermore, a large proportion of the information posted here are filtered and blocked by various sources, including Google search engines.

Worst of all, the NZ government seems to have coerced and cajoled WORDPRESS, the blog host, to minimize the blog’s exposure on Internet by disallowing all the related tags and categories that identify the content, among other tricks. [This information was true as of posting.]

Lie No 7

“Moderators from the website did not respond to inquiries.”

The journalist who concocted the report posted the following message on the blog:

Hi there, It is Neil Reid here from Fairfax Media. I am trying to get in touch with your moderator. Could you please email me with a contact email or phone number. Thanks heaps. Neil

To which one of the Moderators replied 9 days ago:

Hi Neil
To protect themselves against the state’s secret and paramilitary police forces, and the army and private assassins, blog moderators have devised a system of intermediaries for essential non-blog communication.

Your query would be dealt with in confidence, if you post your questions here in the comments section. It won’t be made public. One of the Moderators will then contact you directly via an email forwarder, if necessary.

More information about the Blog Moderators and Contributors

  • TEAA Moderator (100 percent Maori)
  • D.H. Moderator  (“white”)
  • 2 other Maori contributors
  • 4  regular contributors in Australia, U.S. and Europe (all of whom are also “white”)

What has all of these lies got to do with NZSIS, their latest Psyop and why NOW?

Think carefully! If we were the “bad guys”, then our “enemies,” namely the PM and his gang, must be the “good guys”. And if the good guys plan to rob the country out of its assets then they must be doing the “right thing”.  All that stands between you and your mind viewing as “benefactorial” the acts of daylight robbery committed by John Key and his gang is a simple and highly vulnerable emotional switch, one which is very easy to flip!

Related Links:

Posted in Media Porky Pies, Tourism New Zealand, Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , , , | 10 Comments »

New Zealand Openly Discriminates Against Asians

Posted by te2ataria on April 3, 2010

Asians Must Lose Identity to Get a Job Interview

Today, Asians Are Changing Their Names; Tomorrow they’ll have to Bleach Their Skin Just to Get a Job Interview

And so what if they got a job interview, they’ll never be offered a proper job!

The rate of unemployment among Asians in apartheid New Zealand is about twice as high as that of the white population.

“Massey University researcher Paul Spoonley says New Zealand employers, especially in small and medium-sized businesses, tend to eliminate Asian applicants very early in the process through surname discrimination.” NZHerald said.

“We have a lot of research and anecdotal evidence that New Zealand employers are reluctant to employ Asians, so changing surnames is a novel way of getting a CV read,” Spoonley said.

Asian immigrants told the Weekend Herald they changed their names in a desperate attempt to find work.

Anti-Asian discrimination is significant among New Zealand employers, according to the findings of a University of Auckland School of Business survey conducted in 2005. found.

Having a Chinese or Indian name significantly increased chances of being considered unsuitable, the survey found.

Asian immigrants told the Weekend Herald they changed their names in a desperate attempt to find work.

In the last 12 months 2029 immigrants registered to change their names including 264 Chinese, 152 Indians, 98 Iraqis and 97 Malaysians, Herald reported

A Chinese university graduate officially changed her name to Brenda Jones just to get a job interview. She did so because she couldn’t land a single job interview, while  her former classmates, white New Zealanders who graduated from the same IT course, were getting employed.

I was feeling very desperate and very small. Changing my name is not something I am proud of doing, but I really didn’t know what else to do.

New Zealand’s Internal Affairs [Gestapo] says only New Zealand citizens or permanent residents with indefinite visas can register for an official name change.

What is the Race Relations Commissioner, Joris de Bres, doing about the blatant apartheid in New Zealand? With his head still stuck between his legs,  he probably thinks the discrimination is not as bad as it was in South Africa.

Related Here:

Posted in anti-asian, asians in nz, human rights, New Zealand, racism in NZ | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 39 Comments »

Stop Treating Asians Like Animals

Posted by te2ataria on March 22, 2010

Apartheid New Zealand at its Worst:

Whereas Immigrants from South Africa and the United Kingdom are welcome, Asians are ignored or excluded

Kiwis intimidate Asian communities, especially the Indians, and socially exclude them.

Asians, are often “victims of social insults, from our New Zealand cultural arrogance,” said Dr Pita Sharples, Minister of Maori Affairs.

Dr Sharples admitted Asian leaders and friends had told him that they did not feel welcome in New Zealand.

“To me, personally, I feel shamed at those admissions,” he said.

“We criticise and it seems sometimes intimidate the Indian community for dominating the dairies, exacerbating stereotypes instead of recognising their capacity to support each other.”

“Sharples’ comments came ahead of the release at Te Papa today of a new book on immigrant experiences in New Zealand.” Stuff NZ reported.

Longing & Belonging is written by Edwina Pio, an author and academic at Auckland University of Technology.

Pio says [Asian and “dark skinned”] immigrants cannot find work in New Zealand that matched their skills.

Sharples said: “They say that they’ve often found New Zealanders do not seem to accept people who are physically different from them.”

Maori should help lead the move to make Asians feel welcome, Sharples added.

Related Links:

More Related Links:

Posted in "colored" students, 10 Worst Places, Asians, New Zealand, racial discrimination | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 13 Comments »

Indian teenager severely beaten in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on June 17, 2009

An Indian teenager severely beaten by 4 low-life kiwis

Living in Apartheid New Zealand is like a terrible, recurring nightmare for the ‘colored’ people

Feilding police say they are hunting for four pakeha [White European land thieves  who illegally occupy New Zealand] who seriously assaulted a teenager on Saturday night.

“The 16-year-old was walking to a friend’s house about midnight on Saturday when he was attacked by four men who had followed him in a car in West St, police said.

“The four attackers, described as European men aged in their 20s, leapt out of the vehicle, knocked the teen to the ground and repeatedly kicked him in the body, police said.” A report said.

The victim suffered two broken ribs and badly bruised legs.


 Related Links:

Posted in racist violence, recurring nightmare, serious assault, systemic violence, world leader in violence | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Asian Father and Son Beaten to Near Death

Posted by te2ataria on June 3, 2009

I was Sure he was dead!

A Neighbor who saw the Asian father and son after they were beaten to near death at their home in Auckland, New Zealand, said he was sure the elder man was dead!

A 63-year-old Asian man and his 29-year-old son were beaten to near death by three attackers using blunt weapons early yesterday.  The father was run down in the driveway of his home in the suburban Epsom, Auckland, at 5am, police said. He was hospitalized with severe head injuries, a broken back and cuts to his body.

The younger man had so many cuts and bruises to the face, he was almost unrecognizable.  

A neighbor who saw the men after the attack said: “We’ve heard he has a broken back, and he just lay there bleeding for half an hour.”

“Another neighbor said the beating, which lasted 20 minutes, had rendered the father and son unrecognizable.”  [You would have thought 20 minutes was long enough to do something to scare the atackers off! TEAA]

“There was blood everywhere. I could barely see who it was. The father was literally caked in it. I was sure he was dead.”

The neighbor said he had woken to the sounds of screaming. “At first I thought it was just drunken kids on the street, but then I heard shouts of ‘Help’. There was a huge amount of noise.”

Police said the three offenders were believed to be Pacific Islanders, aged in their late teens or early twenties. However, we know the police are lying [as usual]  because “Bash-a-blackman” trend is now well established in New Zealand [and Australia.]  

Related Links:

Posted in home invasion, killing 'colored' people, race violence, racism in new zealand, violent assault | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Go Ahead, Sue the Scumbags!

Posted by te2ataria on October 8, 2008

submitted by a reader:

You owe it to your family to sue the police. But remember, the judiciary is one of the same!

The family of the Indian storekeeper shot dead in an armed robbery of his Auckland store may sue the police.

Slain shopkeeper Navtej Singh is seen in this photo with his wife, Harijnder Kaur. They are not “white,” but in most parts of the world they are considered as full human beings. Their rights as such must be upheld by the racist judiciary in apartheid New Zealand.

The family of Navtej Singh, 30, may sue the police for preventing paramedics into his store for more than 20 crucial minutes after he was shot by armed robbers in Manurewa, Auckland on June 7.

The police took 25 minutes to arrive at the scene. They then prevented the ambulance crew from entering the victim’s store for another 20 minutes, a total of 45 minutes after they were called to help the victim!

Singh died the next day in a hospital. The delay almost certainly contributed to his death.

[A powerful coalition of white supremacists, Dispensationalists and other fundamental Christian groups whose divine (sic) mission is to “purify” what is already a showcase for abject racism are aided by the racist judiciary and the paramilitary police in apartheid New Zealand. What chance do the “colored” shopkeepers stand?]

Related Links:

Let Me Define Your Rights

Posted in armed robbery, Auckland, Indian community, killing Asians, Navtej Singh | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »