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Archive for June 10th, 2009

Mossad Agent Adds Insult to Saudi Injury

Posted by te2ataria on June 10, 2009

It’s amazing the sort of “cock and bull” story the pitiful Mossad agent has come up with to spread disinformation.

Strictly speaking, and despite the dumb story by Waikato Times reporter, the New Zealand coroner may not have lied through his teeth as it were [the norm with ALL NZ coroners is to lie through their yellow, rotting teeth] because waterboarding by the police may have killed Mr Fahad Ibrahimh Alsalmah first, before he could bleed to death through his bullet wounds.

Background:   Saudi Student Murdered by New Zealand Police

Saudi student drowned, coroner says

By AARON LEAMAN – Waikato Times  –  Last updated 13:44 09/06/2009

A wrongly translated word relating to the death of an international student in Hamilton led to false reports in Saudi Arabia that the man had been shot dead.

Fahad Ibrahimh Alsalmah, 25, drowned after he fell into the Waikato River while running from police in October last year.

At the time it was widely reported in Saudi media that Alsalmah had been “shot twice”. At the inquest into Alsalmah’s death, Coroner Gordon Matenga said a report to the Saudi Arabia embassy in Canberra, stating the deceased was wearing two pairs of shorts, had been misinterpreted.


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Posted in Fahad Ibrahimh Alsalmah, killed by waterboarding, Murder by deception, nz police, Saudi Arabia embassy | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

New Zealand Toxic Scandal Reignited

Posted by te2ataria on June 10, 2009


If you are importing New Zealand meat, dairy products, other food, fruit or wine, you may be liable for negligent homicide against your community, customers, family

Here’s what we find in our fields, playgrounds, and under our homes – Imagine what you’ll find in the food imported from New Zealand

The Nightmare Repeats Across the Country. Charmaine Batt and son Josiah Warbrick were horrified to discover  tetrachlorophenol and tetrachlorobenzene which contain cancer-causing dioxins were found buried in a field near their home.

toxic dump
Charmaine Batt and son Josiah Warbrick are shocked that the Marfell Park site was once used as a dumping ground for toxic chemicals. Photo: ROBERT CHARLES (Stuff NZ). Image may be subject to copyright.

Dow Agro Sciences, formerly Ivon Watkins-Dow, the company that manufactured the deadly chemicals, said it “did not know how chemicals got there.”

“Operations leader Andrew Syme said the company would have used municipal landfills along with many other companies in the past.” Report said.

“The company’s long-standing practice was that chemical drums were not disposed in public waste facilities and Dow AgroSciences had not handled tetrachlorobenzene and trichlorophenol for more than 20 years, he said.”

“Former Banks St resident Noel Scouller, 72, said his four children used to play in the dump before it was closed over.”

Mr Scouller and his four kids, have suffered illnesses which he said “came from living next to the dump or near the former Ivon Watkins-Dow plant.”

“I’m just hanging in hoping that one day someone will be answerable and say sorry. I don’t want the money, I just know in my own heart that dioxin is the cause,” Mr Scouller said.

“Mother-of-three Gloria Bristone said she hadn’t thought about letting her kids play on the old dump site before, but it explained why their grazes and cuts took longer to heal.” Report said.

“A couple of days after the kids go there they get a lot of sores, kind of break out in a rash,” she said.

“The sores don’t heal as fast as they should do our oldest has been on medication for three months and it’s only just gone away.

“The doctor didn’t know what it was.”

According to Dioxin campaigner Andrew Gibbs “the levels of dioxin found in Marfell were the highest-ever detected in New Zealand.”

Taranaki Regional Council say their tests  showed concentrations of dioxin in the buried drums was three parts per million.

“It’s the highest level that I know of. That’s hot,” Mr Gibbs said. More …

Related Links:

[Check out the information provided at each of the following links because your life may depend on it!]

Posted in dioxin contamination, Indonesian beef import, Ivon Watkins-Dow plant, tetrachlorobenzene, toxic food | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »