Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Archive for May 16th, 2018

Chinese workers to build hotel in Auckland!!

Posted by te2ataria on May 16, 2018

WARNING! SEVERE Karmic Booms Striking NZ!

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Will they use Chinese steel?

Immigration New Zealand [the Mafia] has approved, in principal, work visas for 138 workers  through March 2019 to build the [Chinese-owned?] Park Hyatt hotel, a major hotel on Auckland’s waterfront.

They include welders, painters, tilers, carpet layers… and will be paid $26 – $35 an hour, but it’s unclear who would foot the bill for their food, accommodation and entertainment.

“Immigration New Zealand said they were satisfied that the company acting for Fu Wah, Auckland Fitout Limited (AFL), had been unable to find locals first,” a report said.

Related links:

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NZ Earthquakes, or NOT?

What happened to the quake that struck NW of Taupo?

According to the USGS, an earthquake measuring magnitude 4.5 struck 21km NW of Taupo (38.527°S,175.942°E) at 00:03:43 UTC on 2018-05-16.

However, Geonet had not reported the quake on their website, visited over two hours later.

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Human Rights in NZ???

That’s One Frigging Fat Oxymoron!!!

After Human Rights Commission harassment scandal, how can victims trust the process?  https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/103961585/Alison-Mau-After-Human-Rights-Commission-harassment-scandal-how-can-victims-trust-the-process

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When the Living Have NO Human Rights…

UPDATE: NZ Road Toll Y-T-D (including fake stats as doctored and cooked by NZ police and then manipulated by the Ministry of Resurrection)

No. of crash victims who have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Resurrection: 42 [No. of the dead currently in limbo: N/K]

  • Actual road toll for 2018 so far: 376  [Based on the blog’s advanced statistical model – margin of error: ±3 per cent.]
  • No. of fatalities reported by police: 188
  • No. of crash victims NOT resurrected: 146 as of Wednesday morning (May 16, 2018)

Welcome to the World’s Deadliest Tourist Destination: Truth about NZ’s Deadly Roads, as We Know it

  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local news, we believe about 900 people were killed and more than 8,000 others critically/seriously injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year. [For every 12 or so victims, who die from their road injuries later in a hospital, only one death is reported. See blog content.]
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities [and other tourists deaths] go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government’s “Ministry of Resurrection”.

Foreigners Killed in NZ Since 2000
At least 4,500 overseas visitors, international students, foreign workers, recent emigrants and refugees have lost their lives and more than 30,000 others seriously injured in New Zealand between Jan 2000 and Jan 2018.

Medical Miracle, or Malicious MENDACITY?

Of an estimated 3,000 people who have received near-fatal, critical, or serious injuries on New Zealand roads in 2017, only a handful were deceased from their injuries, according to NZ police reports, or lack thereof.

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