Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

50,000 Foreigners Violently Killed, Permanently Maimed or Seriously Injured by NZ Tourism Machination since 2000 — Welcome to the World's Deadliest Tourist Attraction: The Final Destination!

Archive for May 20th, 2018

Willful killing is called first-degree murder

Posted by te2ataria on May 20, 2018

S H A M E O N Y O U!

Foreword: “We have a [kosher] white supremacist establishment that shame even Donald Trump [NY mafia,] spend billions on an incompetent and unnecessary military, and let a brutal police force [and private security/spy firms] run the country [and commit murder and other heinous crimes] with absolute impunity, but have no clean water [and go blind while waiting for eye care, or die within hours of being released from hospital, while a significant portion of the taxpayers’ money goes toward servicing money-laundering operations, instead of feeding the 325,000 kids – and their families – who live below the poverty line] in New Zealand…” — A Reader

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Sent by a reader, edited by a blog moderator

Eat Shit Police Association: Police have no right to chase and kill fleeing drivers

Killing that is unlawful, premeditated and willful is called first degree murder.

Police Association has effectively decreed that the murder of drivers and other occupants of fleeing cars by police is lawful.

Bailey Patmore, 15, was killed in “the boot of a stolen” hatchback when it was rammed by the police car in pursuit, and crashed off State Highway 1 at Tawa, yesterday.

The Police Association has said the community must follow the rule of law and police have a right to chase fleeing drivers.

How could police be above the law? They, too, must follow the rule of law. However, they are instead short-circuiting the rule of law by extra-judicially executing the occupants of fleeing vehicles. NZ abolished the death penalty in 1961.

By now, they should have learned that “joyriders” do not stop when ordered to do so by police. And having murdered scores of people in fleeing cars in recent days, weeks and months, including at least three victims in just over a week, they should realize the consequences of their hot pursuits. Chasing and forcing the fleeing cars off the road thereby killing the occupants in the process is not lawful, except perhaps in a zombie democracy. In civilized communities, it’s called first-degree murder.

Related links:

Search blog content for scores of additional fatalities caused by police pursuits.

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Murder-mystery, homicide, road-kill, “unexplained” death…

Nine taken to hospital after crash
Two of the injured nine were said to be in a serious condition after a two car collision near Te Hoe in the Waikato.

Two killed in separate motorbike crashes

Elsewhere, a person was killed when a car and motorbike collided on State Highway 29 near the Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park. Earlier today, another person was killed when a van and motorbike crashed in Waihau Bay in Bay of Plenty.

When the Living Have NO Human Rights, the Dead Should Go…

UPDATE: NZ Road Toll Y-T-D (including fake stats as doctored and cooked by NZ police and then manipulated by the Ministry of Resurrection)

No. of crash victims who have been statistically resurrected by the Ministry of Resurrection: At least 43 [No. of the dead currently in limbo: At least 8.]

  • Actual road toll for 2018 so far: 384 [Based on the blog’s advanced statistical model – margin of error: ±3 per cent.]
  • No. of fatalities reported by police: ONLY 197
  • No. of crash victims NOT resurrected: 146 as of Wednesday morning (May 16, 2018)

Welcome to the World’s Deadliest Tourist Destination: Truth about NZ’s Tourist Deathtraps and Deadly Roads, as We Know it:

  • Based on insider information, statistical models and local chatter, we believe about 900 people were killed and more than 8,000 others critically/seriously injured on NZ suicide roads in 2016; however, only 328 fatalities were reported last year. [For every 12 or so victims, who die from their road injuries later in a hospital, only one death is reported. See blog content.]
  • To protect the tourist industry and massive foreign investment, about two out of every three road fatalities [and other tourists deaths] go unreported, or the dead are statistically resurrected by NZ government’s “Ministry of Resurrection”.

Foreigners Killed in NZ Since 2000
At least 4,500 overseas visitors, international students, foreign workers, recent emigrants and refugees have lost their lives and more than 30,000 others seriously injured in New Zealand between Jan 2000 and Jan 2018.

Medical Miracle, or Malicious MENDACITY?

Of an estimated 3,000 people who have received near-fatal, critical, or serious injuries on New Zealand roads in 2017, only a handful were deceased from their injuries, according to NZ police reports, or lack thereof.

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