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Posts Tagged ‘New Zealand Supreme Court’

How NZ judges are awarded for perverting justice

Posted by te2ataria on October 24, 2010

Expensive perks for perverting justice

The cost of NZ judges’ perks for perverting justice is TOO HIGH

NZ judges spent about $1 million dollars of public funds on 1st class flights and lavish conferences in 2 years.

The CORRUPT anti-American Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias traveled  first class to 5 destinations in that period, at a cost of about $75,000. She took along her husband, Hugh Fletcher, on two of the all-expense-paid visits.

Evil Trio
The corrupt anti-American Chief Justice Sian Elias (center) seen in this undated photo flanked by her “cousins”  Nathan Guy MP, and John Key, NZ’s corrupt PM. [Source NZNationalParty via flickr. Some rights reserved.  flickr.com/photos/nznationalparty/3637356002/]

Here’s the rest of the corrupt NZ judges pigs at the trough story:

Jetting judges fly at taxpayer expense


Globe-trotting judges have clocked up almost $350,000 on international taxpayer-funded travel in the past two years – including business class airfares with their spouses.

Locations travelled to on the Kiwi taxpayer – at a cost of $348,949.53 in the 24-month period ending June this year – include London, New York, Florence, Boston, Tunisia, Denver in Colorado, and Halifax in Nova Scotia.

Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias attended five trips in that period, costing $74,490. On two of them, to Melbourne and London, she took along her husband, Hugh Fletcher.

Elias attended a Council of Chief Justices conference in Adelaide, a Supreme and Federal Court judges conference in Canberra, and a Council of Chief Justices meeting in Melbourne. She endured the long haul to Europe for a “judicial academic conference”, a sitting of the House of Lords and the Yale Global Constitutionalism Seminar.

The Sunday Star-Times twice requested an interview with Elias to discuss the judiciary travel bill. Her spokesman, Neil Billington, said: “I am sure you will get a response as soon as she is free to consider your request.”

A judge from the Supreme Court travelled to Vietnam in 2009 at a cost of $8343 to attend a LawAsia conference. Official documents show representatives of the Court of Appeal attended nine events at a cost of $35,419, including visits to Seoul for the International Association of Women Judges Biennial international conference and the West Indies island territory of Turks and Caicos for the Commonwealth Magistrates Judges Association conference.

High Court judges attended $38,007 worth of meetings in mainly Australian cities.

Meanwhile, District Court judges travelled to 16 destinations such as Florence, Tunisia and the Turks and Caicos for events about subjects like “international child abduction”, “therapeutic courts” and “rights for child” at a cost of $136,511. The Maori Land Court spent $32,609 on travel and the Institute of Judicial Studies $23,569.

There was no international jet-setting undertaken by Employment Court judges.

Justice Ministry acting deputy chief executive Christine Stevenson confirmed judges were allowed to travel business class for all journeys that exceeded four hours.

There was controversy last year when it was announced up to 30 Justice Ministry staff were to lose their jobs just two months after around $330,000 was spent on two luxury hotel conferences for Kiwi judges.

A three-day conference for district court judges and partners at Rotorua’s Millenium Hotel in March 2009 cost $220,000. The same week a three-day judges’ conference in Tauranga cost $120,000.
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4267918/Jetting-judges-fly-at-taxpayer-expense

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Posted in Corrupt Judges, corrupt justice, judicial corruption in New Zealand, New Zealand, perverting justice | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Anti American Judge Denies US Woman Injury Claim

Posted by te2ataria on July 4, 2009

July 4th Special

sent by a reader in the US [edited
by TEAA]

Brazenly Anti-American kiwi judge denies former U.S. champion boardsailor right to appeal injury claim case

Evil Chief Justice Sian Elias (and her two sidekicks John McGrath and William Wilson) sitting at New Zealand Supreme Court dismissed former US champion boardsailor Kimberly Birkenfeld the right to appeal her case for injury compensation.

Evil Trio
The Anti American Chief Justice Sian Elias (center) seen in this undated photo flanked by her “cousins”  Nathan Guy MP, and John Key PM. [Source NZNationalParty via flickr. Some rights reserved.  flickr.com/photos/nznationalparty/3637356002/]

Birkenfeld suffered severe brain and spinal injuries in 2002 when she was hit by a Yachting New Zealand-owned motorboat driven by a rival team’s captain, the [scumbag] kiwi, Bruce Kendall, in Greece. She now needs a wheelchair to go even short distances and has difficulty speaking.

Kimberly Birkenfeld THEN! She had it all at 37. An MBA from Harvard, a successful consulting business, the No. 1 ranking among women windsurfers on the U.S. Sailing Team. All the reasons why others would have been determined to take it all away from her. [http://www.yachtracing.com/PressReleases/thelog-080803.htm]

The Supreme Court dismissed her latest application to have her case reheard, yesterday. She has now had her appeals rejected by  New Zealand’s anti-American court  in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

She had sought $15 million in damages, though the court had capped  “the amount of funds payable to” about US$250,000. Yachting NZ had denied liability for the incident.

Birkenfeld was ordered by the truly evil Chief Justice Sian Elias  to pay $2500 in costs to Yachting New Zealand.

Kimberly Birkenfeld Now
Kimberly Birkenfeld NOW! In New Zealand Court of Appeal, The Anti American Chief Justice Sian Elias threw out all of Kimberly Birkenfeld’s grounds for appeal and ordered her to pay the legal costs of Bruce Kendall and Yachting NZ. [Photo: PHIL REID/The Dominion Post. Image may be subject to copyright.]

“In the Court of Appeal in 2008, Birkenfeld had argued that the offer only dealt with quantum damages, not Kendall’s alleged negligence.

“She also argued that the High Court had failed to make a discovery of documents order which was a fundamental failure of due process.

“She asked for the case to be returned to the High Court for such discovery to be ordered.

“She also wanted a court order that stayed proceedings disregarded because she had no means to provide $50,000 security.” A report said.

In 2008, the Court of Appeal rejected all Birkenfeld’s grounds for appeal and again ordered her to pay the legal costs to Yachting New Zealand, which prompted her to appeal to the Supreme Court.

She argued the Court of Appeal had ignored the issues she raised, “failed to give its reasons and denied her equal access to justice, making no allowance for her disability.”

The kangaroo Supreme Court said they were not “persuaded that the hearing in the Court of Appeal was unfair to her.”

The writer notes that had the victim been a Jewish Israeli the New Zealand Court would have gone out of its way to maximize injury compensation and award punitive damages, too!

Bruce Kendall
BRUCE KENDALL: The Olympic boardsailing gold medalist drove over Kimberly Birkenfeld in Yachting New Zealand motorboat. Photo: Photosport. Image may be subject to copyright.

  • Did the Olympics instill a sense of fair play in Bruce Kendall?

  • Was he playing fair when he drove the boat over his team’s main rival?

  • Did he intend to incapacitate Birkenfeld on behalf of Team New Zealand, or for other personal reasons?

  • Did he hate the victim’s guts because Birkenfeld was an American, a female, and a successful woman who was involved with someone else instead of HIM?

  • Did/does he suffer from “pakeha pete Syndrome?”

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Posted in anti-american, Blazej Kot, BRUCE KENDALL, july 4th, pakeha pete | Tagged: , , , , | 5 Comments »