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Archive for April 10th, 2009

Extreme Violence Now Endemic in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on April 10, 2009

Violent Crimes in New Zealand: UP and UP!

pakeha Antisocial gene continues to wreak havoc across New Zealand

As a general rule, ALL data released by New Zealand govt and organizations are heavily doctored to hide adverse data/bad news/poor performance … and falsify beneficial  outcomes. Why?

Because bad news is bad for business!

The following stats released by New Zealand ‘police farce’ should therefore be viewed with that caveat in mind. [Translation: The official crime stats show only a fraction of total crime figures!]

Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/2307303/Violent-crime-continues-to-rise

[Note: New Zealand’s violent crime figures, especially murder and rape, are substantially under reported.]

  • New Zealand Population (the 2-legged): 4,303,421
    (Note: Population info supplied by Perfidious pakeha at Statistics NZ – actual figures are UNKNOWN.)
  • Age groups 15 to 60:  2,625,000
  • Reported Crimes:  431,381 offenses committed in 2008, compared with 426,380 in 2007.
  • Average number of crimes committed:  1 crime per 6 people (aged 15 to 60 — pakeha pensioners with sticky fingers not included)

Reported violent crimes in New Zealand rose by 20 percent from 2006 to 2008

  • Reported homicides: 109 homicides in 2008 [compared with 88 in 2007,]  or a rise of 24 percent on the previous year

[Notes: 1. Of the many people who go missing in New Zealand each year and whose bodies are never found, there’s no mention in the police report.]

2. The deaths of an inordinate number of people whose bodies are found in burnt out cars throughout New Zealand are automatically categorized as “non-suspicious” by the police farce.]

  • Drugs and anti-social offenses increased 4.2 percent
  • House burglaries were up 4.3 percent

Related Links:

Posted in anti-social, anti-social gene, doctoring the stats, Murder, Pakeha | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Another old age pensioner violently beaten

Posted by te2ataria on April 10, 2009

sent by a reader in Auckland

Louis Watts: A victim of a culture of extreme violence he created in New Zealand

It must be very reassuring for the old-age pensioners who move to “retirement villages” that they are 100 percent safe (!)

Louis Watts, 85, was brutally attacked in his own home.

Ask Louis Watts, for example. He was attacked in his Wiri retirement village and suffered multiple injuries, including a broken cheek, a broken jaw bone, cuts and bruises to the back of the head.

Watts, 85, was watching television in his home “when a man appeared out of nowhere” and attacked him, according to a police [defective senile sergeant.]

He claims that his attacker was middle aged (!) “fat” Maori or a Polynesian.

Of course, Mr Watts is no stranger to violence. He was a Second World War veteran. He must have fired a few shots in anger, perhaps even killed a Jerry or two. And what about those daring soldier reports you read? The ones about super heroes who cut off the dead soldiers’ ears and private parts to strike fear in the heart of the enemy? Don’t look at him like this, lying in hospital bed with his face all smashed up, feeling miserable and sorry for himself; he was quite a lad in his time, a one-man killing machine.

Louis Watt’s grandson Adam Little, left, and son-in-law Keith Oddy lecture the media about the attack. Photo: Kim Ruscoe. Image maybe subject to copyright.

Mr Watts military record aside, there’s an interesting twist to this story:

Mr Watts’ son-in-law, Keith Oddy, says he was shocked when he learned about the attack and thought:  “The scumbags are at it again.”

Clearly he thinks Maori and “fat” Maori [Polynesians] are scumbags.  Mr Oddy who is an Australian, says he chose to raise his family in New Zealand [instead of  raising them in Australia] because it was a “good, safe country.”  What immediately smacks you in the face is that Australia is NOT a “good, safe country!”

So, Mr Oddy [is it short for  Oddball,] have you ever wondered which “scumbags” might have ruined “Australia” rendering it an “un-good,” unsafe country?

Surely it couldn’t have been THE “scumbags?” Even a roo-brain like you couldn’t blame the Aborigines for the violence in Australia, could they?

Oddy goes on to say: “Hopefully the New Zealand Government and the public will do something about it.”

Yes, there are still a few thousand Maori and “fat” Maori around, which the New Zealand Government and the public haven’t come around to annahilating. Any suggestions, roo-brain?

As for the rest of you daring expats who are not too worried about toxic poisoning and catastrophic earthquakes, and are bravely planning a move to New Zealand:

WELCOME to pakeha house of horror!

Related News:

Posted in culture of violence, Extreme violence, old-age pensioners, war veteran | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »