Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Archive for May 21st, 2018

One minutes the Australian tourist was alive, happily rafting on Shotover River…

Posted by te2ataria on May 21, 2018

Another Aussie killed in a NZ tourist deathtrap!

….the next minute his chest was being cut open by a medical examiner!

“Six Australians and their guide were rafting with company Challenge Rafting on the Shotover River when the raft overturned near the Toilet Rapids.”

However, one of them was killed when clumsy attempts to rescue him failed, according to reports.

“Another member of the same group was injured and was flown to Lakes District Hospital for treatment. The rest of the group were helicoptered out. [Unwilling to risk more lives and limbs] they all flew back to Australia [Sunday] morning.”

Second death in two months
Queenstown rafting guide Keith Haare, also known as Chief, was killed in March after his raft overturned near Toilet Rapids, about 4km upstream from the Queenstown Rafting and Shotover Jet bases.

Two motorists critically injured at Waikato train crossing
A crash involving a vehicle and a train at Princess St in Ngaruawahia has left at least
two people from the vehicle in a critical condition.

UPDATE: Two Foreigners Killed in NZ

Australian killed in Queenstown rafting rescue named
The Australian victim who was killed during a botched up rescue attempt in a rafting incident on Saturday 19 May was 31-year-old Joshua Paroci of New South Wales, Australia.

Mr Paroci, a police officer since 2008, worked in the child abuse and sex crimes squad.

Cyclist Killed in Albany Hit-and-Run
Police have confirmed the identity of the teenage cyclist who was killed in a hit-and-run in Albany on Friday 18th May. He was 15-year-old Nathan Kraatskow [originally from South Africa.]

When the Living Have NO Human Rights, the Dead Should Go…

UPDATE: NZ Road Toll Y-T-D (including fake stats as doctored and cooked by NZ police and then manipulated by the Ministry of Resurrection)

No. of crash victims who have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Resurrection: At least 44 [No. of the dead currently in limbo: At least 3 souls.]

  • Actual road toll for 2018 so far: 387 [Based on the blog’s advanced statistical model – margin of error: ±3 per cent.]
  • No. of fatalities reported by police: ONLY 201
  • No. of crash victims NOT resurrected: 154 as of Monday morning (May 21, 2018)

Welcome to the World’s Deadliest Tourist Destination: Truth about NZ’s Tourist Deathtraps and Deadly Roads, as We Know it:

  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local chatter, we believe about 900 people were killed and more than 8,000 others critically/seriously injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year. [For every 12 or so victims, who die from their road injuries later in a hospital, only one death is reported. See blog content.]
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities [and other tourists deaths] go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government’s “Ministry of Resurrection”.

Foreigners Killed in NZ Since 2000
At least 4,500 overseas visitors, international students, foreign workers, recent emigrants and refugees have lost their lives and more than 30,000 others seriously injured in New Zealand between Jan 2000 and Jan 2018.

Medical Miracle, Malicious MENDACITY, or Govt Disinformation?

Of an estimated 3,000 people who received near-fatal, critical, or serious injuries on New Zealand roads in 2017, only a handful were declared deceased from their injuries, according to NZ police reports, or lack thereof.

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