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Archive for April 20th, 2018

What do 13 heads of state and hundreds of wealthy criminals have in common?

Posted by te2ataria on April 20, 2018

Foreword: “We have a [kosher] white supremacist establishment that shame even Donald Trump [NY mafia,] spend billions on an incompetent and unnecessary military, and let a brutal police force [and private security/spy firms] run the country [and commit murder and other heinous crimes] with absolute impunity, but have no clean water [and go blind while waiting for eye care, or die within hours of being released from hospital, while a significant portion of the taxpayers’ money goes toward servicing money-laundering operations] in New Zealand…” — A Reader

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They all launder(ed) money through New Zealand

At least 13 heads of states and hundreds of wealthy criminals and influential persons have laundered their ill-gotten gains through New Zealand entities, insider sources say.

More on this issue in the coming weeks…

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Murders, Unexplained Deaths…

“Sudden Deaths” [as if struck by a bolt of lightning!]
Sudden death on farm in Ongaonga, Central Hawke’s Bay
Friday, 20 April 2018  – Police and emergency services were called to the scene of a “sudden death” on a farm in the Central Hawke’s Bay, where the found a man near a motorbike at 5am this morning, 20 April.

Death in Upper Riccarton [Slam, Bam, Case Closed Ma’am!]
Friday, 20 April 2018 – 6:02pm – Canterbury
“Police were called to a residential address in Fletcher Place, Upper Riccarton, where a woman was found deceased in the early hours of this morning.
Police have been at the address today conducting a scene examination and [within minutes] have determined there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death.”

Murder/ Near-Murder Mystery
Whanganui police insist they are investigating how a man was critically injured and ended up lying in a street in the early hours of this morning. [They were unable to say there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the injuries because they were bystanders who might have taken photos. Moderator B.]

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UPDATE: Fake Road Toll (as doctored and cooked by NZ police and Ministry of Resurrection)  

No. of crash victims who have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Resurrection: 28 [+ UNKNOWN no. of dead victims who’re currently in limbo]

  • Actual road toll for 2018 so far: 332 [Based on the blog’s advanced statistical model – margin of error: ±3 per cent.]
  • No of fatalities reported by police: 153
  • No. of crash victims NOT resurrected: 125

Source: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/roadtoll/

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Well-connected scumbag gets away with quadruple manslaughter

How Justice Anne Hinton Fucked the Laws of Natural Justice!

Scumbag Dylan Cossey, 20, was found guilty on four counts of manslaughter. “He had fled from the scene of a head-on smash near Hamilton Airport [which he was partly responsible for] on the night of June 24, 2016, with his co-defendant Stephen John Jones, 20, in the front passenger seat.”

In the second vehicle they were reportedly racing against were, “Hannah Leis Strickett-Craze, 24, Lance Tyrone Robinson, 28, and Paul de Silva, 20, all from Waipa, and Jason McCormick Ross, 19, from Taranaki.”

Driver of a third vehicle received serious injuries including multiple leg fractures and had to be cut from his van.

And the fucking judge sentenced the Cossey to only 12 months of home detention, three months for each manslaughter [screw the van driver?]

Do You Have Faith in the Zombie Legal System?

Some 72% of people who responded to a poll said they had no faith in NZ legal system!

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