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Posts Tagged ‘PIG’

Man extrajudicially executed by Police in Kawerau

Posted by te2ataria on February 21, 2019

Zombie Democracy in action: Police extrajudicially execute man

Thursday, 21 February 2019 – 12:25pm [Bay of Plenty of Murders by Police]

A man was extrajudicially executed by the PIGs  in Kawerau.

“A number of investigations are now underway and Police will be at the scene for some time, with cordons and diversions in place.

“Police are in contact with the man’s family but will not be releasing any further details about the man’s identity at this early stage.

“The IPCA has been notified.” [ROFL]

Bay of Plenty [of Murders by Police] District Commander Superintendent Andy McGregor can now add another bloodied feather to his shooting cap!

[Note: PIGs = Police in Garters]

Search blog content for scores of extrajudicial executions by NZ paramilitary assassination squads!

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Just two days ago we said:

NZ police officers can rape and shoot a dozen people in the middle of Queen St., Auckland and avoid conviction…

Speeding cop whose crash seriously injured a driver avoids conviction

“A police officer has avoided conviction after driving at almost two and a half times the speed limit and seriously injuring a person in a resulting crash.”

Police officers convicted of 52 crimes in three years [represents only a small sample due to heavily censored data]

“Police officers were convicted of 52 offences over the past three years after they committed crimes ranging from speeding to drug-dealing and corruption.”

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Pedophile of the Year: Roman Polanski

Posted by te2ataria on December 28, 2009

sent by KFD edited by Teaa

“She was a grown up 13-yo, and she asked for it!”

“Let any of you who hasn’t drugged, raped, sodomized and performed oral sex on a 13-yo put the noose around my neck!”

French-Polish [crappy film] director Roman Polanski, photographed by AFP in 2008, battles extradition to the United States. He had pleaded guilty to statuary rape of a 13-year-old girl. Image may be subject to copyright.

In 1969 his pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered by the Manson Family. Was it a contract killing arranged by him? We’ll probably never know for certain.

Polanski was arrested on March 11, 1977, for the sexual assault of a 13-year-old, Samantha Geimer, that had occurred the previous day at the Hollywood home of actor Jack Nicholson. The victim testified that Polanski had given her both champagne and a sedative drug (Quaalude), and despite her repeated pleadings to stop, Polanski had performed oral sex on her before raping and sodomizing her. “A grand jury charged him with rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under fourteen, and furnishing a controlled substance to a minor.”

Thanks to his Israeli connections, he managed to sue Vanity Fair in the Zionist Occupied High Court of London, Great Britain, in 2004. He was awarded £50,000 for damages.

“I find it amazing that a man who lives in France [and who is a wanted criminal on the run from the US justice] can sue a magazine that is published in America in a British courtroom.” —Edward Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair

The Zionist French “intellectual” Bernard-Henri Levy, one of Polanski’s strongest supporters said that Polanski is the victim of a “harassment campaign” by [antisemitic?] US judges bent on making an example of the 76-yo Jewish Zionist  [crappy film] director.

Polanski is currently living under house arrest at his chalet in the Swiss Alpine resort of Gstaad after being released on $4.5m bail from Swiss prison on December 4, 2009.

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