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Archive for the ‘“colored” students’ Category

“Why would God love you?”

Posted by te2ataria on April 19, 2020

Interesting comments of the week:

Commenting on

“Vengeance is Mine, and I’m Repaying!”

Tom said:

Thank you for telling it the way it is:
“Vengeance is Mine, and I’m Repaying!”

I’m sick of the corporate religions falsely claiming, “God loves you!”
Why would God love you? Could it be because you’re destroying his 4.5b-year-old creation, you fucking apes?

Commenting on

Britain’s treacherous PM gravely ill!

Lilly replied to another reader:

“Innocent bystander” is an oxymoron. How could any bystander, save for a disabled person, claim innocence while a murder, rape or serious crime is being committed in front of their eyes?

Army Vet said:

Waiting impatiently to shout from the top of my healthy lungs: Alpha Mike Foxtrot!

Brother John said:

Demons are sent to try us. Both Trump and Johnson serve at the pleasure [and provide sexual favours] to at least three or four of the following demon lords:

– Demogorgon
– Lucifer
– Mammon
– Asmodeus
– Leviathan
– Beelzebub
– Satan
– Belphegor

Anonymous said:

The evil critters are there for a purpose!  [The comment has since disappeared, but one of the moderators remembered the gist of it, though not the exact wording.]

ET said:

Even human feaces can turn into fertiliser.

Commenting on

Terraforming the World for a New Lease of Life

GLE said:

This is Magic!

Nevada casinos closing for 30 days following state order

Yes it is! Now imagine permanently shutting down the world’s vilest places! Moderator D



Posted in "colored" students, Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , , | 14 Comments »

Who Killed the Indian Student Sunil Kumar?

Posted by te2ataria on October 2, 2013

Body found on beach cremated without being positively identified?


  • How did the coroner establish the decomposing corpse was indeed that of the missing Indian student Sunil Kumar Raghavaraju?

  • Is it true that they obtained DNA from his family in India?

  • If his family was located in India and gave a DNA sample, why didn’t they claim his body for two and a half years until it was cremated?

  • WAS this yet another example of lies, deception and shabby performance by a NZ coroner!

A NZ Coroner said the badly decomposed body found at 90 Mile Beach on February 13, 2011 was that of the Indian Student Mr Sunil Kumar Raghavaraju, 25.

Body found on beach cremated after lying unclaimed for two years

The body of a man found at 90 Mile Beach had to be cremated because it posed a health and safety risk after being left unclaimed in a morgue for two years, according to a coroner’s finding.

When the body of Sunil Kumar Raghava Raju, 25, was discovered on February 13, 2011 there was initially no indication who he was, Coroner Brandt Shortland said.

Mr Raju’s body was washed up in a state so decomposed, his ethnicity could not be identified.

“His skin pigmentation had deteriorated and there was just nothing that the police could find to identify him or work with.

“The cause of death was undetermined at that time, though [there was] a strong belief he at least drowned.”

Fingerprints taken from his body proved inconclusive when compared to the police database, Coroner Shortland said.

“Mr Raju had never been in trouble with the law in New Zealand, hence no match.”

On February 26 that year, police received a report of a missing 25-year-old Indian male.

Flatmates of Mr Raju, who was a student in Auckland at the time, had reported him missing when he failed to stay in contact with them.

Mr Raju had finished a course and told his flatmates that he was heading to Hamilton to look for work. However, there was no evidence as to whether he actually made it to Hamilton, Coroner Shortland said.

How he arrived at Ahipara still remains a mystery, Coroner Shortland said.

Police effectively left no stone unturned, but were unable to answer the basic questions on how Mr Raju was even in that area and the reasons why he was there, Coroner Shortland said.

“Natural conclusions formed a view that he had not been there previously.

“The fact he was washed up on 90 Mile Beach raised lots of questions with very few answers.”

Police conducted a thorough inquiry including searching missing persons’ files, fingerprint checks, inquiries with forensic dentists, shipping company records, inquiries into overboard fishermen, Interpol inquiries and searching carparks and camping grounds in the Far North – to no avail.

The initial investigation was carried out by a police officer based in the northernmost police station in the country, who “used all his resources and plugged all his contacts for any information and effectively came up blank”, Coroner Shortland said.

A subsequent post-mortem examination unearthed no evidence of pre-mortem injuries however, extensive post-mortem injuries were present which were likely to be the result of shark bites, Dr Jane Vuletic said.

“Due to the degree of decomposition present, a cause of death was not identified.”

Coroner Shortland said Mr Raju had been in the water for so long it defeated any possibility of accurately determining the cause of death.

However there were no injuries which suggested violence either before or during death.

Police also found no activity on Mr Raju’s Facebook page or with his bank balances.

On the balance of probabilities it was most likely Mr Raju drowned, Coroner Shortland said.

“He had not been in trouble with the law. There was no indication he was in conflict with other persons.

“There is no evidence to suggest he was mentally unwell or unstable. As to why he was there and how he got there remains inconclusive.”

Mr Raju’s body remained in the mortuary fridge in Auckland awaiting pick up for two years following his post-mortem examination, Coroner Shortland said.

However, “it came to a point where his body was a health and safety issue and, therefore, the process was then hastened for the purpose of disposal”.

His cremation was funded through ACC. His ashes remain in an urn until either his family claim them or directions are given as to their disposal.

By Brendan Manning – APNZ

Hundreds of people are missing in New Zealand without a trace! At least 450 people, including several Indian students, are missing in New Zealand for more than two years.

Related Links:

Posted in "colored" students, 10 Police Questions, 10 reasons to emigrate to NZ, 10 reasons to study in NZ, 10 reasons to visit NZ, 10 Worst Cities, 10 worst Countries, 10 Worst Holiday Destinations | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Foreign nurses plagued by racism in NZ

Posted by te2ataria on April 22, 2012

Foreign nurses working in NZ report widespread and shocking racism

Asian and Indian nurses are commonly targeted, according to an online survey of more than 2,000 people.

Foreign nurses report racism in NZ

Foreign nurses working in New Zealand report widespread and shocking racism

The issue’s emerged in preliminary results from an online survey of more than 2,000 people who’ve joined the New Zealand Nurses Organisation in the past five years.

Researcher Leonie Walker says the bulk of those new members are overseas trained, but the racism was also experienced by nurses trained in this country.
She says the racism is more commonly aimed at Asian and Indian nurses. (Newstalk ZB)

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Posted in "colored" students, 10 reasons to emigrate to NZ, 10 reasons to visit NZ, 10 worst Countries | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Stop Treating Asians Like Animals

Posted by te2ataria on March 22, 2010

Apartheid New Zealand at its Worst:

Whereas Immigrants from South Africa and the United Kingdom are welcome, Asians are ignored or excluded

Kiwis intimidate Asian communities, especially the Indians, and socially exclude them.

Asians, are often “victims of social insults, from our New Zealand cultural arrogance,” said Dr Pita Sharples, Minister of Maori Affairs.

Dr Sharples admitted Asian leaders and friends had told him that they did not feel welcome in New Zealand.

“To me, personally, I feel shamed at those admissions,” he said.

“We criticise and it seems sometimes intimidate the Indian community for dominating the dairies, exacerbating stereotypes instead of recognising their capacity to support each other.”

“Sharples’ comments came ahead of the release at Te Papa today of a new book on immigrant experiences in New Zealand.” Stuff NZ reported.

Longing & Belonging is written by Edwina Pio, an author and academic at Auckland University of Technology.

Pio says [Asian and “dark skinned”] immigrants cannot find work in New Zealand that matched their skills.

Sharples said: “They say that they’ve often found New Zealanders do not seem to accept people who are physically different from them.”

Maori should help lead the move to make Asians feel welcome, Sharples added.

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Posted in "colored" students, 10 Worst Places, Asians, New Zealand, racial discrimination | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 13 Comments »

Racists and Liars

Posted by te2ataria on January 9, 2010

sent by a reader

Racist Aussies in High Places Who Deny the Charge Are Liars, Too!

If you need confirmation that the racist Aussie establishment sanctions the murder of not just Indian students, but little “colored” kids in faraway places, just follow the blood stains to Afghanistan.

  • The Melbourne Police Wizards: There is no evidence of Indian murders being racially motivated.
  • Deputy Prime Minister Gillard: “Any suggestion [that Australian Police are racist] is deeply, deeply offensive to the police officers involved and I would absolutely condemn the making of a comment like that.”
  • Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: “We know we’re not racist.”
  • Police Minister Bob Cameron: “Victoria Police is a very tolerant organisation and Victoria is a very tolerant state. To suggest that Victoria Police is racist is just plain wrong and it’s offensive to the good police we have here in Victoria.”
  • Police Association secretary Greg Davies: “”It’s based on nothing but obviously a slow news day in Delhi. The identity of the offender from the homicide in Footscray isn’t even known at this stage, so we don’t even know what nationality the offender is.”

[They could probably find a down-and-out pakeha and promise him a month supply of P, and who knows, they might get lucky and get the guy to sign a confession.]

  • “To say it’s a race-based crime is not only premature, but stupid.” Davies added.

Note the spin! The Indians’ frustration, which has been simmering for a number of years, finally came to a boil when Nitin Garg was stabbed to death. In 2009 a total of about 60 Indian students were murdered, killed or died from various causes.

In fact just days after the murder of Nitin Garg, Australian police revealed that the half-burnt body of another Indian youth had been found in New South Wales, Australia.

But this Greg Davies guy wins the first prize for shameless denial.

Related Links:

Posted in "colored" students, Indian murders, murder in melbourne, racist murders, Victoria Police | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Ku Klux Klan cartoon angers Aussies

Posted by te2ataria on January 8, 2010

sent by a reader in England


Aussie reaction to the KKK cartoon another expression of racism: “How dare they, those *&^%#* Indians?”


India’s Mail Today ran the cartoon depicting a policeman with a Victoria state  police badge and a pointed KKK-style white hood.

Australia’s acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard said she had not seen the KKK cartoon but condemned it as ”deeply offensive.”

“Any suggestion of the kind is deeply offensive [specially when coming from Indians] and I would condemn the making of such comment.”

Julia Gillard to the Indian Community: “Let me define your rights …

Related Links:

Posted in "colored" students, 10 Worst Places, Murder of Indian Students, Racism in Australia, racism in NZ | Tagged: , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Another Asian Woman Killed in New Zealand

Posted by te2ataria on November 13, 2009

Asian Woman Killed in Brooklyn Suburb of Wellington

Ling Phang, 42, believed to be a Malaysian national, was hit by a bus in Wellington, New Zealand, while out jogging this morning.

The incident occurred at the intersection of Brooklyn Road and Washington Ave at about 8.30 am today.

The victim, who was hit by “the Go Wellington bus,” was eventually taken to Wellington Hospital. By the time she arrived there she was in a critical condition, and reportedly died a short time later.


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Posted in "colored" students, 'Sinocide' in New Zealand, 10 reasons to visit NZ, 10 Worst Cities, 10 worst Countries, Killed in New Zealand | Tagged: , , , | 4 Comments »

Body at Waitemata May Be Missing Student

Posted by te2ataria on November 2, 2009

sent by a reader in Auckland

Body found near Waitemata Harbor may be that of the missing Indian student

Auckland police have not yet released the identity of  a body said to have been found in Millbrook Stream near Waitemata Harbor a few hours ago.

Srikanth Rayadurgam image sent by his friend in India copyright
Mr Srikanth Rayadurgam, 23, came to study in New Zealand in February 2009.

The body was reportedly found in Henderson by emergency services at about 2pm on Monday.

Based on information received from other sources, however, this writer believes that the body is that of the missing Indian student, Mr Srikanth Rayadurgam.

As of sending this information to the blog, police had not yet recovered the body from the water.

The 23 year-old AUT student was reported missing in October after failing to return to a Mount Albert home where he lived with his sister and brother-in-law.

His shoe, backpack, wallet and other personal items were found near the Westhaven Marina the following day. EOR.

UPDATE Added November 3, 2009

The perfidious police say the body is that of a missing NZ man, who lived locally.

In the initial blog entry after the victim was reported missing, Another Indian Student Missing in New Zealand, We said:

In all likelihood Mr Rayadurgam was yet another victim of racially-motivated foul play.

The moderator and blog contributors believed then and they believe now that he fell victim to a racially-motivated murder. Again, we hope we are wrong, but the likelihood that Mr Rayadurgam would found alive is very slim indeed.

Our international readers are reminded that the incompetent NZ police found the body of Mr Jae Hyeon Kim, the Korean student whose head was chopped by a kiwi,  five years after he was murdered, and only after they received an anonymous tip. See Fate of Foreign Students in New Zealand.

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Posted in "colored" students, foreign students, Killed in New Zealand, missing in New Zealand, racism in new zealand, Tourist Deathtrap | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »