Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Posts Tagged ‘Safeswim’

Miracle vaccination at Auckland beaches

Posted by te2ataria on December 27, 2018

[WARNING: SEVERE Karmic Events in Progress!]

Welcome to the MOST HEAVILY CENSORED blog in New Zealand [and across all other ZOMBIE lands!] We’re GUILTY, above all, of TELLING the TRUTH, EXPOSING police BRUTALITY and govt CORRUPTION! NZ government spends tens of millions of taxpayers’ dollars spying on ordinary people and having blogs like this one censored.

Sent by a reader in ‘sanitary pads” city

Want a super immune system? Come take the plunge at Auckland beaches!

How to Become an honorary “Aucklandyte”

Don’t listen to the cynical Safeswim telling you the water in Auckland’s summer “hot spots” is too dirty for swimming!!

What Audacity!!
Milford South, Mission Bay, Point England and St Heliers beaches have been coded “black”, meaning “a very high risk of illness from swimming.”

Up to 20 other popular swimming spots on the North Shore in West Auckland have been coded “red”, for “a high risk of illness from swimming.”

What are the contaminants [“vitamin fortification”,] and where do they come from? Fortunately, there are numerous items from multiple sources:

Human faeces, vampire teabags [sanitary pads,] used condoms, birds, dogs and livestock poop, AND massive volumes of untreated raw sewage from onsite wastewater systems, wastewater overflows and storm water pipes.

Did you know visitors from several countries defecate in NZ’s coastal waters as a matter of natural course?

Thankfully, people are not prevented from boosting their immune system by taking an early morning swim, or a mid-afternoon plunge in the golden waters.

“People can do what they will with that information. We don’t close beaches and we don’t tell people not to swim…certainly in terms of where wastewater overflows have gone off I think people should definitely pay attention to where that is the case because for a period of time after that overflow has gone off it is genuinely higher risk to swim,” said Safeswim programme manager Nick Vigar.

Traffic congestion costs Auckland about $2b a year

[Aucklandyte: A lower-functioning subspecies of humanoid that inhabits extortionately-priced cave-quality dwellings and enjoys human feces and sanitary pads in their water, and day-long traffic congestion on motorways…]

“If the average speed across the Auckland network was close or equal to the speed limit, which is also known as free-flow, we estimate the benefits of decongestion during weekdays at between $1.4 and $1.9 billion (between 1.5% and 2%) of Auckland’s GDP),” says a report.

Related links: Living in human excrement

 ♠  ♠

W A R N I N G !

Geophysical Assaults on New Zealand Loom!

At least five NZ cities/regions, including Canterbury, face existential threats in the near future, according to independent experts!

 ♠  ♠


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Have a faeces-ful day at an Auckland beach!

Posted by te2ataria on November 18, 2017

WARNING! SEVERE Karmic Events Occurring Throughout NZ! ARE YOU READY?



Would you like to swim in a soup of human feces and animal excrement?

Auckland is the biggest toilet in New Zealand and in the SW Pacific ocean.

Sixteen Auckland beaches are public safety hazards (grade ‘D’, the lowest grading possible, on the council’s new water quality forecasting system), says Safeswim.

In many areas, visitors are greeted with the sight of human feces and an animal excrement covering the surface of the water like a magic carpet.

The water contamination has increasingly worsened since at least 2010.

Long-term water quality alerts by Auckland Council

Public Health Warnings:

  1. Cox’s Bay: Permanent Alert
  2. Meola Reef: Permanent Alert
  3. Weymouth Beach: Permanent Alert
  4. Little Oneroa Lagoon: Permanent Alert
  5. Wairau Outlet: Permanent Alert
  6. Piha Lagoon: Permanent Alert
  7. North Piha Lagoon: Permanent Alert
  8. Te Henga (Bethells) Lagoons: Permanent Alert
  9. Laingholm Beach: Permanent Alert
  10. Wood Bay: Permanent Alert
  11. Taumanu East: Permanent Alert
  12. Green Bay: Permanent Alert
  13. Clarks Beach: Permanent Alert
  14. Tītīrangi Beach: Permanent Alert
  15. Fosters Bay: Permanent Alert
  16. Armour Bay: Permanent Alert

 Related links:


Shootings, Stabbings…

Man critically injured in Hawke’s Bay

Woman shot in Helensville

NZ police manual copied from Gestapo rule book?

Gestapo chief Reinhard Heydrich, and Bozo the clown both spinning in their graves with envy!

Fucking stupid police unlawfully took DNA from thousands of Kiwis, only to jeopardise future prosecutions!

“Thousands of New Zealanders had their DNA illegally taken and stored by police over a four-year period, which may have jeopardised several future prosecutions.” [The shitheads have been heavily criticised by the Court of Appeal, which ruled a man had his DNA illegally obtained and stored by police. Prosecution against the accused will now “likely fail”.] http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11945296

FAKE Freedom of Information: Police Censorship = NO Information!

15 Days and only six road fatalities??? Who are you kidding?

DOCTORED Road Toll and Statistical RESURRECTIONS

Only six road fatality reports allowed by police over the past 15 days!
Police Road Fatality Reports: Extreme censorship is in effect for tourism and commercial reasons. Of those fatalities reported by police, many are statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Transport (MoT).

Only six road fatality reports have been allowed by police since Saturday, November 3,  despite at least 149 serious crashes being reported locally, over the period, as of posting, making the officially released road toll a double statistical impossibility.

  • The deceased in the New Plymouth crash was statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Transport (MoT). See entry here!
  • At least three ADDITIONAL people have died between November 10 and 13 from injuries sustained in recent road  crashes. Those fatalities have not been reported by police!

Proudly Killed in New Zealand

Person dies following Tatuanui crash, Waikato
Saturday, 18 November 2017 – 6:18pm – Waikato
“A woman has died following a two car crash on State Highway 27 near the Tatuanui roundabout, Waikato, at approximately 1:30pm today.”

Welcome to the World’s Deadliest Tourist Destination – Truth about NZ Deadly Roads, as We Know it:

  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, we believe about 900 people were killed and more than 8,000 others seriously/critically injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year. [For every 12 or so victims, who die later in a hospital, only one death is reported. See blog content.]
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government.

Tourist Road Fatalities in NZ are a State Secret

Medical Miracle, or Malicious MENDACITY?

Of an estimated 2,500 people who have received near-fatal, critical, or serious injuries on New Zealand roads so far this year, less than a handful have perished from their injuries, according to NZ police reports, or lack thereof.



[The following list represents figures monitored by the moderators and blog contributors. It represents only a fraction of the actual deception and disinformation by the authorities.]

  • No. of known STATISTICAL RESURRECTIONS performed by MoT on Nov. 8, 2017 : at least ONE.
  • As of Nov. 6, at least FIVE additional fatalities remain unreported by police.
  • No. of known STATISTICAL RESURRECTIONS performed by MoT on Oct. 24, 2017 : at least THREE.
  • No. of known MoT resurrections on Oct. 17, 2017 : at least TWO
  • No. known MoT resurrections on Oct. 13, 2017 : at least ONE
  • No. of known MoT resurrections on Oct. 2, 2017 : at least ONE
  • No. of known STATISTICAL RESURRECTIONS performed by MoT on Sept. 26, 2017 : at least ONE
  • On Monday, August 28, police reported at least THREE road fatalities. All three victims seem to have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Truth (Minitru).
  • At least FIVE, possibly as many as SEVEN, people were killed in serious crashes on Wednesday, August 23, according to a informed source, but only three fatalities were reported by police.
  • Both the actual number of road fatalities and cases of statistical resurrections performed by the Ministry of Transport (MoT) over the September 22-24 weekend remain UNKNOWN.
  • Between September 18 and 21, 2017 at least SIX road fatality victims were resurrected by MOT.
  • At least nine road fatalities occurred over the weekend (September 1 – 2), according to reliable insider information. However, only four of the deaths were reported by police, and of those, just three were recorded by the Ministry of Transport.


Official Corruption

“The Instant Kiwi”

Did you know Peter Thiel screwed the NZ taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars, while sodomizing corrupt NZ government ministers, and got a preferential citizenship, too?

“The Instant Kiwi” even forced the corrupt NZ government to have details of his immigration application redacted.

The Department of Internal Affairs allowed billionaire Peter Thiel to redact key information from his citizenship file, a decision later criticised by the Ombudsman who said the saga attracted ‘public disquiet.’”



White Supremacist Establishment

“We have a white supremacist establishment that shame even Donald Trump, spend billions on an incompetent and unnecessary military, and let a brutal police force run the country [and commit murder] with absolute impunity, but have no clean water [and go blind while waiting for eye care, or die within hours of being released from hospital] in New Zealand…” — A Reader



SEVERE Negative Karmic Events Occurring Throughout NZ! ARE YOU READY?

Evil Karma Boomerangs in Mysterious Ways!
People living in Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Tasman Bay, Bay of Plenty [of Deaths] and Hawke’s Bay regions are either very brave, or extremely stupid. Then again, karma returns in mysterious ways! [See earlier posts for a clue!]

Welcome to the MOST HEAVILY CENSORED Blog in New Zealand [and in all other  democracies that are populated by human corpses!] We’re GUILTY, of course, of REVEALING the TRUTH about our TOXIC COUNTRY, EXPOSING the GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION and police BRUTALITY, as well as UNMASKING a culture of VIOLENCE and WOEFUL INCOMPETENCE!

We take credit also for exposing the Manuka Honey Scam, among others, to British media.



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