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Posts Tagged ‘Jindarat Prutsiriporn’

One in two million!

Posted by te2ataria on March 5, 2016

One in two million: Chances of no road fatalities occurring in ‘Godzone’ today!

Yet no road fatality reported as of 6.30pm today, the first Saturday in March!

DAY 79 of latest TOURISTS or truth? campaign in NZ

About two-thirds of the road fatalities in New Zealand go unreported by police, or unrecorded by Minitru.

Ministry of Transport (heavily doctored) Road Toll:



  • Blog estimate: [About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year.] Most probably, up to 168 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016.

News in Drips…

Man killed in Hunting Incident in Central Otago

The incident apparently occurred in an area of the Nevis Range near Duffers Saddle. He has been named as Gary John TALL, a 61 year old Cromwell man, who had been hunting with a companion during the evening of the 3rd of March.

African leaders gather to discuss New Zealand police racism claims

Police and African community leaders have come together after a war of words over allegations that police are racially profiling African youth.

In a peaceful meeting, about 150 people gathered at a community centre in Auckland on Saturday to discuss a controversial report.

A dispute erupted after the release of AUT University research which claimed African youth felt unfairly targeted and sometimes racially abused by police.

The police responded by denying the claims and using prominent migrant figures former Race Relations Conciliator Greg Fortuin and Muslim Association president Dr Anwar Ghani to talk up how tolerant the police are.

In response African leaders who called the meeting have fronted AUT University criminologist John Buttle with claims that police use the tactic of attacking evidence of racial profiling in an effort to silence critics.

“Police tend to treat independent research on racial profiling as a threat and in a very conscious attempt to suppress and discredit it rather than engaging in a productive manner,” Buttle said.

The research found some Africans were on the receiving end of derogatory insults, dismissive behaviour and excessive force by the police.

This included African youth being called “n******s” and one alleged had his back broken by police when he was arrested for a crime he was wrongly accused of.

Putain de merde, est-il vrai? Racism in New Zealand?
But seriously, it’s unclear why the leaders of Chinese, Korean, Indian… communities were not invited to the meeting. http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/77582387/african-leaders-gather-to-discuss-police-racism-claims.html

Thai community living in fear after death of kidnap victim


[Why? Is everyone in the Thai community related to drugs, prostitution and human trafficking rings operated by Thai Emperor, Triads and and the likes?

The Thai king, Bhumibol Adulyadej, aka Rama IX, receives a royalty on every gram, kilogram and tonne of heroin that leaves the country. He also receives the “royal cut” on income from prostitution and human trafficking, according to various sources.]

Jinda-rat Prutsiri-porn had spent two and a half years in jail for drug offences, yet she was not deported. She had a blue dolphin tattoo under her left buttock, which identifies the gang she belonged to!

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Abducted Thai woman finally declared dead

Posted by te2ataria on March 3, 2016

Government corruption: Foreign gangs enter, operate and thrive in New Zealand

Abducted boot fall woman was mother of two

The abducted Thai woman who fell/was thrown, bound and gagged, from a moving car in south Auckland, has finally been declared dead in Middlemore Hospital.

She was Jindarat Prutsiriporn, 50, mother to “a couple of sons” in Auckland, police said.

Jindarat Prutsiriporn, 50, was finally declared dead. She was abducted in Auckland, brutally beaten, bound and gagged and thrown out of a moving car. Prutsiriporn had some involvement in the organised crime scene within Auckland, police said.

“The New Zealand Herald reported on Thursday Prutsiriporn had been jailed for two and a half years in 2011 after pleading guilty to conspiring to import the methamphetamine precursor pseudoephedrine as well as other drug offences.”  http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/77491200/boot-fall-woman-dies-from-injuries.html

It’s not known why she was allowed to remain in this country after being convicted, unless she was working for the police, or was connected to members of the establishment who benefit handsomely from prostitution, modern slavery (human trafficking), drugs, and other criminal rackets.

Toddler killed after being struck by ‘multiple vehicles’ on SH 25
An 18-month-old boy was killed after being hit by a car outside their home, while his mother was making school lunches.  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11599161

Body lay undiscovered for months in Wellington apartment
A 78 year old man’s badly decomposed body has been discovered in an upmarket Wellington apartment. Police say he may have died in early January. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11599363

Another NZ coroner blames dead tourists for avalanche deaths

Two Canadian tourists, Louis-Vincent Lessard and Etienne Lemieux, both 23-year-old, who were killed by an avalanche while walking the Kepler Track on July 9, ignored advice against doing the tramp due to the bad weather and avalanche risk, a coroner’s report says.

“Southland Otago coroner David Crerar’s report into the tragedy says the two men spent the night of July 8 at a DOC shelter called the Hanging Valley Shelter, but the following morning they were engulfed by an avalanche while walking along the track towards Luxmore Hut and Lake Te Anau.”

“They did not understand the dangers they were facing and, more significantly, did not understand the fact they did not understand these dangers,” said Crerar. [Were the two French Canadians “intellectually challenged,” as the coroner seems to suggest?] http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/77501034/Tourist-trampers-ignore-advice-and-pay-ultimate-price-in-Fiordland-National-park

DAY 77 of latest TOURISTS or truth? campaign in NZ

About two-thirds of the road fatalities in New Zealand go unreported by police, or unrecorded by Minitru.

Ministry of Transport (heavily doctored) Road Toll:

3-3-16 doctored road toll


  • Blog estimate: [About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year.] Most probably, up to 163 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016.

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