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Archive for April 4th, 2018

Two groups added to NZ terrorism list; police and NZDF get a free pass!!

Posted by te2ataria on April 4, 2018

Definition of Alethophobia:

  • A fear or dislike of the truth. The inability to accept unflattering [incriminating] facts about your nation, religion, military, police, culture, ethnic group…


Send by a reader in Sewage City 1 [aka, “Wellington”]

NZ police and NZDF get a free pass!

NZ police and NZDF have killed, directly or indirectly, many more Kiwis (and foreigners) than the designated  “terrorist” groups combined.

Two foreign groups, the Indonesian-based Jamaah Anshrout Daulah and Maute Group in the Philippines, have been added to the list of designated terrorist entities, under New Zealand’s anti-terrorism laws, a report said.

“[The accidental, unqualified, reprobate] Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said both had been responsible for planning and conducting violent terrorist acts against both government and civilian targets in Indonesia and the Philippines respectively.” [How would she know? Most probably NZSIS told her.]

“The designation of terrorist entities is one measure New Zealand takes to contribute to the international campaign against terrorism. The Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 (TSA) provides for a list of terrorist entities to be established and maintained in New Zealand. Police are responsible for coordinating requests to the Prime Minister for designation as a terrorist entity.”

“A designation under New Zealand legislation freezes the assets of terrorist entities and makes it a criminal offence to participate in or support the activities of the designated terrorist entity. “[The cheating Chinese officials, of course, are immune from the above legislation. Moderator K.]

PS. The following photo of Jacindar Ardarned [the degenerate wretch is neither fit to be a decent spouse, nor a caring mother; also unfit and unqualified to be a PM] made me throw up this morning and I’m Not pregnant.

By What Standing Are You the Prime Minister?

The Accidental, Unqualified,  Fuck Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said both groups had planned and conducted violent terrorist acts. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King. Revolting image may be subject to copyright. Fair use! No infringement intended.

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