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Posts Tagged ‘sexual offences’

NZ male sexual abuse rate highest in the world

Posted by te2ataria on March 15, 2012

Rape: a torture routine, a weapon of mind control and subjugation

Blog’s regular readers may remember the following posted about 4 years ago:

About one half all girls and a third of all boys in New Zealand are raped [or sexually molested] before the age of 16.

Why are so many children [allowed to be] raped, sexually abused in New Zealand?

Rape is a torture routine, a weapon of mind control and subjugation used by the establishment to repress ordinary people in this country.

[How else would you get otherwise ordinary people to put on a uniform, fly half way across the world to rape and murder women and children and urinate on the dead corpses?]

Anyone who didn’t believe us should read the following:

NZ male childhood abuse ‘huge’


A national campaigner on male sexual abuse believes as many as one in three men have been sexually abused in childhood.

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust manager Ken Clearwater, of Christchurch, spoke at a workshop in Nelson yesterday.

He also hoped to help set up a support group in the Nelson-Blenheim area for men who suffered sexual abuse in childhood.

Clearwater said there were huge gaps in the knowledge and services available for men who have been sexually abused in childhood.

But it was a critical issue for the country to acknowledge and in which to develop expertise and programmes.

Research showed that up to 70 per cent of men in prison for non-sexual offences had experienced sexual abuse in childhood.

Men who had suffered abuse tended towards violence and anti-social behaviour, he said.

Research showed that 62 per cent of men in psychiatric care had been sexually abused in childhood.

“They are pretty huge figures.

“We need to say this is unacceptable. We need to do something about it. We need to protect our young men; otherwise they will hurt people.”

Statistics in New Zealand showed one in eight boys had been abused in childhood, but he believed abuse was seriously under-reported.

The United States believed one in six boys had been sexually abused and Canada used figures of one in four boys having been abused in childhood.

He believed New Zealand’s real rate of abuse might be as high as Canada or even higher at one in three boys.

When he first started doing this work in the mid-1990s, most men coming forward who had suffered abuse were in their 30s and early 40s.

Their lives had often hit rock bottom before they sought help.

He wanted to help change that so young boys were able to get the help they needed so they did not end up in prison or in the mental health system.

He said there was a “huge, huge gap” in knowledge and services available for men who had suffered sexual abuse as a child, compared with what was available for women.

It was only as late as the late 1980s and early 1990s the issue started to be acknowledged and taken seriously.

Men had traditionally struggled to come forward and talk about what had happened to them because they thought they would be OK.

There was also a tendency in New Zealand culture not to see men as victims.

“It’s about saying this is a criminal act and the best way to deal with it is to talk about it.”

No research had been done in New Zealand on male victims of sexual abuse in childhood, but Otago University was starting a study this year.

His motto was “challenge the silence”.

There were few specialists dealing with the area of male sexual abuse and, potentially, counsellors might not have training in dealing specifically with male survivors. Women had numerous agencies where they could get help.

Philip Chapman, of the Male Room, said a support group for male survivors of sexual abuse would be set up in Nelson and meetings at the Male Room would be run in conjunction with the INP Medical Centre. It would be the first support group of its kind in Nelson.

How the meetings would be held was still being worked out.

Those interested should contact Chapman on 03 5480403.  – © Fairfax NZ News

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Eye on Naked New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on March 15, 2010

Edited by TEAA and D.H.

What’s Up With Fort New Zealand?

Moral toxicity: ‘Twelve children apprehended for sexual assault over year

A 5-year-old child and two others aged 6 were among 12 children reportedly apprehended by police for sexual assault in the year to June 2009.

Police say they reprimanded 716 children for a range of crimes during the year, according to New Zealand Herald,  which received the “figures through an Official Information Act request.” NZPA said.

For those readers who are NOT familiar with NZ Official Information Act (OIA), in brief, it translates to “OIA request is something you make in Hollywood films!” In other words, did you honestly expect us to tell you what’s really up with this country?

The numbers are of course out of a hat, like the financial figures released by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, or the New Zealand road toll issued by the Ministry of Transport.

“Police would release no details of the sexual assaults to the paper, citing privacy issues.” NZPA added.

There you have it! Case proven.

“The youngest of the juveniles caught in 2008/09 included a four-year-old girl, two five-year-old girls and five five-year-old boys, for dishonesty offences such as shoplifting, burglary or theft of property valued under $500.”

Other children committed a range of “adult offenses” such as cannabis possession, possession of a weapon and threatening to kill.

“The numbers, though higher than the year before, were about half of those from a decade ago.”

There you have it again. The number is boiled down, cooked, tossed, doctored and iced over, in almost exactly the same way as every single official statistics in New Zealand has been for the past 80 years to look better than “a decade ago.”

Related Links:

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