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Posts Tagged ‘Airbus A320’

Air NZ Slaves Have NO Right to Equal Pay

Posted by te2ataria on April 2, 2009

sent by an angry reader

How dare they, the flight crew, asking for more money?

Air New Zealand suspends crew, resulting in the cancellation of a Christchurch to Sydney flight.

“The incident is the latest in an ongoing pay dispute between the airline and the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU), which represents cabin crew members of Zeal, the company that supplies Air New Zealand with cabin crew for its A320 services on Pacific and trans-Tasman routes.” NZ Herald from hell said.

Air New Zealand income belongs to the shareholders and top management; not the frigging sky waitresses who wear wigs and funny underwear.

If we wanted to pay a fair wage to all of those manual workers why would we need to set up Zeal?

Get real you bitches, you don’t deserve a penny more.

Group general manager short haul airlines Bruce Parton should put all of those ungrateful dogs by the wall and shoot them with an airgun.


Come to think of it, this was an ‘even’ day!

“If you really have to fly because your life depends on it [sic,] and if you are flying an Airbus, then fly on odd days of the month because the Airbus is statistically twice as likely to crash on even days!”

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Posted in Bruce Parton, cabin crew, flight cancellation, funny underwear, Zeal | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Pilot Error Downed Air New Zealand Airbus!

Posted by te2ataria on February 25, 2009

Watch Our Lips: Read the *&#^*%* Report!

“PILOT ERROR” caused the Airbus A320 to crash into the Mediterranean Sea killing all aboard.

Five New Zealanders died in the crash off the coast of France in November. Photos / l’Independant, via nz herald.

France’s Bureau d’Enquetes et d’Analyses (BEA) said in a  report published today in Paris that the “the plane performed a low speed test at too low an altitude.”

“The report shows a dramatic last minute struggle to save the plane, but it smashed into the sea at 263 knots or 487 kilometres per hour.” Media reported.

“Air New Zealand pilot Brian Horrell was sitting in a middle cockpit seat and an unnamed Air New Zealand engineer was on the flight deck.”

The report says the crew had “not received any specific training for this type of flight”.

The nincompoop Air New Zealand CEO, Rob Fyfe, is naturally upset with his airline’s abject failure to ensure safety. Mr Fyfe said, a “combination of failures” must have been behind the crash.

Yes, Mr Fyfe, you’re dead right, it was a combination of failures: Incompetence, inadequate training, corporate  greed, cutting corners …

In America some pilots can land on water without engines!

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Posted in Air New Zealand, Airbus A320, Bureau d'Enquetes et d'Analyses, PILOT ERROR, plane crash | Tagged: , , , , | 3 Comments »

Air New Zealand Flying Coffin Crashes in the Mediterranean

Posted by te2ataria on November 28, 2008

Reconditioned Air New Zealand Airbus A320 ‘dropped’ into the Sea

The greedy Air New Zealand boss and his equally unethical board of profiteers wanted more bang for their A320 buck

Two Germans and five  New Zealanders were onboard the Air New Zealand Airbus A320 which crashed into the Mediterranean off Perpignan, southeastern France, earlier today. There were no survivors.

The Airline industry is NOT doing well. Airbus A320 seats about 150 passengers and its becoming increasingly difficult to fiind the passengers. The crashed Air New Zealand A320 was four years old [possibly five.] It had previously been leased to two other chartered airlines for a total of more than three years, and was being returned [after being “reconditioned”] to Air New Zealand.

The greedy Air New Zealand boss, Rob Fyfe, and his equally unethical board of profiteers wanted more bang for their A320 buck. It’s not known how much money Air New Zealand will receive from the insurers.

An Air New Zealand A320 similar to the one that crashed in Southern France.
. Image may be subject to copyright.

The information desk attendant at Perpignan Airport, said the plane dropped into the sea very quickly.

“The aircraft crashed direct … It’s not far from the airport. That’s why the aircraft was not very high in the sky … a lot of people saw the crash near the coast of Cannes.” She told reporters.

A French journalist said: “It’s not really clear on what happened … the plane was flying for one hour and a half and suddenly fell down to the sea … There was no explosion, it was flying [at] 300m and suddenly fell down into the sea, but no explosion.”

According to at least one aviation expert, the A320 is “one of the most reliable and safest” aircraft ever built.  So why did it crash? Was it an own goal? Perhaps we’ll know one day!

The crash came on the anniversary of another deadly Air New Zealand disaster which killed 257 passengers and crew when the plane smashed into Mt Erebus while on a sightseeing flight (!) in Antarctica.


Wreckage from another Air New Zealand aircraft, flight TE90, strewn on Mt Erebus in Antarctica while on a sightseeing flight. Some 257 passengers and crew were killed. Source. Images may be subject to copyright.

In Air New Zealand’s Mt Erebus disaster, both pilot error and Air New Zealand [they changed  the flight plan without informing the crew] were at fault, according to separate inquires. High Court Judge Peter Mahon, head of the royal commission of inquiry, accused Air New Zealand of intentionally misleading the inquiry through an “orchestrated litany of lies.”

The establishment didn’t like the decision by their own trusted judge and had it overturned by another poodle judge, to avoid paying adequate compensation to the families of the victims.

Come Fly Air New Zealand: Our pedigree sheep lamb aircraft are fully “reconditioned!”

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Air Lines, Air Accidents …


Posted in Mt Erebus crash, Murder, New Zealand, Perpignan Airport, Rob Fyfe | Tagged: , , , , | 37 Comments »