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Cost of Raping a ‘Colored’ Girl in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on January 22, 2010

sent by a reader in Auckland [edited by TEAA]

Another District Court Judge F**ks Up Again!

Lawyers’ fees + $5,000 (if the victim is an Indian or a Pakistani)

Graeme Stuart Redmond,  A Kirwee farmer, couldn’t keep his farming tool in his trousers, but managed to find the right lawyer.

Graeme raped a 15-year-old member of the minority community, believed to be an Indian or a Pakistani girl, got himself a “good” lawyer, wrote an apology letter to the girl, offered $5000 emotional harm reparation and was sentenced to eight months home detention by the evil judge.

Who was the Defence counsel? It was  Jonathon Eaton QC,  of course. The lawyer who specializes in looking after the old boys after they rape a minor.

“He said the incident was an example of a gross act by an intoxicated man with ill judgment. He realised it was wrong and stopped, then apologised to the girl the next morning.”

[“Hey, he apologized, didn’t he? And the girl must have enjoyed it, too. She was just a darkie, and must be grateful for the fun, and the money.”]

What did the Crown prosecutor say? “Redmond could have had no reasonable idea that the act was consensual,” or words to that effect.

Who was the Crown Prosecutor? They could have placed a vibrating sex aid with the batteries running out in the courtroom instead, and no one would have noticed the difference.

The *&^%$#@ Judge

Christchurch District Court Judge David Saunders reportedly said that he had “accepted Redmond’s remorse and generous offer of reparation, and it was evident he had support from the people in court,” NZPA said.

Uh… so next time all rapists should ask members of their extended family and school friends, too, to attend the court. Right?

“He said Redmond, who held official positions in the local community, had good references, and this was an isolated incident from a man with good character.”

[“In short he was one of the good old boys! And the victim just an Indian girl who couldn’t make her mind up, no doubt. She might have even asked for it”.]

“Earlier in the sentencing Judge Saunders spoke directly to the girl’s father and encouraged him and the family to attend a restorative justice meeting.”

The judge then revealed that the family was considering leaving New Zealand [and returning to their country of origin.]

That’s one way for apartheid New Zealanders to repatriate “colored” immigrants.

No name suppression in this case, because Jonathon Eaton QC didn’t think it was necessary to hide the identity of a kiwi HERO!

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6 Responses to “Cost of Raping a ‘Colored’ Girl in New Zealand”

  1. mana2000000 said

    Dirty ballhead mongrels.

  2. Kerri said

    [Will allow your post, if you provide some proof to back it up. Moderator]

  3. Kerri said

    [What we publish here is to the best of our knowledge 100% Pure – unlike New Zealand. Moderator: KC]

  4. Jonathan Eaton said

    [We have no way of confirming who you are, but you can read most of the story at http://www.3news.co.nz/Farmer-to-pay-5000-to-indecency-victim-/tabid/423/articleID/138382/Default.aspx — Moderator.]

  5. Peter said

  6. frances said

    Judge Davis Saunders is a fulltime member of Pineglades, the naturist nudist club in Rolleston, CHCH, and is known for his dodgy relations with a known chch psychologist and his wife,check it out,

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