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Posts Tagged ‘pack rape’

Record-breaking, three work-related fatalities in six days

Posted by te2ataria on June 15, 2017

The Most Heavily Censored Blog in New Zealand [Watch Out for Ceaseless Swarms and Immense Tsunamis of Bad Karma, Mister Ingrish!!]


Sent by a reader

Will work-related fatalities in New Zealand ever catch up with the road toll?

Fatal workplace incident in Penrose, Auckland
A person was killed in a workplace incident at an industrial site on Neilson St, Penrose. “Police were notified shortly before 12.30pm to an incident involving a fork-hoist. The deceased is a male.

[Korean?] woman killed fatal workplace accident in Rolleston [June 12]
The [Korean?] woman killed in a workplace accident in Rolleston on Monday 12 June was Kamila Mun, aged in her early 50s, police said. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/name-release-following-fatal-workplace-accident-rolleston

Man critically injured in workplace accident in Golflands
Thursday, 15 June 2017 – 1:04pm – Counties Manukau –
A male has received critical injuries in Golfland Drive, Golflands and has been taken to Middlemore Hospital after being trapped between a rubbish truck and a tree. “Work-un-safe” New Zealand have been advised, police said.

Police Road Fatality Reports [Extreme Censorship is in Effect]

  • No road fatality report allowed by police today, Thursday, as of posting, despite at least FOUR serious crashes reported locally.
  • Wednesday’s Update: A fatal  vehicle crash occurred shortly after 8pm on SH26 Paeroa Kopu Road, police said.
  • Tuesday Update: Person killed overnight in car fire. (See above.)
  • Sunday’s Update: 
    • Nigel Sammons, the 33-year-old man who was found dead on Black Street, Wairoa (Hawke’s Bay), around 5am on Sunday may have been hit by a vehicle, police said.
  • Saturday’s Update:
    • A man was killed after his car crashed into a roadside embankment near Taupō Saturday night, just before 11.30pm.
  • Friday’s Update:
    • Pedestrian hit on Tuesday, died Friday June 9.
    •  Fatal crash into a paddock in Himatangi Beach, Manawatu (see below for details.)
  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, We believe about 900 people were killed and 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year.
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government.
  • 32 Foreigners killed in New Zealand in 32 days [Posted on January 25, 2017]
  • Police told to keep their mouths shut about overseas licence holders
  • Don’t reveal crash driver’s ethnicity, police told.


Body Found in Lake

Vehicle and body recovered in Lake Arapuni, Waikato
As part of the search for missing Arohena woman Kim Richmond, Waikato Police have today recovered a vehicle from Lake Arapuni, Waikato.  The vehicle recovered is the 2014 silver Ford Ranger that Ms Richmond was believed to be driving prior to her disappearance on 31 July 2016. Police have confirmed there is a body in the vehicle, however formal identification is still to be completed.  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/vehicle-recovered-search-missing-aorhena-woman-kim-richmond


Pack rape, Rape, “Sexnapping”, Abduction…

Woman forced into car
“At approximately 7:10am on Tuesday 12 June, 2017 a silver Ford Falcon, registration HNQ156 pulled into a bus stop on Broadway in Newmarket (near the intersection of Broadway and Manukau Road). Several members of the public witnessed a man forcing a woman into the car. It then drove away towards Manukau Road and it is unknown where it went from there.”

Worsening Racism in Apartheid New Zealand 

New Zealanders ‘suffering in silence’ from racism
Racism is getting [much] worse in New Zealand but most of the victims suffer in silence, says Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/333077/new-zealanders-suffering-in-silence-from-racism

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Another woman gangraped in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on July 27, 2016

Sent by a reader in NZ’s Murder Capital, aka Auckland

Nicknames of Palmerston North: Palmy, Student City, Rose City, Palmy North and now, Gang-rape City, and NZ’s Delhi

Motto of the Gang-rape City: Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat, Let him who has earned it, bear the reward (!)”

Woman gangraped by at least three rapists in NZ’s Delhi

A woman has been hospitalised in New Zealand’s Delhi [Palmerston North] after she was subjected to a brutal pack rape by at least three or more attackers in the suburb of Highbury on Tuesday night.

The victim received serious injuries during the vicious sexual attack and was admitted to Palmerston North Hospital.

Murdered by police

Man murdered by police in Rotorua finally pronounced “dead” 

Police have finally admitted that Shargin Stephens, 35, of Rotorua, is dead.  Although the victim was killed by police two weeks ago, sources confirmed, he was said to be in a critical condition in Waikato Hospital.

The death will finally be referred to the Coroner and a post-mortem examination will be done today, police said.

Homeless Crisis in Frigging “Godzone”

Work and Income sent families to garages

“Work and Income has [finally] admitted it directed desperate people to garages and houses where entire families crowded into a single room, and paid their bonds as well.”

Criminal property managers, such as Debbie Widharni Iskandar, a South Auckland property agent, rented garages to families for up to $400 a week.


Thousands of “ghost houses” in Auckland and across New Zealand remain empty

Tens of thousands of houses [second homes, holiday homes, investment homes…] owned by wealthy foreigners, as well as well-to-do kiwis, remain empty for most of the year, if not for years at a time, despite denials by economists like Shame-u-be-el “bollocks” Eaqub.

It’s noteworthy how Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi  emigrants like him and his distant cousin in the US, Shyam Sunder of NIST, bring infamy upon themselves and their families, sleling their worthless souls to the establishment for the promise of cushy employment.

Tenants kicked out by ‘property manager’ 

“Up to 150 people renting unconsented garages and single rooms in South Auckland from ‘property manager’ Debbie Iskandar now face homelessness.”  http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/201809877/south-akld-property-manager-kicks-out-tenants

The State’s other Stinking Secrets

Truth about the daily road carnage on the roads hurts the massive foreign investment in New Zealand including the $10 billion tourism industry.

[The Stock of total foreign investment in New Zealand: Total investment in NZ$ 322,279 million, according to the a report posted at https://www.nzte.govt.nz/en/invest/statistics/ ]

Therefore, NZ TOURISTS or truth? Campaign (police censorship of road fatalities) continues…

Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 521 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016.

  • No of road fatalities recorded by Minitru as of July 27: Only 186

NZ police doctored national road toll 27 july 2016

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New Zealand Celebrates Trend: Brutal Gang Rapes

Posted by te2ataria on December 28, 2008

Merry Xmas! Brutal Pack Rapes Commonplace in New Zealand!

A 22-year-old woman, possibly a tourist, the latest victim, was gang raped in Taranaki, NZ, early on Christmas Day.

“She has been forcibly taken down an alleyway between High St and Cornish’s car park, where she was subjected to a brutal sexual assault,” a nincompoop Taranaki policeman said. [See UPDATE below for how the police have now changed their story to fit innocent suspects.]

The woman was later taken to a hospital and treated by a doctor for internal injuries.

“She is extremely traumatized by what has happened,” the police said, seemingly unable to comprehend why!

UPDATE [January 2, 2009]: The scumbag police are again up to no good. They have arrested two patsies, Indian restaurant workers, who were not even close to the crime scene. However, to make their false accusations stick, the scumbag police have now changed their story completely, shifting the crime scene, where the gang rape occurred,  from a parking lot to a residential address.  The unscrupulous NZ media have gone a step further, publishing photos of the accused. Clearly, the concept of presumption of innocence hasn’t reached the racist, backward, poxy New Zealand.

Both victims have denied the accusations and have willingly given DNA samples to the scumbag New Zealand police.

Related Links:

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