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‘Sodomous’ Judge and the Rising Crime Rates

Posted by te2ataria on July 13, 2008

The “Sodomous” Judge Thomas Ingram warning a 17-year-old: “Two or three of these [convictions] and you will be Waikeria [prison] bound. Just think about lining up in the shower with all the boys, your bar of soap in your hand.”

A sodomous district court judge, his mouth frothing with delight and a horny glint in his eyes, told a young offender what might happen to him in the shower room if he was sent to prison. The depraved judge, with his hand moving in his trouser pocket, could hardly contain his excitement.

The 17-year old pleaded guilty last week for stealing a 99 cent bar of chocolate.

Auckland QC Peter Williams said the comment was “disgusting and ridiculous.”

“These are definitely not the type of comments we expect from our judiciary. We pay good money to judges so they act in a judicial manner, set an example to the community and adhere to standards of formality and dignity,” he said.

“It is this type of remark that condones violence in prisons. It’s quite shabby really.”

Criminal lawyer Chris Comeskey agreed, saying the comments were “outrageous”.

Another lawyer was heard muttering, “what if like the judge, the offenders liked the shower-room action,” or words to that effect, “isn’t that why they keep re-offending, committing bigger crimes?”

The young offender was sentenced to 40 hours community service [apparently in the district where the judge resides.]

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