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Posts Tagged ‘Invercargill’

NZ Police Bullshit Stories: Lying by Omission

Posted by te2ataria on April 22, 2019

Multiple police cars, van and house wrecked during unnecessary chase

In the latest [reported] incident, multiple police cars, a house and a van were wrecked, but cops implied only one police car was involved in the ill-fated, unnecessary pursuit.

‘Man flees from Police following family harm mater [sic]’

[Police spelling lesson #209,452 – there are two “t”s in “matter”]

Monday, 22 April 2019 – 12:29pm – Southern

“Statement attributable to Inspector Mike Bowman, Acting Area Commander Southland [he’ll never know the benefits of good schooling!]

“Police were called to a family harm matter in Invercargill shortly after 10am. After threatening people at an address a man has then fled in a vehicle.

“While responding to the incident Police located the vehicle near Grasmere and attempted to stop it by laying road spikes. The fleeing driver has avoided the road spokes and continued driving towards Invercargill. Police patrols continued to follow the fleeing driver towards the Windsor area.

“The fleeing driver has then collided with a Police car and as a result of this crash the Police vehicle has hit a house causing significant damage. No-one was seriously injured in the incident.”

[See police report]

Another Police Lie by Omission: Vehicles rearranged to fit fake narrative, missing the house, or more than one police car wrecked?

What’s wrong with this picture? Where’s the significantly damaged house in the rearranged scene?

[Best caption competition: Win a prize for the best caption for photo below!]

Where’s the damaged house? “The fleeing driver has then collided with a Police car and as a result of this crash the Police vehicle has hit a house causing significant damage. No-one was seriously injured in the incident.” Photo credit: Whatsoninvers.nz/ via NZHerald; caption from police report. Image may be subject to copyright.

A more recent photo posted HERE shows a second police vehicle which has crashed into a house.

Hundreds of police cars destroyed/damaged in crashes each year

Many of the vehicles are used by police as a deadly weapon to ram “fleeing” drivers out of the road causing fatalities.

‘[Many] More than 250 police vehicles were involved in crashes last year’

The figures released under the Official Information Act by the New Zealand Transport Agency reveal 254 police-registered vehicles were involved in crashes in 2018.”

[Note: To say that the figures were “released under the Official Information Act” makes it seem like the stats were not doctored!! Moderator DH.]

Don’t you just love the details??
There were eight crashes involving U-turning police vehicles in 2018 [“with three in Auckland, one in Canterbury, one in Otago, one in Waikato and two in Wellington”,] compared with three in 2017 [“one each in Manawatū, Canterbury and Southland”,] the report emphasized.

Unlike in 2018, there were no crashes involving U-turning police vehicles in the normal hot spots — Auckland, Canterbury, Otago, Waikato and Wellington — in all of 2017, the report failed to say.

The Police Off-icer of the Year Merit Award (2017)

The Police Off-icer of the Year Award for 2017 goes to the heroic “police officer, working alone” in Murupara, the Bay of Plenty [of deaths, who] was “driving two young children home when he stopped to arrest a man believed to have been involved in a recent armed robbery [in October 2017.]”

[The off-icer gets additional points for failing to realize that the presence of the suspect in his car posed a potential threat to the children.]

The unnamed off-icer placed the suspect “Maaki Emery, 18 at the time, in the front seat of the police car, with his hands handcuffed in front of his body.”

Later, he got out of the car to drop off the children leaving the keys in the ignition and the engine running. [More points added for intelligent reflexes.]

“Emery moved over to the driver’s seat, locked the doors and drove off.”

Another Reason Why NZ Poolice Cowboy Farce Should Never Be Disarmed

Our super intelligent off-icer shouted at Emery to stop car and then fired two shots at the police car with his Glock pistol, which he was routinely carrying, but [thankfully] missed. [Additional points for intelligent decision making, shooting at the car, clinched the prize!]

The suspect escaped easily and the police car was found abandoned that evening with the officer’s deadly M4 rifle and ammunition still in the car.

In NZ You Can Run, But Where Can You Hide [Anyway?]

Emery was found less than three weeks later and charged, the report said.

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Another Murder Mystery?

Posted by te2ataria on April 3, 2017

Heavily Censored Police Road Fatality Reports

  • NO vehicle-related fatality allowed in police reports as of posting Monday, despite multiple serious crashes.
  • Sunday’s UPDATE: One vehicle-related fatality allowed reported in late police bulletin. See below.


Man’s body found 200 metres from crash

Late on Sunday, police reported the fatality saying, “male has been located following a report to Police that a driver had been ejected from a vehicle on SH1 at Pohuehue.”

However, Warkworth Volunteer Fire Brigade Senior Station Officer Devan Flewellyn said:

“The car was just left in the middle of the road. No one who had come across the accident knew anything of the whereabouts of the driver.”

Firefighters had searched for the driver but could not find him, until a police dog arrived.

“They did a search with the police dog and after probably an hour or so the dog handler found him down sort of a rock cliff thing, down over the side,” he said.

NZ Police Clowns: Extreme Malevolence, Institutional Corruption, Phenomenal Incompetence

An elderly woman is in hospital after police vehicle crashed into her car

Missing Women of New Zealand

Body found in believed to be missing Westport woman Leanne Ryall
A female body found in Westport on Saturday is believed to be the missing woman Leanne Ryall, the 50-year-old who went missing on March 17. [At least one closure is now made, but 10,999 others to go. —Moderator B.]

Other News in Drips…

Tourist who felt ‘blatantly misled’ by Picton visitor guide lays formal complaint

Invercargill toddler run over by car in driveway

Name Release – Fatal crash on SH2, Mangatawhiri, 28 March 2017
“Police have named the man who was killed following a crash that occurred on SH2 in Mangatawhiri on 28 March 2017 involving a truck and a car.”
The driver of the car was 29-year-old Brenton Paul Hughes of Browns Bay.

Name release: Fatal microlight crash
Police have released names of the two people killed in the microlight crash at Kaka Point in the Catlins yesterday. They were 30-year-old Thomas John Evans and 26-year-old Jenna Frances Craig, who lived in south Otago.

NAME RELEASE – Makikihi (Canterbury) fatal crash Friday 31 March
Police have released name of the man who was killed in a crash between a car and a truck near Makikihi, South Canterbury on Friday. He was 29-year-old Todd Samuel Kevin Melhop who lived in Mosgiel.

The Latest Police Work of Art of National Significance


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If a Kiwi did this in Australia, he would be neutered!

Posted by te2ataria on November 2, 2016

Sent by an angry reader in Queenstown

Frigging judge sentences deranged Aussie to community work, instead of locking him up!

Drunk, deranged Australian tourist J William Roncevich went on eight-hour rampage in Queenstown, however, instead of being locked up, he was sentenced to do community work.

Roncevich has previous alcohol-related convictions in Australia. He admitted two charges of making threats to kill, three charges of assaulting police, one charge of common assault and one charge of resisting arrest.

J William Roncevich, 25, from Northern Territory, assaulted three police officers, bit a Korean guest, who had tried to restrain him, at a flee motel in Queenstown, spat saliva and blood, and threatened to kill police and ambulance staff on August 8.

“This was an appalling alcohol-fuelled abusive and potentially dangerous situation from your perspective,” said the frigging Judge Christina Cook during sentencing at Queenstown District Court, justifying the lenient sentencing.

“The defendant was left in the cell to calm down. However, while in the cell, he began to head-butt the floor [coded police language for ‘the attending cops kicked the shit out of the accused, while he was in custody,’] then stood up and due to his intoxicated state lost his balance and face-planted on to the concrete floor [coded police language for ‘the officers continued to beat the shit out of the accused,’ while he was still in custody,] causing an injury to his eye and chin,” the judge said.

How much of the facts, news, information… are we entitled to know? Not much! If you ask the authorities (government, shadow government, police…)

More on that later!

Other News in Drips…

Fatal Crash Pakuranga, Auckland
A fatal crash occurred at approximately 10pm on Reeves Road in Pakuranga, Auckland, on Wednesday, police reluctantly reported. A motorcyclist was killed in a crash involving a car and a motorcycle.  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/fatal-crash-pakuranga-auckland

Man found dead following Invercargill fire
A man has been found dead following a fire at an Invercargill residential property overnight. Emergency services responded to a fire at a block of five flats in Tramway Road shortly after 1am. The deceased man was subsequently located in one of the flats.

Yet another police pursuit ends in a crash

“Police initiated a pursuit in Manurewa at approximately 6:37pm tonight after the driver of a stolen car failed to stop.”  http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/crash-following-fleeing-driver-incident-manurewa

Manawatu plagued by burglaries and thefts: How else would you pay for your daily “P” fix???

As the perfidious police farce continue to frantically fiddle the figures for serious crimes committed nationwide,  Manawatu homeowners begin to seriously doubt the effectiveness of policing in their area.

“[Fictitious figures published by] Statistics New Zealand show there were 408 victims of theft and related offences in the Manawatu area in August last year, with the numbers jumping to 582 in August 2016 – a 42.6 per cent increase. ” [As for the actual figures, you’ll have to go door to door and ask each and every  resident in the area, Moderator D.H.]



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How much do you have left after paying mortgage, bills…?

Posted by te2ataria on July 7, 2016

Are you a mortgage-payer? Would you like to tell us about your daily life challenges?

NZ homeowners survey: How much money do you have left after paying your mortgage, bills…? How do you make ends meet? How often do you feel ripped off? Would you like to tell us about your experience?


Sent by a reader:

“Let’s go bomb the motherfucking Hajis:” Another murderous psychopath legally exposed…

In the 21st century, How much support from the civilized world do war criminals need to walk free?

“I’ll be with you… whatever!”


The State’s other Stinking Secrets

Truth about the daily road carnage on the roads would hurt the massive foreign investment in New Zealand’s $10 billion tourism industry.

The NZ TOURISTS or truth? Campaign (police censorship of road fatalities) continues…

Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 470 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016

One killed after car crash in the Waikato
One person was killed after a car crash in rural Waikato. The crash happened just after 8.30pm on Sunday, on Kakaramea Road, near Ngahinapouri, in the Waipa.

Man killed in car crash near Invercargill on Wednesday named
Sootagaoaiga (Sam) Lavea, aged 23, was the victim of a fatal vehicle crash on Woodlands-Invercargill SH1, near Kennington, on Wednesday. http://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-times/news/81845978/man-who-died-in-car-crash-near-invercargill-on-wednesday-named.html

nz road toll - as doctored by police - 4jul2016

At least two reported fatal crashes, and three days later, the death toll remains unchanged…

nz road toll - as doctored by police - 7-7-2016

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WTF: It’s illegal to talk about suicide in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on May 20, 2016

Foreword: It’s illegal to talk about suicide in New Zealand, allegedly to prevent copycats. It’s also illegal, or effectively illegal through censorship, to complain about government, judiciary and police corruption, or discuss racism, poverty and social injustice…  to prevent copycats, or for other equally important reasons, of course!

UK grief counsellor and social worker of 25 years loses her own son to apparent suicide

Believe or not, it’s illegal to talk about suicide in Godzone. Apparently, criminal laws govern what we can and can’t say about suicide, or even suspected suicide.

UK mother Catherine Hanson-Friend lost her only son, Patrick, 15, to apparent suicide.

The Invercargill teen is one of at least four Southlanders whose deaths are suspected suicides in the last 10 weeks.

NZ’s cooked suicide data

Chief Coroner’s provisional suicide deaths by district health board region in 2014-15:

Auckland, 48; Bay of Plenty, 32; Canterbury, 61; Capital and Coast, 30; Counties Manukau, 47; Hawkes bay, 29; Hutt, 16; Lakes, 10; Mid Central, 27; Nelson Marlborough, 18; Northland, 28; South Canterbury, 8; Southern, 42; Tairawhiti, 13; Taranaki, 19; Waikato, 49; Wairarapa, 9; Waitemata, 63; West Coast, 7; Whanganui, 8: TOTAL: 564 – highest number since records began in 2007-8.

  • 2013-14: 529
  • 2012-13: 541
  • 2011-12: 547
  • 2010-11: 558
  • 2009-10: 541
  • 2008-09: 531
  • 2007-08: 540


Joining the queue at Work and Income

“Go see Work and Income,” said Prime Minister John Key, advising the homeless and unfortunate. We did.

One morning at a Christchurch Work and Income office: “The scene is unpleasant. It also feels discriminatory and, at the very least, rude.”

“I just hate going in there, it’s so demeaning. I don’t want to be in this position, I never imagined I would be. I have no choice but to ask them for help since my partner died. I’m bringing up our children on my own. It is what it is.”

Police failed to find vehicle and driver that caused fatal crash

The driver of a “dark-coloured people mover” that caused the deaths of former All Black Ian Uttley and his wife has never been found.

The State’s other Stinking Secrets

Truth hurts New Zealand tourism. The average tourist would not visit this country, if they knew true extent of the daily carnage on our deadly roads. Therefore:

To protect the tourism industry, about two-thirds of the road fatalities in New Zealand go unreported by our political police, or unrecorded by Minitru [“Ministry of Transport”.]

About 2.7 million licensed but not necessary qualified drivers, half million or so unlicensed/unqualified drivers and more than one million tourists (per year) drive on New Zealand death roads.

A large number of the above drive a vehicle under the influence (illicit drugs, banned substances, prescription medication…), while intoxicated, fatigued or mentally unfit, resulting in inordinate numbers of fatalities and injuries. [Other factors for the carnage include deadly roads, road unworthy vehicles…]

Between 2001 and 2014, New Zealand’s vehicle fleet reportedly increased by 32 per cent, while the population grew by 16 per cent and foreign travel was up by 15 per cent.  And over the last 10 years the number of international visitors has increased by about 30 per cent.

Today is DAY 155 of the latest NZ TOURISTS or truth? (police censorship of road fatalities) campaign

  • Blog estimate: About 900 people are killed on NZ roads each year. [Most probably] up to 350 road fatalities have occurred in NZ since 1 January 2016

How do they do it?

Police manipulate the road toll by censoring reports of fatal crashes, while the Ministry of Transport simply delete the unwanted road fatalities, even from their published records.

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“Unexplained death” another Aussie murder mystery?

Posted by te2ataria on October 28, 2015

Who killed the Australian woman on Bluff Highway?

The Australian female national who was killed on Bluff Highway has finally been named as Tamara Maree Schmidt, 37, from Brisbane, Australia, Invercargill Police said.

Anyone with information can contact Invercargill Police on 03 211 0400. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/name-released-unexplained-death

“She was potentially dead when she was hit,” said Southern district police communications manager Nic Barkley.

“It’s extremely strange. We are trying to piece together exactly what happened.”

“Potentially dead?” Where else could you find such genius?

Invercargill crash victim named

Police have finally named the woman killed in a car crash in Invercargill on Monday as Cheryl Anne Hussy.

Hussy was killed after her [possibly defective] Nissan car crashed into the Invercargill Farmers store near the intersection of Dee and Yarrow streets about 7.10am.

“All we know is no other vehicle was involved,” said Detective Matt Wyatt.

Body found on Waiheke identified

The body of a man found on Waiheke Island earlier this month has been identified as 50-year-old Sam Hala Halagigie, who was not a resident of the Island. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/body-found-waiheke-identified

Cyclist critically injured in Tauranga crash

Bay of Plenty of Deaths. At 7.55am this morning (Wednesday, 28 October) a van collided with a cyclist at the intersection of Waihi Road and Churchill Road, Tauranga.

The cyclist, 30, sustained serious head and neck injuries and is described as being in a critical condition in Tauranga Hospital.

Death in Linwood “not suspicious”

Canterbury Police have concluded that the death of Robert Varley on Sunday (25 October 2015) was “not suspicious”.

Another road death

“Early on Saturday morning the number of motorcyclists who have died on our roads rose to 11 after a man on his way to work discovered the wreckage of a motorcycle at the intersection of Hutchinson and the Matamata-Walton Roads about 5.30am.

“Searching a nearby paddock the man then found the body of 21-year-old farm worker, Stoney Arthur Stephen BROWN.”

At lease 35 people have been killed in 32 crashes in the Waikato, so far this year, police said. http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/holiday-weekend-fatalities-prompt-warning-waikato-police

Man who was killed in Hamilton “fall” named

The man who was killed allegedly after falling from a central Hamilton car park on Tuesday has been named as Jamie Thomas Strahan, 41.

There were “no suspicious circumstances” associated with the death, said Waikato Senior Sergeant Juliet Burgess.

The incident occurred at the busy intersection of Anglesea St and Ward St around 8am on October 27, NZME reported.



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Jaws Attacks Teen in NZ Shark-infested Waters

Posted by te2ataria on February 2, 2010

Invercargill Girl, 14,  Survives ‘Attack by a Shark’

Surviving sexual advances by the police, politicians, music/TV/film stars, rugby celebrities, her peers,  and Moko the Dolphin, the 14-year-old Invercargill girl allegedly survives attack by a butt-biting shark.

Lydia Ward’s mother said the shark’s bite penetrated her wetsuit and skin, as she pounded the creature with her body board to make it release her butt from its grasp. The shark wouldn’t let go of her hip, as she fought it in waist-deep water at Oreti Beach near Invercargill last night, a report said.

“Lydia thought she stood on the shark, tried to move away and stood on it again,” her mother said according to the report.

“I saw my brother’s face and turned to the side and saw this large grey thing in the water so I just hit it on the head with a boogie board,” Lydia said.

“I’m sort of fine. It still doesn’t really feel real that it actually happened.”

Her brother, who was swimming close to her, said the shark was about 1.5m long, and considers himself ‘lucky” because the shark had not tried to bite him instead as he was not wearing a wetsuit.

Lydia and her brother ran to their dad.

“Dad though I was crazy when I came out of the water but then I showed him the wetsuit and he was pretty shocked.”

Her mother, Fiona, still finds it hard to believe her story.

“She just came out and said ‘I’ve been bitten by a shark’ and honestly, the terrible thing about it was I thought she was having me on and then she just pointed to her wetsuit and there’s the bite marks.”

“I was like, ‘for real’, and her brother who was in the water with her said ‘yeah it was this big grey thing came out of the water'”, and showed the shocked parents the size of the fin.

Lydia’s parents rushed her to the town hospital’s emergency department but gave up after a long wait.

Her mother, Fiona, said neither Lydia nor her 15-year-old brother planned to go back into New Zealand waters in the foreseeable future.

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New Zealand Wild Weather Update

Posted by te2ataria on July 23, 2009

sent by a reader

Stay Out of New Zealand

UPDATE – 24/07/2009 0:12:01 [by TEAA]

Storm causes North Island disruption


Wild weather is wrecking havoc around Wellington tonight with one slip closing State Highway 1 in the middle of peak hour traffic and another derailing a train.

A tree had come down causing the slip at Pukerua Bay, 35km northeast of Wellington, about 5.30pm, Inspector Mike Coleman, of Central police communications, said.

Large earth moving machinery had been brought in, and one lane had been opened about 8pm, which was alternating clearing the backlog of north and southbound traffic, he told NZPA. The nearest alternate route, Paekakariki hill road, was also closed about 6.30pm due to a large amount of gravel washed onto the road.

Sewage City [Wellington] pummeled by Wild weather
UPDATE: July 23, 2009, 8:37 pm

Wild weather [wreaking] havoc around Wellington


Wild weather is wrecking havoc around Wellington tonight with one slip closing State Highway 1 in the middle of peak hour traffic and another derailing a train.

A tree had come down causing the slip at Pukerua Bay, 35km northeast of Wellington, about 5.30pm, Inspector Mike Coleman, of Central police communications, said.

Large earth moving machinery had been brought in, and one lane had been opened about 8pm, which was alternating clearing the backlog of north and southbound traffic, he told NZPA. The nearest alternate route, Paekakariki hill road, was also closed about 6.30pm due to a large amount of gravel washed onto the road.

Strong winds gusting up to 130kmh were forecast for Wellington and Wairarapa.

Winds up to 120kmh were forecast for Canterbury, Marlborough, Gisborne, high ground of the central North Island, the Kaimai and Coromandel Ranges and Great Barrier Island.

Wild weather pounding most parts of the country

Wild weather on the way

Severe winds have begun to lash the lower North Island, with the worst expected to bring down trees and powerlines later today.

The biggest gust recorded in the region this morning was 109 kmh on the Rimutaka Hill, but forecasters are warning that the worst weather will arrive this afternoon.

MetService said gusts of 130kmh will hit Wellington, Wairarapa and parts of the Hawke’s Bay from midday and continue throughout the day.

The winds are also expected to affect parts of the central North Island plateau, the Kaimai Range, Coromandel Peninsula and Great Barrier Island.

Severe norwesterly gales gusting up to 120kmh were expected to hit inland parts of Canterbury.


Lightening strikes are here. Time now for “Brimstone and Fire?”

Lightning strikes zap Invercargill

A cluster of lightning strikes struck Invercargill yesterday, blowing phone jacks out of walls, damaging electrical equipment and cutting electricity in part of the city.

Wet and wild weather that began in the early hours of yesterday morning culminated in a series of lightning strikes in north Invercargill about 9am.

Several houses in Talbot St were struck by bolts, described by one resident as a “fireball”.


Environmental Safety News

Russian roulette 1080 challenge to mayor


The carrot may or may not have been laced with 1080, the mayor was told when Mr Livingston pulled the stunt at a council special orders meeting in Taupo.

David Livingstone, a Turangi man opposed to the use of 1080 poison, challenged Mr Cooper to drink a glass of water containing the carrot.

Taupo Mayor Rick Cooper and his councillors were challenged to play Russian roulette today with a carrot that could have been laced with 1080 poison.

Related Links:

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Baghdad on a Bad Day?

Posted by te2ataria on June 24, 2008

Violence Escalates in New Zealand

Warning: Stay Out of New Zealand!

paramilitary police protect firefighters in new zealand
Heavily armed paramilitary unit protects 20 firefighters trying to extinguish a house fire which was started deliberately in the city of Invercargill, one of New Zealand gang war zones, Saturday night. Last week the headquarters of another Invercargill gang were burnt to the ground. Image: The Southland Times/Stuff NZ. Image may be subject to copyright. See NewZeelend Fair Use Notice!

Wanganui Mayor Michael Laws compares New Zealand gangs’ lawlessness to violence in Zimbabwe and says the army should be called in to crush them. “This is not Zimbabwe but in some parts of this country the rule of gang thugs resembles such.” He said. (Source)

Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt has called for police to be given greater power to deal with gangs after a feud between the Mongrel Mob and Road Knights escalated with another house going up in flames at the weekend. (Source)

A New Zealand University Expert: Violence will get a lot worse!

“In the Hawkes Bay region of the North Island, police say it is a matter of pure luck that they are not dealing with multiple murders after members of a local gang chapter tore apart a 21st birthday party, using knives, baseball bats and a machete.”

“Five partygoers were admitted to Hawke’s Bay Hospital with serious injuries after 100 people at the Hastings party were attacked by local members of The Mongrel Mob around midnight on Saturday.”

Hasting Mayor Lawrence Yule: The violence—the fifth such gang-related attack in three weeks against innocent people—is causing major concern among residents and law enforcers alike. (Source)

Caligula, the empress of New Zeelend: I assure you New Zealanders [and foreign tourists, no doubt] crime rates are actually dropping. [What you are seeing is, in fact, not the reality! You are imagining the whole thing!]

Posted in health, Murder, New Zealand, New Zealand Poisoning Syndrome, pollution, rape, Tourism, tourist, Tourist Deathtrap, Travel | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »