Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Archive for April 18th, 2018

Another case for hunger strike: Police, Crown won’t prosecute corporate manslaughter of 115 in CTV building collapse

Posted by edmundironside on April 18, 2018

S H A M E  O N  Y O U!

Foreword: “We have a [kosher] white supremacist establishment that shame even Donald Trump, spend billions on an incompetent and unnecessary military, and let a brutal police force [and private spy firms] run the country [and commit murder] with absolute impunity, but have no clean water [and go blind while waiting for eye care, or die within hours of being released from hospital and have to go on hunger strike to claim earthquake insurance payment] in New Zealand…” — A Reader

One more time: Police tell families of the CTV victims to “F**K OFF”

The CTV building collapse killed at least 115 persons including 70 foreign students. The bodies of four victims remain unidentified because the high temperature of the building fire had destroyed all traces of DNA.

The building collapsed in the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake killing at least 185 people.

Vctims by Nationality (Blog Assessment)

Japan: 28
China: 23
Philippines: 11
Thailand: 6
United Kingdom: 4
Israel: 3 [Based on insider information received by Blog, we believe the families of Israeli victims received “substantial” compensation from a secret fund operated by PM.]
South Korea: 2
Residents with Chinese Names: 2
Undetermined: 3

and 1 each from the following countries

Unnamed Arab Country, Canada, Ireland, Iraq, Malaysia, Peru, Resident from an unnamed European country, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Taiwan, Turkey and the United States.
Blog totals: 96 foreigners + 89 NZers (including at least 10 victims who had recently emigrated to NZ)

Police statements fit for Zombies



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