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Posts Tagged ‘Joris de Bres’

New Zealand Openly Discriminates Against Asians

Posted by te2ataria on April 3, 2010

Asians Must Lose Identity to Get a Job Interview

Today, Asians Are Changing Their Names; Tomorrow they’ll have to Bleach Their Skin Just to Get a Job Interview

And so what if they got a job interview, they’ll never be offered a proper job!

The rate of unemployment among Asians in apartheid New Zealand is about twice as high as that of the white population.

“Massey University researcher Paul Spoonley says New Zealand employers, especially in small and medium-sized businesses, tend to eliminate Asian applicants very early in the process through surname discrimination.” NZHerald said.

“We have a lot of research and anecdotal evidence that New Zealand employers are reluctant to employ Asians, so changing surnames is a novel way of getting a CV read,” Spoonley said.

Asian immigrants told the Weekend Herald they changed their names in a desperate attempt to find work.

Anti-Asian discrimination is significant among New Zealand employers, according to the findings of a University of Auckland School of Business survey conducted in 2005. found.

Having a Chinese or Indian name significantly increased chances of being considered unsuitable, the survey found.

Asian immigrants told the Weekend Herald they changed their names in a desperate attempt to find work.

In the last 12 months 2029 immigrants registered to change their names including 264 Chinese, 152 Indians, 98 Iraqis and 97 Malaysians, Herald reported

A Chinese university graduate officially changed her name to Brenda Jones just to get a job interview. She did so because she couldn’t land a single job interview, while  her former classmates, white New Zealanders who graduated from the same IT course, were getting employed.

I was feeling very desperate and very small. Changing my name is not something I am proud of doing, but I really didn’t know what else to do.

New Zealand’s Internal Affairs [Gestapo] says only New Zealand citizens or permanent residents with indefinite visas can register for an official name change.

What is the Race Relations Commissioner, Joris de Bres, doing about the blatant apartheid in New Zealand? With his head still stuck between his legs,  he probably thinks the discrimination is not as bad as it was in South Africa.

Related Here:

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