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Archive for October 15th, 2015

How will NZ cope with 1,000 additional hardened criminals?

Posted by te2ataria on October 15, 2015

Submitted by a reader

 1,000 Criminals could be deported back to NZ – PM

About 1,000 New Zealanders could be deported from Australia as their new immigration policy kicks in, NZ Prime Minister has said.

“Those people are New Zealand citizens that have a right to come back, whatever the number is,” said John “Don” Key.

He has failed to explain how the country will cope with an influx of hardened criminals.

Labour’s foreign affairs spokesperson told Radio NZ that the government had been preparing for months for an influx of more than 1,000 criminal from Australia.

“I am surprised that the government hasn’t made this public because the government has been negotiating with their Australian counterparts across five or six different Ministries, including Police, Justice, Immigration and Health – to try and work out how they are going to manage the return of these people and a thousand must have been the number that came up amongst them.”

Australian government decided in December to detain and deport non-Australians who have incurred a prison sentence of a year or longer.

“As a group we are more employed as Australians as a group, we earn more than average Australians as a group, we are actually incarcerated at a lower rate than Australians as a group. New Zealanders are lifters in Australia, they are not leaners,” said the Don.

But, this is NOT about “lifting” or “leaning.” It’s to do with committing serious crimes, and then re-offending.


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